I am celebrating with the following thread about the craziest & maybe most important thing going on right now on my favorite subject: PARKING
Seriously we're on the cusp of a potentially earth-shaking federal policy shift.
it needs your help
The headline is accurate.
When they were pulling all-nighters to get the Trump/Ryan tax reform passed, scouring the tax code for things to put taxes on so they could lower the overall corporate tax rate, GOP legislative aides found a line item worth $1.6 billion: "commuter benefits"
But you know and I know that by far the most expensive commuting fringe benefit many employers offer is FREE PARKING.
(Keep in mind that these are the same corporations that just got a massive tax cut from the federal government. They're not hurting.)
Every employer should charge for parking & then give everyone a raise so they can either pay for parking or pocket it (which is to say, spend it on other stuff ... like, say, housing that's closer to their work).
This piece of the tax reform might be a mistake, but it's very good.
"The days of free and unaccounted-for employee parking are coming to an end," says @Jpavllc, a longtime DC expert on commuting benefits policy.

Here's a rendering of the garage recently built by a Cupertino-based corporation you've heard of.

Comment deadline is Friday, Feb. 22. Here's the link: regulations.gov/docket?D=IRS-2…
So far, the population of the U.S. has submitted a total of 20 comments on this subject.
Here's the piece with full details & more advice on how to fix the IRS proposal.
Dec 15-Feb 16: IRS gets 20 total public comments on potentially revolutionary change to commuting incentives
Last four days: 86 comments
Great work, America! Deadline is Friday. See the thread above for the bonkers backstory. regulations.gov/docket?D=IRS-2…