But we know that Arctic ice did not disappear in the summer of 2013. We do not need to establish the truth of that claim -- and many other similar claims about the Arctic. But those were claims made by scientists.
It is climate scientists who have stuck their heads out further than their necks can support.
The scientist might argue, 'it will be bad for polar bears'. But this, too, turns out to be false.
Even if the scientific claims are difficult, the lay person can still ask why there is so much exaggeration from scientists, in the media, and from political perspectives hidden behind 'science'.
They are the same as him, trying to understand the claims made by climate scientists (and others). They are just further down the road than him.
You don't need to be a scientist to see it.
But what they reveal is that they have a much weaker grasp of what they claim to have insight into.
In the same place as the scientists.
More often than not, they don't know either.