“the boys and girls club can transform idle time into productive time.”
“you can’t tiptoe toward justice...”

(cops will drag us bodily from the room if we clap, but several people are crying quietly)
she asks them to think about the message they’ve been sending their staff by dragging this process out. she hopes they’ll offer adequate training & resources for implementation of the policy.
racial inequity is systemic.
“we will continue to hold you accountable. we are here to make it impossible for you” to ignore the issue.
“ban it now. enough time has already passed.”
(star worked in early childhood education before the incident that made our town the focal point of the nation broke her back.)
(i’m not sure exactly what happened, but it doesn’t surprise me - oberg flies off the handle easily and often)


she asks what the timeline is. he says “we haven’t moved forward on that yet.” she pushes again “is it gonna be next year...?”
he says they will start taking steps next month?
“if we’re waiting for perfection, we’re never gonna get there,” and agrees it should be voted on at the next meeting. no acknowledgement of the work of @hatefreeacps or other community members.
“education exposes children to a torrent of new ideas” “we expect students to grapple with ideas.”
this old white man thinks racial intimidation is a learning opportunity.
“we are not interested in weed whacking racism. we are interested in pulling it out by the roots.”
a survivor of the A12 car attack says “heather heyer died half a mile from here!”
“you do this when we make you feel uncomfortable!”
i feel sick.
he says he’s heard people say banning confederate imagery doesn’t solve racism, and he agrees.
“maybe it won’t solve anything,” but students have told him “when i see the flag, i shut down.”
“this may not fix that... but it might.”
he says he’s a rabid supporter of the 1st amendment, but schools have many limits on the 1st amendment, such as bans on gang paraphernalia.
she disagrees with the conclusion drawn about the legal advice they received. if anybody can meet the tinker standard, it’s this community. we have a basis.
graham paige says he’s always associated the flag with slavery & with a culture that “did not recognize my ancestors as people.” he says t represents hate to him.
in the past, he was not in support of the ban, fearing they could be sued. tonight, he supports the ban.
“our students saw those flags. our students saw that car moving through that crowd of people.” we cannot allow our students to be exposed to these traumatizing symbols. it affects their physical & mental health.
he says he is “very empathetic” to students who feel uncomfortable or unsafe in schools. but he doesn’t feel symbolic gestures will “fix racism”
(he doesn’t want to take action to reduce harm because it’s possible it could be overturned in the future. this argument is so depressing.)
he is confident the antiracism policy will put in motion... some vague nonsense?? “without waving the red flag in front of a bull.” (they are cowards)
“let’s go down in flames doing what we think is right,” which is again met with applause.