But you might’ve missed some of the uplifting stories we’ve written—the stories that point to a light at the end of the tunnel.
Here are a few: 1/
San Diego decided to give car campers a safe place to sleep and get help: st.news/2ri0sy0 2/
That’s what this Tacoma program can do: st.news/2vSnsVU 3/
But in Seattle, there’s a place for them: st.news/2EJj6ra 4/
Here’s how: st.news/2Sl8Cla 5/
Vancouver BC did something like that—here’s how it worked: st.news/2y1gGOJ 6/
It’s possible these and other efforts are working.
seattletimes.com/seattle-news/h… 7/
Let us know if you have questions or story ideas: homeless@seattletimes.com. END/