6 years ago, 15 tweets, 27 min read Read on Twitter
The @FLSenate now is debating and will vote on its amended bill to allow the smoking of #MedicalMarijuana as requested by @GovRonDeSantis
mentions Sen. @Rob_Bradley says it's time to move the MMJ smoking debate from Tallahassee to doctors' offices around the state. #FlaPol
mentions "It's in your hands now," Bradley says. "It's medicine – treat it as such" and act in "your patient's best interests...Take seriously your oath to do no harm." #FlaPol
mentions Sen. Gayle Harrell calls on state's medical boards to watchdog docs very closely who order MMJ for patients and to then "evaluate outcomes...we need a detailed, analytical look...many more steps need to be taken." #FlaPol
mentions Sen. @JoseJavierJJR suggests bill doesn't follow const'l amendment bc limits minors who can smoke MMJ only to those who have terminal conditions, not just "debilitating" condition. #FlaPol
mentions Sen. @FarmerForFLSen says he doesn't want to sound like "budget suck-up language" but praises Bradley's remarks; @Rob_Bradley is @FLSenate Approps. Chair. #FlaPol
mentions Sen. @dennisbaxley says his concern - he's NEVER voted for a MMJ bill, btw - is protecting children.
He says he WILL vote for this bill.
"You've protected the children...and I support the bill." #FlaPol
mentions But Sen. @KeithPerryFL says he will vote NO on the bill, explaining he "can't imagine this body" OK'ing MMJ smoking bc that's the way it was used as an illegal substance. Says it will hurt AIDS patients, for ex. "Makes no sense at all." #FlaPol
mentions "Hallelujah," says @SenJanetCruz about the bill. Recalls a public forum in Tampa years ago and was "shocked" how many people supported MMJ way back b4 amendment passed in 2016. #FlaPol
mentions .@SenJanetCruz then responds to @KeithPerryFL about his smoking concerns, saying "who cares?" It's their choice, she adds. Let them and their dr. decide. #FlaPol
mentions Sen. @TomLeeFL gets all foreboding about MMJ bill: "We're not done here. We're not even close to done...we need to be mighty careful what we do here...we have another bill coming" on licensing issue.
mentions Sen. @kellistargel says her personal opinion doesn't matter but still says she does not even believe marijuana is medicine; rather, she says, "it's a gateway drug." But she says "responsible" thing "is to vote for the bill." #FlaPol
mentions In closing, @JeffreyBrandes mentions ALS patient Cathy Jordan who has smoked illegally after diagnosis, was told she had 5 years, has lived decades, attributes longevity to smoking MJ. #FlaPol
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