I used to work for a company that did high end technology & engineering consulting mostly for the government.
They helped build ARPANet
We ran the NOC for the Internet in Boston & California
The company started with MIT acoustical engineers. It got into computing early on b/c acoustic modeling is computationally expensive.
Close to the heart of the business was our submarine research business.
We had one group that made really quiet submarines.
Another group tried to detect quiet submarines.
This always seemed like an ideal business model to me. The better one group did, the more we taxpayers would have to develop countermeasures using the other group.
& vice versa
This basic model is at the heart of many biological systems that exhibit enormous amounts of energy put into ultimately non-productive use.
It’s called the Red Queen Hypothesis
Alas, Red Queen dynamics are at the very heart of administrative waste and inefficiency in the US health care system.
The race between charge master & provider billing, unbundling & upcoding and payer contracting, bundling & downcoding can’t be won….
The only way to win the game is to bilaterally disarm…