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Kyle @HNIJohnMiller
, 54 tweets, 67 min read Read on Twitter
1) So, its been awhile since I’ve done a proper bourbon thread. @ThomasWictor retweeted this, and I realized people might not know comicsgate.

Pop open the bottles, drop 2 cubes in a glass, and pour some @4RosesBourbon. It is time for a bourbon thread. The topic?
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon 3) Comics... are an interesting medium. They’re one in which the art style can be seen evolving over decades, the sheer volume and number of active artists each with their own styles contributing to the industry, working in tandem with writers to craft their stories.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon 4) When I say a large number of artists, I’m not kidding. Here’s a picture of the credits page for one volume (7 comics or so usually).
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon 5) The large number of artists is due to simple economics. Serial comics are pumped out monthly. The time to draw, ink, color, etc pages of comics is far larger than that for writing. As such, more and more artists are often being pulled together to meet those deadlines.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon 6) So, you’d think that with the higher demand for artists, it must be a lucrative gig, right?

@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon 7) Here’s a pertinent graph from the 120 or so responses received in the survey. 2/3 of them were below $25k/year, half overall less than $12k/year.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon 8) You see, oftentimes comics artists work effectively as subcontractors, being hired on for specific series, and even then they’re often splitting the work with other artists.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon 9) That means they aren’t salaried, and they’re paid by the page. When your average monthly comic is around 18 pages or so, and you’re only doing every other comic, that means you’re often not making a whole helluva lot.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon 10) On top of this as they aren’t paid based on the success of a comic, there’s no real incentive for them to push themselves or help the comic succeed, they just need to be sure if the series ends they have another lined up.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon 11) Over the course of a few decades of artists being treated as a dime a dozen, that’s how the art for a character like, say, Squirrel Girl can go from this
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon 13) Effortless monocolor backgrounds, inability to draw facial expressions, and other tumblr level bullshit is slowly becoming the norm.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon 14) So why the sudden decline? How did the industry’s standards change so quickly?

I would like to introduce you to @DiversityAndCmx, who’s been at the center of the clusterfuck that is comicsgate, and his revealing of the Portland Comics Mafia.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx 15) Essentially, due to declining comics sales with writers and artists slowly moving towards insecure contract labor, landing the next series gig became a lot more about who you know rather than what you can do.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx 16) As such, the region where much of the entry level comic industry was located became very influential in what kinds of people were entering the industry.

Unfortunately, that was Portland, and the people who dominated the social politics of the industry were SJW’s.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx 17) Talent took a backseat to making sure you could get along with these new gatekeepers of the industry. Schmoozing, ass-kissing, and repeating far leftist mantras became the deciding factor on whether you moved up in the comics industry.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx 18) Couple this with the news media surrounding comic books essentially becoming PART of this clique, with the ‘journalists’ of the comics industry trading favorable reviews of comics for access and stories
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx 19) Gamergate started when video game consumers realized that the video games industry and journalists were quite literally in bed with each other, trading favors, access, and publicity with each other while duping consumers into buying garbage.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx 20) Gamergate EXPLODED when the sudden SJW backlash was so insane, so out of proportion, so utterly ridiculous that even more people learned about the utter sham parts of the industry had become.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx 21) So, how did Comicsgate start? Well, possibly, it was when a decade ago, Captain America went from being this guy:
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx 22) To suddenly being a Nazi just in time for Trump’s election.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx 23) See, a couple of comic fans, like @DiversityAndCmx and @nerkish, started noticing, “Hey. Comics are kinda shit today. The fuck’s up with this?”
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish 24) People like them developed a small following, and a pattern developed that the worst comics were being drawn, written, and edited by a select group of industry newcomers. And so, the question was asked, “How did these people get jobs in the industry?”
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish 25) The SJW backlash from those in the comics industry was, as expected, swift, loud, and vicious. Massive blocklists were created, anyone who acknowledged the views of comics critics as anything other than an -ism or a -phobe were forced out of the industry.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish 26) Talents like @EthanVanSciver and @mbreitweiser were made persona non grata for thought crimes against the comics industry.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser 27) In the meantime, the comics industry itself went insane with identity politics. Suddenly, only black writers could write black characters like Black Panther and Luke Cage. Only gay writers could write a gay character like Iceman (who, apparently, was gay. Go figure).
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser 28) As writing became about identity and connection and not talent, the series suddenly became utterly inane. What? It can’t get any wierder than Captain America becoming a Nazi right when Trump was electrd president?
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser 29) Well, when you have an allied SJW-filled media willing to endlessly work as the fluffer on the porn set that is Marvel Comics, they’ll positively cover anything, such as Black Panther and the Crew.…
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser 30) A comic about Black Panther, an African king, going to... Harlem... and fighting... gentrification. Iirc Wakanda wasn’t even the setting for any of the comics. And he only teams up with black characters.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser 31) It only lasted 6 issues. I’m not actually joking.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser 32) That story not weird enough for you? How about an Iceman series which lasted only 10 issues where Iceman basically explores being gay, in between becoming excessively and uncharacteristically violent, such as by threatening to eviscerate someone’s guts
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser 33) Followed by alternating between flirting with Daken (who is also apparently gay now) and CHOPPING HIM IN HALF WITH A SNOWFLAKE.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser 34) Again. 10 issues, then cancelled due to garbage tier sales.

