In the debate over what happened between @CovCathColonels students & Native American elder Nathan Phillips, another exchange--with a young man holding up two fingers--has been overlooked. It is more subtle, but may tell us more about our crisis of racial misunderstanding.

RESPONSE: More than 50 students drown out the insults with chants that the school is famous for--including one resembling a Samoan "haka" war dance. @CovCathColonels call it the "Sumo." (1:10:02 in video)

An older white student shouts: "Why are you being mean to a 16-year-old?" Another calls the Black Hebrew Israelites racist. These students sound as though they have been taught something about racism.
It was an #MLK weekend exchange that was profound to my ears. Sadly. Ignorance, bitterness, cruelty, provincialism, naivete scattered across the participants. We are a confused people. Duly proud of 50 years' progress. But willfully blind to what still subtly lurks inside.