Pi is an infinite number therefore w/in that number contains Your:
Social Security
Drivers Licence
Phone Number
Every Address You've Lived
Gen 1:1
#PiDay2019 #314Day

7 is the # of completeness & perfection (physical & spiritual)
22/7 = 3.14 = #Pi
Pi is an infinite # that is contained inside of a finite # we can measure the Diameter & Circumference
Every letter has meaning, number & a symbol as well.

Pi is a representation of the infinite inside the finite
We can measure the Diameter of a circle & the circumference but the transcendental & irrational value of π is infinite.
#Pi is the ratio of the circumference to the diameter.

At some point coincidence become mathematically impossible.
22 Books in the Aaronic (Levitical) Old Testament
22 Chapters in the Book Of Revelation
22 Essential Amino Acids – building blocks of life
22 Bones in the Skull – Giving the Power to speak life/death - Blessing/Cursing
22 Letters in the Original Hebrew Alef-Bet

The human eye is sensitive to wavelengths ranging from deep red (700 nano-meter) to violet (400nm).
There are 7 Colors of the Rainbow despite what the #LBGT Community declares.
Red, Orange, Yellow, Green, Blue, Indigo & Violet.

#PiDay2020 should be very interesting then again there is already a movement for Tau Day speaking of Greek...
#TauDay #628Day