I didn't want to but I decided I had better get dressed and ride a short loop to the coffee shop.
Now I'm cold but it was still worth it.
Probably won't do a recreational ride, but i've got my 7mile round trip commute for today.
Just a regular commute.
Forced myself to ride around the block.
Felt good.
Rode to the bank and when I was done with that, I decided to take a detour through downtown.
43 degrees in January isn't normal, but I'm sure glad I got some exercise outside.
Rode the @midtowngreenway from Hiawatha to the River.
I am ashamed to admit that I take the Greenway for granted when it is in fact a tremendous amenity to our City and my Neighborhood
Uneventful commute, a bit warm.
Holy wind!
Windy and Cold.
Only managed to get around the block, but once again, I'm glad I did.
The days are getting longer too. That is a plus.
It is really uncomfortable for me to be outside.
I put a pedal down in my backyard.
For motivation I took a ride as Community Cleanup (cc: @happifydesign).
I found a hubcap at the Greenway and West Sabo Bridge entrance, and a bike tire at Greenway N of M'haha.
On my return trip (Franklin to 29th), 3 vehicles turned left across my legally designated ROW.
Short little jog around Seward.
Low density makes for really boring neighborhoods.
Had a nice and busy day.
Rode around the block before it got too late.
Figured out a nice quiet loop to ride! (3 miles)
Tonight I was #'s 322 & 324 across the Franklin Bridge.
Taking a ride out to MicroCenter for a new phone. (~15 miles round trip)
Fingers crossed I don't get a ticket!
And the good news is that if it is too cold, I still have @MetroTransitMN as an option to get home!
I am still out of breath, but I enjoyed myself.
Best part: getting enough exercise to take my breath.
Worst part: UPS box truck IN the PBL on 28th st.
The sound of silence from my tires rolling over fresh snow is just one reason I love winter biking. Shout out to whom(st)ever was riding on 29th ave s before me. I saw your tracks.
Commute today: success!
Multi-modal commute today, and to top it off I rode around my neighborhood to get a feel of this light dusting.
Only two tracks before me on the Greenway.
Really beautiful and blissful.
I forgot what cold was. It is cold outside. I wish I didn't need to work.
Though it was nice to look behind me and see only my tire tracks.
Did a lot of walking today, and rode my short loop (~1 mile) just to get the pedals moving and hold my promise.
The sky is crystal clear tonight and it was stunning to see the skyline from one angle and the moon (really big and bright) from another.
Go, be outside.
Slept in and did nothing until the MinnPost social (bus adventure!)
Rode a medium loop when I got home to fulfill my daily goal. (~2miles).
I was so happy to see snow for my morning commute!
Shoutout again to whoever rides earlier than me on 29th ave S.
The most stressful ride yet.
First, a string of left turns in front of me, inching ever closer as I worked to gain momentum, then 2 right turning vehicles failing to observe a stop sign, and a much speeding SUV not signaling into the blind right turn at Franklin Bridge.
Also stressful =(
I'm really glad I left late otherwise I'd be a splatter at 26th st & 29th ave. (Minivan zoomed through their stop sign about 50' in front of me.)
Snow is pretty though I wish there was more.
There is also way too much salt on the roads.
Got off work early and got to enjoy some sun and a tail wind.
Ride was not bad, but holy cow the streets are white with powdered salt.
Pleasant ride to the Co-op for hemp seed.
The snow was light and airy.
❄️Snowing (but too cold for the good kind) and windy.
Little needles piercing my eyeballs as I rode a 1 mile loop.
Got fully up to speed on an empty Greenway (that was cleared better than streets). Lots of fun. Love snow.
Going back later tonight (9ish) to shovel out the 29th St crossing. LMK if you're interested in helping.
Rode 1 mile to see the crossing of 29th @ the Greenway only to learn that a street plow blocked it in (again), and the wind has blown snow back to cover up some of it. I won't get back to it until Saturday or Sunday.
Safe travels! Stay warm!
Inspired by @janneformpls's post this morning, I managed to ride 3 miles today!
#35 & #36 over the Franklin Bridge, and impressed that the ZAP reader at the Seward Coop was working.
Multi-modal commute. The wind was the worst part.
As if I'll let a month stop me! I'm in it for the long haul!
Transit to work, long bike ride home.
Really glad I stopped at @greatnorthern.
Not happy I took Portland on the way back.
The amount of side mirrors that whizzed past my elbow...🤬
Definitely should have brought my fender and my light gloves (too warm for lobsters!).
17 degrees for the morning commute, 38 when I got off.
And to think we had record breaking cold 3 days ago...
All in all, an enjoyable ride.
Remembered my fender!
Biked around my Community to get needs met (hardware store, coffee shop).
FYI: NB Minnehaha bike lane @ 26th st is blocked by a big mound of snow and multiple semis parked not all the way to the curb.
Fun (but really slippery) ride on the Greenway from my home to the river and back.
Observation: The 31st ave bridge was completely cleared to the pavement and 36th ave bridge seemed untouched.
Different structural materials?
Rode to the end of my block and needed to turn around due to slip-factor and low visibility.
To everyone who biked to work today: You are amazing, and I wish you the safest travels home.