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Well. Today's our last chapter for Anne of Green Gables. Are you ready? I'm not sure I am XD But let's do it anyways. #LainaReadsAnne
#LainaReadsAnne Marilla comes home from the oculist rather walloped by the news she got there. He said if she wears the glasses he gave her, stops reading and sewing and anyting that'd strain the eyes, including crying, her headaches will be cured and her eyes won't get worse.
#LainaReadsAnne If she doesn't, she'll be blind in six months.

The news hits her hard. She doesn't know what she'll do if she can't read or sew or how she's supposed to help that she's lonesome and cries.
#LainaReadsAnne I can't help thinking about Marilla at the beginning of the book and how firmly she declared that she didn't need company, and now she's willing to admit she gets lonely, especially in the evenings.
#LainaReadsAnne She asks Anne not to tell anyone yet as she doesn't want to talk about it with the whole town.

There's also a really interesting paragraph here that I'm totally gonna sip and come back to becaus I have Thoughts.
#LainaReadsAnne A few days later, Marilla comes inside from talking to a man named John Sadler from Carmody. He heard she was looking to sell Green Gables and is interested in buying it.
#LainaReadsAnne Anne is all wtf not Green Gables, but Marilla explains with her eyes going, she can't look after the farm on her own with just a hired man. And as her eyes deteriorated, so would the farm until nobody wanted to buy it at all.
#LainaReadsAnne And since all their money was in the bank that collapsed, she'll need the money from the sale to live on for the rest of her life, essentially.
#LainaReadsAnne Mrs Rachel has advised Marilla to sell the farm and "board somewhere - with her, I suppose". Because people who don't like you always invite you to live with them for the rest of your life, and yes I'm still bitter about that blog post.
#LainaReadsAnne I just rechecked this - Matthew was sixty at the beginning, so Marilla's probably around the same age, maybe a little older. (And he would have been 65 at the time of his death.) I don't think her age is ever specifically stated in this book.
#LainaReadsAnne But I could totally see her being like five years or so older than Matthew. It would fit their dynamic well, in my opinion.
#LainaReadsAnne For me, I always read Mrs Rachel as a touch younger than both of them. I mean, if she got married at like 19, had 13 pregnancies, and you figure her youngest is maybe 17 (kids leave earlier these days), she could easily be in her 50s at the beginning of the book.
#LainaReadsAnne And that's solely if you figure she had solo pregnancies for every one of her kids, and none of them were twins, which probably isn't the most likely thing in the world.
#LainaReadsAnne Mrs Rachel also seems to be in rather good health besides one bad bout of influenza five years ago. She's sort of signing up to take care of Marilla as she ages. That's... not something you do casually for someone you don't care about.

Yeah, I'm still salty.
#LainaReadsAnne Marilla apologizes to Anne that she won't have a home to come to on school holidays, and breaks down in tears despite the doctor's orders.
#LainaReadsAnne Anne says, no, Marilla won't be selling Green Gables - and she won't be alone, either, as Anne isn't going to go to Redmond.

