Truth:UK owes money for commitments legally entered into while a member. If we walk away, it undermines our reputation as a country which keeps its legal obligations, we won’t get a decent trade deal & they will insist we settle our debts.
Not true. Business leaders are clear that a no-deal Brexit brings uncertainty. The two-year transition period (only available via the Withdrawal Agreement) has been one of the top asks from business..
Even the lightest touch borders in the world – eg Norway/Sweden – have border infrastructure. Administrative measures can reduce border frictions, but cannot eliminate
Fact: Tusk clearly said that such a deal was on offer for GB and not NI – thus leading to unacceptable customs border in the Irish Sea.
Fact: Clearly Japan feels that this is not acceptable as has agreed a new FTA with the EU. Russia trades with the EU mostly in energy, which isn’t in FTAs & most EU trade is within the Single Market.
Fact: EU is by miles our largest trading partner. While exports to China did increase by around 150% between 2007- 17, this level is just 4% of exports. Dont throw our EU trade away!
Fact: non-tariff barriers eg differing regulatory standards or border delays are often bigger costs than tariffs. Economic costs of no-deal exit much bigger than EU budget saving.
Yes - actually that is true.
Possibly Yes, but this comes with with a significant risk of challenge from other countries.
Fact Some progress has been made, such as with Swiss gov. However, swiss deal is only the 2nd ‘rollover’ out of the 40 the EU has.
Fact: Emergency measures taken by the Government and the industry will secure supply in the short term. Medium term arrangements depend on a permanent agreement with the EU.
Fact: This is simply not what the industry has said. Given the degree of food imports, and the time-critical nature of the sector, this cannot be asserted.
Fact: We can’t just do as we please in a “no deal”.
Rules from WTO & WCustomsO still apply. This means customs declarations for each import. Some friction is inevitable.
Fact: Industry is clear that RoW customs processes mean additional cost & uncertainty into the supply chains for products that transfer to & from the EU. This impacts competitiveness & jobs
So threatening UK runs out clean water feels like project fear me as obvs the Government will do all it can to maintain supplies of necessary chemicals.
Fact: these chemicals currently come from EU under existing arrangements.
HMRC is putting in place the most robust arrangements possible.
But ... the number customs declarations is expected to increase fivefold.... so...
Fact: France is obliged to follow EU rules on external customs borders eg the requirement to check agrifood products at a specialist inspection point. Same for ports in Belgium & Netherlands
That’s true BUT
19. Planes will still be able to fly to & from the EU
Fact: The EU will put in place temporary arrangements - but these could be withdrawn
Certainty for aviation requires a permanent agreement with the EU.
Mythbuster says “The likely reduction in capacity at Dover could reach 87% & last for months, far in excess of any previous disruption”
My thought-not sure where 87% from, poss OTT
FACT This is actually quite a bit more complicated tho’ good news is UK operators have said they have no current plans to change ... see letter from @margot_james_mp to MPs this week..

1. No deal exit is not good for UK or EU
2. U-turning on referendum would also not be good for UK or EU
3. Delaying exit risks prolonging uncertainty for UK & EU
4. 2nd referendum would also be highly divisive
- so please let’s keep working on deal!
Mythbust: Long-term certainty needed to support Airbus jobs in the UK will need a permanent agreement with EU.
Myth-bust: EU has agreed this on a temporary basis. Certainty on details can only be guaranteed with a long term agreement with the EU.
Of course it will. But if “no deal” will be subject to new tariffs and import inspections & possible delays.
Myth buster says “Yes – but at significant cost.”
However I’m not so sure that this mythbust is true since I getting new type approvals for older models can be challenging.
Mythbust says “Yes” this is true ... 😀
Note - this isn’t one that I’ve spoken to people affected about so I haven’t verified.
Yes, but subject to restrictions and permissions for non EU performers – which vary from member state to member state.
Myth-bust There is no evidence to support this. The reality is that some will be easier to renegotiate than others.
yes in principle and this will be great, but also subject to the conditions of that agreement.
In fact, we already have preferential access to most of the TPP countries via EU trade deals.
True BUT multilateral deals (such as the one with the EU) take longer as needs agreement of all parties. And remember implementation takes longer after negotiations finish.