6 years ago, 8 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
My appeal to Cadre belonging to
DMDK & other outfits in TN

U guys have entered politics to do service to your society & uplift your people.Your forefathers joined these parties based on the promises given by DMK in 1967.Most of you have followed the tradition
Now it's time for you to review the performance of the party you are in. Have your party leaders delivered what they promised to your forefathers ?
DMK promised a casteless society , has it delivered even after 50 years of dravidian party rule ?

DMK & ADMK promised corruption free Govt, Have they delivered ?

Both DMK & ADMK were formed of the basis of self respect , is there any self respect left ?
These Dravidian parties promised a caste less TN , but they have created more caste divisions & deepened the divide , everything in TN is based on caste now be it appointment, proportion, education, transfers etc.,
Dravidian parties promised a corruption free TN, but look at what they have done , they have established corrupt practices in every nook & corner of TN . These Dravidian parties have betrayed the faith you have reposed on them.
They started their parties on social justice plank. Look what kind of social justice they have done, even after 50 years of dravidian party rule Dalits don't have access to burial grounds in TN. Dalit colonies are not given Land pattas, dalit villages are deliberately neglected
They promised upliftment of the masses, only people who have progressed are select few families of dravidian party politicians in each district , once ticket less traveller (Karunanidhi) is featuring in the world's richest families list, while DMK cadre rot in poverty
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