The worst bit?

Both writers were then given new series like nothing happened.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser 35) However, there is a light at the end of the tunnel. The critics, exiled artists and writers I spoke of? They’ve taken to independent crowdfunding, severing themselves from an industry where far leftist lynch mobs can destroy your career.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser 36) As in, they started doing this almost in unison over the last few months, this new industry having raised collectively over $1 million as of early August.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser @bettieb @POTUSThump 40) ‘But these are independent crowdfunding comics! Surely the size isn’t comparible to Marvel or DC?’
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser @bettieb @POTUSThump 41) Red Rooster, which came in 4th for the number of orders among the independents at around 2500 copies, would have easily landed in the top 10 for trade paperbacks for the month of July if it were included among those sent to traditional comic stores.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser @bettieb @POTUSThump 42) Shocking, right? Keep in mind, this actually is a decent comparison. Comichron tracks orders going to stores, which includes those being ordered by customers through stores. Indiechron effectively tracks direct customer orders, not typically stores.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser @bettieb @POTUSThump 43) See, the point is, the people that are following and buying the work of the ‘comicsgate’ writers and artists aren’t the minority that SJWs in the industry and media want you (and the customers) to think they are.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser @bettieb @POTUSThump 44) When money is on the line, people can and will buy comics outside of the SJW-controlled companies, AND they’ll do it in equal numbers to those buying from the big 2. What people aren’t buying are SJW flagship titles that go for 10 issues and then get cancelled for shit sales
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser @bettieb @POTUSThump 45) That’s TERRIFYING to abyone wanting to keep comics firmly in the realm of lefty politics. This is why they’re posting articles like this:
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser @bettieb @POTUSThump 46) See, those same ‘pros’ writing and drawing the comics while pushing identity politics, they’ve been viciously attacking anyone who criticizes them from day one the minute a few people started realizing that the comics being put out were nonsensical ugly garbage.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser @bettieb @POTUSThump 47) Not only that, but they’ve been pushing those identity politics from day one. The article, with how it is written, would have you believe that these pros are JUST NOW feeling comfortable speaking against the ‘racist bigots’ of comicsgate, like THEY were the oppressed victims
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser @bettieb @POTUSThump 48) And THAT, when you drill down to its core, is the epitomy of leftist politics. The gaslighting, so to speak.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser @bettieb @POTUSThump 49) What the leftists, socialists, what have you WANT you to believe is that if you don’t agree with them, you are part of a xenophobic sexist hyper-aggressive minority that wantonly oppresses anyone who could claim a possible victim status.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser @bettieb @POTUSThump 50) The reality? What is seen when the chips are down and the facts are examined?

They left is the minority.

They are the ones who display insanely aggressive tendencies.

They are the shooters, the sociopaths, the armed mobs, the masked thugs, the idolizers of the above.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser @bettieb @POTUSThump 51) The left are the ones who blame failure on phantom constructs that stand diametrically opposed to them, on Russian hackers and cryptofascists and dogwhistling racists. The left are the ones who meet opposition with violence, who seek the removal of all dissent around them.
@ThomasWictor @4RosesBourbon @DiversityAndCmx @nerkish @EthanVanSciver @mbreitweiser @bettieb @POTUSThump 52) So what in the flying fuck is comicsgate?

Comicsgate is the SJWs of the comics industry declaring that blue is green, rocks are soft, and failure is success.

Comicsgate is the rest of us saying, “Are you fucking high or something? I’ll just buy better comics elsewhere.”
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