--Winner, Bezos. Bullied. Turned and kicked bully in nuts. His status/cred/goodwill increases. Media will be cavalry as there is (generally) goodwill toward him. He has stood watch over national treasure--WaPo
--Loser,,, AMI. They went out of business tonight, just don't know it yet. This echoes of Thiel vs. Gawker, and will have similar outcome.
--Biggest winner: Evan Williams just became the rare breed that has birthed 2 Unicorns. Biggest day in Medium's history, now have more traction than any sub $1b media property. Bezos didn't post on FB, do press release or go on Johny, he posted on @Medium...
--What should (hopefully) be bigger story? The digitization of private lives has become public health crisis. If Bezos can be blackmailed, how many young people endure similar, but less newsworthy, forms of extortion?
It's not an accident depression among teens is escalating and suicide among teen girls is skyrocketing. What if you make stupid mistakes (i.e., are young), but don't have resources of Bezos? @JonHaidt
--AMI is shadow of itself in 3-5 years. They fucked with wrong hombre and a Jaguar, size of a Megalodon, coming for them. The most focused, disciplined, and well resourced man in the world has a new focus--disruption? No, destruction.
--Dumb and Dumber
2nd worst decision of '19: Bezos sending out dick pics.
Worst decision of '19: Attempting to extort the wealthiest man in the world,,,via email.
POTUS directly involved.
POTUS never misses opportunity to mock enemies. Part of his brand/strategy. Also he is petty, immature and terrible role model for youth.
Silence on twitter re Bezos/AMI (since Jan 4) is a tell. Police pull over people going 45 in fast lane as they are often hiding something. POTUS is driving 45. He is directly involved/knew about/etc.