So, a missionary steals the remains of over 500 Native bodies, and here's a report on it.
Let's just get this out of the way: Native bodies ARE NOT artifacts, and we need to be clear about that.
“All too often here we have been treated as curiosities rather than a people,”
It's more than that.
It's an atrocity.
It's a little more than a frustration.
At the end of the CBS video, one of the news anchors says, "Huh. Very unusual."
This is another instance in America in which we don't even have words to process the truth.
Nevertheless, we have to.
The church?
The government?
The people on the Mayflower?
The ancestors of those people?
Once again, we must ask what Christianity is actually doing.
We must ask what our government is actually doing.
We must ask what our healthcare system is actually doing.
Every American system is tied to the history of genocide & oppression of Indigenous peoples.
This is a "let's sit in this and grieve and face the truth" kind of moment.
You can't do anything for Native peoples if you don't acknowledge what we've seen and been through.
Start there today.
Make room.
Get to work later.