We do get some really great details about how Anne's room and how it's changed. Let's actually recap how it was four years ago - I went back to the first chapter it was described in for this, even.
Here we pause for a fabric detour because it's interesting. Now, muslin is tightly woven cotton. If you've ever seen Project Runway, you've seen plain white muslin.
The walls now have a "dainty apple-blossom paper" and a few pictures, including one of Miss Stacy that Anne keeps fresh flowers under.
There's also now a "low white bed".
I wanna talk about this for a minute. Organdy is cotton, but it's a very soft, even sheer fabric.
I think Anne's dress would be somewhere between the two. The right is a bit later in time, the left a bit early.
Anne's hair, also, is done in "two thick braids" and tied "half-way up with two big white bows" and Diana tucks a small white rose behind Anne's ear.
Note that she saved it from her flowers for Anne specially.
Diana remarks on Anne's figure and Anne says she loves Diana's dimples, like "dents in cream".
I got sniffly there.
That is hilarious and adorable.
Poor thing's never had stage fright like this, but she's also never recited to so many strangers.
Towards the back of the room she sees Gilbert Blythe, "bending forward with a smile on his face". Of course, she's convinceed he's laughing at her stage fright.
(Meanwhile, Josie Pye, who he's there with, kinda is laughing at Anne, but who cares about Josie Pye's opinion.)
She even gets an encore.
We're getting close to the end here! Five more threads.