Marilla is stunned and doesn't quite understand, and this is where I go back to that part I skipped earlier.
#LainaReadsAnne The night Marilla got the news about her eyes, Anne went to her room and sat in the dark for a while. And for a while, she cried a bit and was just sad about everything that had happened since she had come home. It'd been a LOT and she needed to feel it.
#LainaReadsAnne Then, the book says, she went to bed peaceful and content. "She had looked duty courageously in the face and found it a friend - as duty ever is when we meet it frankly."
#LainaReadsAnne Anne says after all Marilla has done for her, she couldn't leave Marilla alone with all this on her shoulders.
#LainaReadsAnne Of course, Anne has made plans already. Mr Barry "wants to rent the farm for next year". If you're unfamilar with what this means, it means he'd pay them a sum of money to plan in their fields. This is, I believe, called sharecropping.
#LainaReadsAnne Possibly he'd also raise livestock on their lands (they've always had cows and livestock actually required less manpower). Apples and potatoes were both in high demand at this time, and we know the Barrys and Cuthberts both have orchards.
#LainaReadsAnne It's honestly a deal that'll work out well for both of them, really. Mr Barry will have more land which means more profit, and Marilla will still have income coming in, but she won't have to work as hard, and can manage with less help.
#LainaReadsAnne On top of that, Anne plans on teaching. She applies for the Avonlea school, but the trustees have already promised it to GIlbert Blythe. Sidenote, that may be the first time in the book she's actually said his name by her own free will.
#LainaReadsAnne DEFINITELY the first time without contempt, lol. Twice in one week even she's talked about him without resentment :P
#LainaReadsAnne So the Avonlea school isn't up for grabs, but she can have the Carmody school - Mr Blair told her as much last night at the store. She'll have to rent a room in the winter, but she'll still be able to come home weekends even once the snow falls.
#LainaReadsAnne She can read to Marilla in the evenings and keep her company and she says they'll "be real cosy and happy here together, you and I". What a girl.

Also this does kind of confirm that if they'd adopted a boy he would... essentially stand to inherit the farm, eh?
#LainaReadsAnne Like Marilla only considers selling because of her eyesight failing, and it breaks her heart to do it, and since neither of them had kids... it seems plausible to me.
#LainaReadsAnne At first, Marilla says Anne can't give up her scholarship, but Anne says she's sixteen and "obstinute as a mule" according to Mrs Rachel, which is... not untrue XD And Marilla can't really stop her from doing it.
#LainaReadsAnne She also dosn't plan on giving up on her college entirely, saying she can study at home.

Marilla's reply? "I guess I ought to stick out and make you go to college - but I know I can't, so I ain't going to try. I'll make it up to you, though, Anne."
#LainaReadsAnne Honestly, Anne is pretty much considered an adult at this point. Marilla really can't make her do anything anymore, and in my opinion, it's very respectful of her to treat Anne as an adult. And I don't really think Anne feels there's anything to make up for, even.
#LainaReadsAnne Anne's not giving up her dreams, just changing them to suit what she needs now. Frankly I think if Anne went to Redmond and they lost Green Gables because of that, it'd break her heart and she'd never stop hurting a little.
#LainaReadsAnne I'm going to speculate a little here, but I think a lot of Montgomery's feelings about moving home to support her grandmother are reflected here. I remembered reading something about Montgomery and her grandparents' house, so I went looking for that.
#LainaReadsAnne When Montgomery's grandmother died, Montgomery had to leave really fast as her uncle John owned it and I guess he said get out. And then apparently the house sat empty until Uncle John got tired of tourists coming onto the property to see Green Gables' inspiration
#LainaReadsAnne According to the 2008 biography by Mary Rubio, this hurt her deeply, and Montgomery had conflicted about her grandparents. Anne loved Matthew and Marilla without reservation.

Her heart would have BROKEN to lose Green Gables. It just would have.
#LainaReadsAnne People on the Island, not knowing about Marilla's eyes, tut and fuss about Anne staying home instead of going to college.

I don't agree with them. Perhaps Montgomery felt more of a duty to her grandmother, but it's clear this is an act of love for Anne.
#LainaReadsAnne Also, not to be too cynical, but I think this is something to look at in a historical context, too. Today, a girl going to college on a scholarship is probably going to increase her career opportunities.
#LainaReadsAnne In... let's say a rough estimate of 1880, is that really as true? What career opportunities would having a Bachelor of Arts give Anne as a woman? Seriously, if I'm wrong tell me here, I'm open to it, but I think the historical context is different.
#LainaReadsAnne This is a very complext thing. And a choice real people make all he time! Life is complicated, and it doesn't always go how you expect, and I like that Anne finds joy in seeing how life can change and surprise you.
#LainaReadsAnne Also, absolutely no one but Anne said this was something she SHOULD do because she's a girl or whatever. It's her idea alone, and she has total agency in it. When she learn of Anne's decision, Mrs Allan is supportive but not pressuring.
#LainaReadsAnne Mrs Rachel approves, but for different reasons.

