Which do you want President Trump to do now?
Agree to a budget without wall funding 66%
Refuse a budget unless it has wall funding 31%.
Refuse a budget unless it has wall funding 65%.
Agree to a budget without wall funding 30%
Yes 28%
No 71%
(However, most Republicans -- 56% -- say the wall is worth the shutdown.)
While approval rating is down 3 points since November, it has held relatively steady.
Approve 36%
Disapprove 59%
In November, 85% of Republicans approved of Trump's job performance. Now it's 77%.
Among conservatives, it was 75% in Nov. Today, it's 65%.
State of Nation's Economy:
Good 68%
Bad 30%
Who is doing a better job handling negotiations over the shutdown?
Nancy Pelosi 47%
Donald Trump 35%
Neither 10%
Yes, he should 48%
No, he should postpone 48%