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Apr 25th 2023
How can you best utilise a #promotion or #salary hike? We have come up with a quick #guide on how to make that raise work for you instead of watching it disappear! (1/11)
Before you make any decisions, first check with your HR to understand the complete breakdown of your new salary, including #tax implications. This will help you assess the actual increase in your #takehome pay. (2/11)
Remember about #inflation. The price of everyday items will also increase too. Revisit your household #budget to understand the impact of rising #expenses on your #savings, real #income and #spending power. (3/11)
Read 11 tweets
Jul 5th 2022
Está concluyendo la instalación de los andamios en la nave del Evangelio.  En breve comenzará su restauración. La obra  de mayor de envergadura reciente en nuestro templo.🧵 ImageImage
La primera fase se prolongará hasta febrero de 2023 y se centrará en los dos primeros cuerpos de la nave, los más próximos a la capilla de la Virgen del Rosario.
Después de la solemnidad del #Corpus, está programada una segunda fase para la restauración del tercer cuerpo de la nave del Evangelio. El más cercano a la capilla de @r_peccatorum. Image
Read 7 tweets
May 16th 2022
Can computational methods assess the #sentiment of complex texts? In an article with my fabulous colleagues from the @WZB_Berlin, @unipotsdam @LMU_Muenchen @JungeAkademie, we answer this question by applying #dictionary and #scaling methods on a sample of #literature reviews🧵
The article is also a practical #guide to help researchers select an appropriate #method and degree of preprocessing for their own data. Our #corpus consisted of 6.041 summaries of reviews of contemporary German #literature acquired from @perlentaucher00 (2/9)
The linguistic #complexity of #literature reviews differ from other texts with regard to their #language-- ambiguity, irony, metaphors, etc.-- are comparatively difficult to capture with #computational approaches. So how did our different methods fare? (3/9)
Read 9 tweets
Oct 5th 2021
#FelizMartes estos son los cartones de los moneros de México del 5 de octubre de 2021, publicados tanto en los principales medios de información como en sus redes sociales. (Parte 1) @MoneroKemchs @CartonCalderon @Garcimonero @MaguMonero ImageImageImageImage
#FelizMartes estos son los cartones de los moneros de México del 5 de octubre de 2021, publicados tanto en los principales medios de información como en sus redes sociales. (Parte 2) @Helioflores_mex @fisgonmonero @jisvagoimperial @Patriciomonero ImageImageImageImage
#FelizMartes estos son los cartones de los moneros de México del 5 de octubre de 2021, publicados tanto en los principales medios de información como en sus redes sociales. (Parte 3) @monerorictus @Rochamonero @alarcondibujos @DrNetas ImageImageImageImage
Read 15 tweets
Sep 20th 2020

Corpuses — large collections of language data — are very useful for writing and editing language-learning materials. This presentation explores how and why, with some specific examples...

#Tibetan #language #education #corpus #linguistics #materials #development

One key is 'frequency lists'. Frequency lists are lists of words based on how frequently they appear in a language. It tells us if any given word is common or rare.

Frequent words are useful. People use them again and again — meaning learners are exposed to them frequently naturally, too. And, the learner has opportunities to use them again and again — giving practice in production.
Read 23 tweets
Jul 29th 2020
El miércoles pasado acompañé a @herrerayflia en la firma de un importante convenio con el Ente Nacional de Obras Hídricas de Saneamiento @Enohsa. A través de este acuerdo #Misiones recibirá asistencia financiera para avanzar en obras de infraestructura que permitirán asegurar Image
la provisión de agua potable y saneamiento en nueve municipios. El proyecto incluye obras en #Oberá, #PuertoIguazú, #JardínAmérica, #BernardodeIrigoyen, #Corpus, #GobernadorRoca y comunidades mbyá guaraní de #SanPedro, #SanIgnacio y #SanVicente
Comparto la reflexión de nuestro Gobernador en que este tipo de acciones “tienen un componente social, de igualdad de oportunidades y con fuerte impacto sanitario”
Read 4 tweets
Jun 10th 2020
El maldito coronavirus nos robó muchas cosas: miles de personas nos dejaron y detuvo nuestra vida bruscamente. En Toledo hoy estamos añorando nuestro #Corpus. Sé que no es lo mismo, pero voy a intentar revivirlo con fotos históricas.
Desde primeras horas, en las calles por que discurrirá la procesión han sido esparcidas miles de ramas de tomillo de la finca Cervatos, confiriendo un aroma indescriptible. La multitud llena poco a poco cada rincón. Foto de John Fyfe, 1967. Image
En los muros de la Catedral se han colgado valiosísimos tapices flamencos en un espectacular despliegue de belleza y riqueza. Foto de Pedro Román hacia 1910. Image
Read 36 tweets
Mar 25th 2020
Ever say to yourself: “I know there’s a word that comes next to liable, but I can’t think of which one…”?

Ever want to pull up tens of real-world examples of specific clauses (severability, forum selection, etc.)?

Then #corpora are for you.

#xl8 #translation #lawtwitter #law
Don't be fooled by the complicated name.

In reality, a #corpus is just a collection of texts.

All it takes is a simple search interface to comb through thousands of pages in just instants.
The search results give you an in-context list of how real-world drafters actually use the term you searched for.

The BYU corpora are good examples:

1⃣ COCA (U.S. English):
2⃣ BNC (G.B. English):
Read 10 tweets
Feb 6th 2020
La journée de @AFLApplique, c'est aujourd'hui! Petit #livethread sur la #linguistique appliquée! ⬇️⬇️⬇️
@AFLApplique Et on commence par Julien Longhi @jlonghi1 (AGORA & IDHN - Université de Cergy-Pontoise, Institut Universitaire de France) : “Outiller” l’expertise en analyse du discours
politique: méthodes, concepts, ressources.
@AFLApplique @jlonghi1 L'objectif de ses projets est de démocratiser des outils pour analyser le discours politique en temps réel (notamment via twitter ^^):
Read 25 tweets
Oct 4th 2019
A new English determinative is being born: "a couple" (e.g., a couple years, a couple things, a couple people). #linguistics #diachronic
It's clearly evolving out of the NP frame "a couple of" + plural NP and may be influenced by the determinative "a few". Even if you don't accept "a couple people", you might find "a couple hundred" works like a gateway drug.
Here's the frequency of "a couple of" + N sinc the 1990s. The first line is the number of tokens, the second is the size of the subcorpus in millions, and the third is the frequency per million words. Not much happening here.
Read 24 tweets
Sep 4th 2018
001/ [article content in this tweet series 001-180 reproduced with permission from Martin Howe QC of Lawyers for Britain @lawyers4britain]
#quote "Leaving the EU on WTO terms: pulling down the barriers to world trade
Introduction: why prices will FALL after Brexit, not rise" /002
002/ #quote "Over the past couple of weeks, the media have been full of lurid scare stories about what will happen if the UK leaves the EU on WTO terms, because negotiations with the EU do not result in a withdrawal agreement." /003
#tariffs #NoDeal #Brexit #WTO #ProjectFear #shortages #food #medicines
003/ #quote "One of the most ridiculous and UNJUSTIFIED of these absurd scare stories is that it will lead to higher prices, and even shortages, of foods and medicines." /004
Read 180 tweets

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