Antifa had a victory march, and left-wing militia groups guarded the outside in case of ambush. None occurred.
No arrests. No violence.
@socialistdogmom lit her cigarette on the makeshift campfire.
The police basically did nothing the entire day, but came with a fire hydrant once antifa was done with this.
Police gave them room to march without obstruction.
I don’t like to speculate, but antifa being heavily armed may have been in their favor.
No need to wade into armed opponents for a petty mask charge.
As the march concluded, a masked leader described how “the seeds of rebellion” were planted during the Berkeley, California Milo protests.
Now, they say, their movement has grown to the point where neo-confederates don’t show up to their own events.
I’ll be live momentarily on @N2Sreports Facebook:

To fellow journalists and everyone else out there: I just realized how dehydrated I got. It got dry and hot out there today. Drink some water.
It turned out to be a sort of piñata, completed with antifa buttons inside.
Cops only extinguished it after antifa had their fun.
Share to your heart's content, but other media outlets, DM me for licensing if you want to rebroadcast etc.
Photos by @EllebySarah from the @flowerunited march earlier today.
Also available for licensing.

Full @N2Sreports story on today's @flowerunited protest - or victory lap - against a neo-confederate event that backed down at the last minute.
Video by me & photos by @EllebySarah…
Communists, socialists and anarchists are not "liberals."
That's all.
*runs away*