Side note, we get a weight number here for Mrs Rachel? She's apparently 200 pounds. Which is... not exactly "waddling" fat, Montgomery. Ahh, thin peple writing fat people. What can you do. 🙄
#LainaReadsAnne I've made a couple jokes about how much Diana's elbow dimples and things are praised, but Montgomery DEFINITELY had a line where one stopped being acceptably "plump" in her eyes and fatness became unattractive. You see this in a few places I've pointed out.
#LainaReadsAnne So far we've got biases against:

- Fat people
- French Canadians
- Italians
#LainaReadsAnne Anyways. Mrs Rachel doesn't actually approve of girls going to college (again, she's complex) and is shocked to hear Anne plans to study Latin and Greek at home.
#LainaReadsAnne I really like this moment though. Anne and Marilla are sitting on the front step and Mrs Rachel comes over just to sit and talk with them for a bit. This is really something I look forward to seeing in sequels as we move forward with them.
#LainaReadsAnne Always in Anne's life, women have been important. Anne has many strong friendships with other girls. Diana especially, obviously, but others as well.
#LainaReadsAnne However, until now, most women in her life have obviously played more of a mentor role, like Mrs Allan and Miss Stacy. I am really looking forward to seeing how Anne's relationships with women grow as she finds her footing as an equal adult.
#LainaReadsAnne I should have also mentioned that there are a few uses of the g-slur and one use of the term "Turk-fashion" (do I need to censor that?) to describe sitting cross-legged. And ableism, obviously.

Love this book, but it's not perfect.
#LainaReadsAnne Montgomery was a white lady who was privileged in MANY ways and at times that shows. Not gonna get an argument out of me about that, for sure.
#LainaReadsAnne Anyways, Anne says to Mrs Rachel, "'I'm going to teach over at Carmody, you know.'"

And Mrs Rachel replies, "'I don't know it. I guess you're going to teach right here in Avonlea. The trustees have decided to give you the school.'"
#LainaReadsAnne Anne leaps to her feet in surprise - they'd promised it to Gilbert Blythe, after all!

Well, Gilbert heard Anne was staying in Avonlea. So he withdrew his application and said they should accept Anne's. He's going to teach in White Sands instead.
#LainaReadsAnne This means he'll have to pay for his lodgings, cutting into his college savings.

Stunned, Anne says she can't take it from him, but Gilbert's already signed papers for the White Sands school.
#LainaReadsAnne Let me REALLY lay this out for you lot again. They have not spoken for THREE YEARS at this point, and as far as Gilbert knows, Anne hates his guts still. For five years, sh's been kind of a thorn in his side. She literally told him they would never be friends.
#LainaReadsAnne Like, honestly, Gilbert absolutely did not have to do that. At all!

But he knew how much Anne wanted to stay with Marilla - not even why - and so he made his life harder to make hers easier. Without a word to her.
#LainaReadsAnne And remember, Gilbert is just as academically motivated as Anne is. He wants to go to college too, and plans to pay for it himself. Paying for room and board could delay that for him by a significant chance. And he thinks she HATES him!
#LainaReadsAnne He did it solely because it was a kind thing to do, not expecting to get anything out of it, or even have it acknowledged by Anne.
#LainaReadsAnne Also, Mrs Rachel quote, "You'll get along all right, now that there are no Pyes going. Josie was the last of them and a good thing she was, that's what. There's been some Pye or another going to Avonlea school for the last twenty years and I guess (cont)
#LainaReadsAnne their mission in life was to keep school-teachers reminded earth isn't their home."

That is the actual funniest thing Mrs Rachel has ever said XD
#LainaReadsAnne Diana signals for Anne to come over and she goes.

"Mrs Lynde looked after her indulgently.

'There's a great deal of the child about her yet in some ways.'

'There's a great deal more of the woman about her in others,' retorted Marila, with a momentary (cont)
#LainaReadsAnne return of her old crispness.

