Sulfa allergy - the second most common I see behind PCNs. Sulfonamides run the gamut from sumatriptan to furosemide to everyone's favorite, sulfamethoxazole (SMX). Is an allergy to one really a contraindication to the rest? My first #tweetorial! @tony_breu @medicalignorome
Sulfa allergies come in two broad flavors: IgE-mediated (type 1 hypersensitivity) and non-IgE-mediated (type 2, cytotoxic; type 3, immune-complex; type 4, cell-mediated). Starting with type 1, which portion of the molecule is specifically recognized by IgE (the "epitope")?
The non-type-1-hypersensitivities, however, are typically of more concern with SMX. These includes dermatopathies like SJS/TEN or systemic syndromes like serum sickness or DRESS. They are mediated not by IgE but either by IgG/IgM-complexes or T-cells.
Which moiety on SMX is responsible for non-IgE hypersensitivities?
You can see in the above figure that the nitroso-SMX is shown as a protein adduct (red). It tends to haptenate (bind to proteins) to generate novel immunogens, which then cause the worrisome drug reactions like SJS or DRESS.
PMID: 15303450
Do we have any clinical evidence to support using sulfonamide nonantibiotics in patients with a sulfa allergy? The best came out of @NEJM in 2003. A large cohort study of all UK outpatients, it compares those with and without sulfa allergy.

Those with allergy were more likely than those without allergy to react to a sulfa nonabx. However, they were even MORE likely to react to a penicillin - and those with a PCN allergy were even more likely react to a sulfonamide nonabx than those with a sulfa allergy were.
This indicates that there is likely, as the authors put it, a "general predisposition to allergic reactions among certain patients, rather than a specific cross-reactivity with drugs containing the sulfa moiety." The pharmacology matches our reality.
So the next time you are faced with a patient that needs diuresis but has "sulfa allergy" in their chart, feel free to load 'em with furosemide! No ethacrynic acid needed. For more in-depth look at this topic, see my blog post below.