Verily this shall be an Account of the Seven Virtuous Exceptions to the Sin of Information Blocking.
For there are Seven. Not Six. Not Eight. Five is right out.
The First Virtuous Exception to the Sin of Information Blocking is:
Preventing Harm Including:
(a)(1) Corrupt/inaccurate data
(a)(2) Misidentified patient
(a)(3) Life & Safety
All policies need to be fair, and minimally targeted to prevent harm
Being a Commentary on the First Virtuous Exception.
(a)(1) Seems like an excuse to slow/delay.
(a)(2) seems like a hole you could drive a truck through, yeah? If I don't have 100% confidence in my own patient matching (and who does), I can bail?
The Second Virtuous Exception to the Sin of Information Blocking is:
Privacy including:
(b) Precondition not satisfied.
(c) Non-HIPAA IT
(d) 45 CFR 164.524(a)(1), (2), and (3) (exceptions to HIPAA Access)
(e) Individual preference
Being a Commentary on the Second Virtuous Exception
"Oh I can't share this b/c HIPAA and or State Law" -- now, there's lots of guiderails around (b) (other preconditions), but it's going to be hard to adjudicate.
The Third Virtuous Exception to the Sin of Information Blocking is:
Which shall be Just and Virtuous and secondary to Risk Assessment and/or Best Practices
The Fourth Virtuous Exception to the Sin of Information Blocking is:
Recovering Costs.
Which shall be Fair and Reasonable and Non-Discriminatory and Related to Actual Costs (not, e.g. benefit to requestor).
It shall not be Virtuous to attribute Costs based on Intangible Assets, or Costs based on YOUR OWN DAMN FAULT MESSING UP DESIGN OR IMPLEMENTATION
Being a Commentary on the Fourth Virtuous Exception:
Wow, this is going to be hard, yeah? Is amortization of a hard capital asset a depreciation of an intangible asset? Can I attribute part of the cost of purchasing LARGE EHR to fees?
The Fifth Virtuous Exception to the Sin of Information Blocking is:
Being a Substantial Burden not including Fee Capture or Competitive Burden and is only Virtuous if accompanied by Timely Response & Reasonable Alternative
This is the Scotty Defense ("the engines canna take this Cap'n") and what constitutes Infeasibility will need to be adjudicated.
Oddly, this may reduce the incentive to increase access?
The Sixth Virtuous Exception to the Sin of Information Blocking is:
Licensing on FRAND Basis:
For Innovation is Good but only if FRAND licensed.
Being a Commentary on the Sixth Virtuous Exception:
This is a new technology exception. If I come up with a better way of enabling, or doing interoperability, I can charge for it but only on a FRAND basis.
Theoretically this allows for people to invent a new mousetrap & allow for allocating fees between direct costs and licensing fees.
OTOH, this is likely to drive disputes as to what is innovation & what is cost-basis activities...
The Seventh Virtuous Exception to the Sin of Information Blocking is:
For it shall be Virtuous to take your Site down for Maintenance
Thus Endeth the Recitation of the Seven Virtuous Exceptions.