But crispness was no longer Marilla's distinguishing characteristic."

As Mrs Rachel says to her husband later, Marilla Cuthbert has become *mellow*. Who would have expected that?
#LainaReadsAnne The next evening, Anne goes to visit Matthew's grave and leave flowers there. It's a calm, peaceful place. Quite. Seems like somewhere Matthew would have liked. She planted a rosebush there for him, too, his favourite ones that his mother brought from Scotland.
#LainaReadsAnne She spends probably an hour there before beginning to walk home, taking in the beauty of her surroundings and her gratitude to be living in them.
#LainaReadsAnne As she's heading home, she runs into Gilbert. She stops, holds out her hand, and thanks him for giving her the school.

"Gilbert took the offered hand eagerly" and says he was glad to do it, and hopes they can be friends after this - if Anne can forgive him.
#LainaReadsAnne Anne admits she did the day at the pond, but she was too stubborn to realize it. She also apologizes and I'm sure admitting that and doing so wasn't easy.

Perhaps that's a lesson she learned having to apologize to Mrs Rachel all those years ago. *still salty*
#LainaReadsAnne Gilbert does not even consider holding a grudge. He says they're going to be good friends. "We were born to be good friends, Anne. You've thwarted destiny long enough."
#LainaReadsAnne Okay, look, that's maybe not a thing that has aged the absolute best, but also it's kind of cute XD And we know Anne has a fondness for that kind of language. I'd read it as tongue-in-cheek more than anything.
#LainaReadsAnne He also says he knows they can help each other out and asks if she'll be continuing her studies as well, as he plans to, and seems excited about the prospect of studying together. He really does see her as an academic equal.
#LainaReadsAnne He walks her home, and Marilla asks who it was when Anne comes into the kitchen. Anne *blushes* as she says it was Gilbert.
#LainaReadsAnne "'I didn't think you and Gilbert Blythe were such good friends that you'd stand for half an hour at the gate talking to him,' said Marilla, with a dry smile."

Anne hadn't realized it was that long. They have five years of lost conversation to catch up, she says.
#LainaReadsAnne That night Anne "sat long at her window companioned by a glad content." Things have changed since she came home from Queen's, but she's excited to see what lays ahead and happy with her choice.

Uh, excuse the quotations in this next bit, not sure if they're right
#LainaReadsAnne "'"God's in His heaven, all's right with the world,"' whispered Anne softly."

And that's the end of the book.
#LainaReadsAnne I don't want to be done, so let's talk about the extras my copy came with lol. It has a bit of an extended bio about Montgomery, but there's actually an error in it?
#LainaReadsAnne It says "she put both her degrees to good use". Montgomery did have a teacher's licence, but she did not complete a degree. thecanadianencyclopedia.ca/en/article/mon…
#LainaReadsAnne That's just odd.

"Anne of Green Gables has now been serialized on television and made into a film." This... came out in 2008? Okay serialized on TV = the 1985 miniseries, I guess, but which movie are they referring to? The 1934 one?
#LainaReadsAnne Do y'all wanna talk about the discussion questions? That could be fun. I'll come back to them if we wanna do that, but for now let's glance over the recipes included.
#LainaReadsAnne Raspberry cordial - 4 cups raspberries, 1.25 cups sugar, 4 cups boiling water, juice of 2 lemons. Cook berries and sugar, mash through a strainer, add boiling water and lemon juice, cool and serve.
#LainaReadsAnne That's not what a cordial traditionally was. Traditionally, cordial is a syrup combined with either still or sparkling water. Not drank straight up. Kind of like how grenadine is used in cream soda, or squash in the UK.
#LainaReadsAnne The recipe for pound cake seems fine, though. But I suggest not putting Icy Hot in it ;)
#LainaReadsAnne If y'all wanna go over some of these (they ask who changes the most, why does Anne hold a grudge, etc) we can but I think we'll do that later. Same with any concluding thoughts I have. I'll do that in a separate thread, because this was long and I need a break XD
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