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Mar 28th 2023
am 23.2. war ich im Urlaub. Meine ersten Fotos von #Freiburg’er #Demo-Geschehen nach der #Totalinvasion sind vom 26.2.22 Da gab es eine richtige #friedensdemo in #Freiburg. Die konnte sich deutlich von Russland und Putin distanzieren. ImageImageImage
Am 25.2.22 kam Winfried Kretschman zu Besuch und wurde von #Querdenker’n belagert.
Am 26.2.22 gab es #Querdenken Demo. Obwohl #Ehrensauter schon ein Schild zum #Ukrainekrieg hatte, ignorierten die #Coronaleuger das Thema und demonstrierten noch gegen Impfungen und Masken. ImageImageImageImage
Auch bei der noch großen Demo am 12.3. waren nicht “#Frieden” das Thema, sondern #Impfpflicht. Es gab schon erste Bewegungen Richtung “BionTec” oder Ganser. Aber impfen war dominant. #Querdenker #Demos #Freiburg ImageImageImageImage
Read 17 tweets
Mar 20th 2023
Das sagte uns die Ärztin Dr. Lisa-Maria #Kellermayr im Januar 2022. Am 29. Juli 2022 setzte sie ihrem Leben ein Ende. Monatelang wurde sie von Menschen aus der radikalen Impfgegnerszene bedroht. Von den Behörden fühlte sie sich alleingelassen -und ist damit eine von vielen👇🧵1/7
Die Allgemeinmedizinerin Dr. Kamaleyan-Schmied von der @aekwien führt selbst eine Praxis. Nun organisiert sie Selbstverteidigungskurse – für Ärzt:innen. Denn seit #Corona haben die Drohungen gegen Mediziner:innen stark zugenommen. Aber nicht nur gegen sie... 2/7
Der Journalist @MichaelBonvalot hat alle großen #Corona-#Demos in Wien begleitet. Inzwischen traut er sich nur noch mit mehreren Sicherheitspersonen dort hin. Denn unter den Demonstrierenden: Auch verurteilte Neonazis und international bekannte Identitäre. 3/7
Read 7 tweets
Jul 28th 2022
Wie kann man so krass abstürzen? Ken Jepsen ca. 2011Ken Jepsen ca. 2022
Ich glaub' den muss ich mir archivieren...…
Read 297 tweets
Jun 13th 2022
🧵 #LondonTechWeek Thread! Monday, Day 1

@LDNTechWeek kicks off with @foundersfactory announcing their new £100m Planet Fund, backed by @skyuk - well done team!

@Founders_Forum Group CEO, @carolyndawson_ , gave a warmly-received opening address before a surprise appearance.../1
@LDNTechWeek @foundersfactory @SkyUK @Founders_Forum @carolyndawson_ Chancellor @RishiSunak joined to open #LTW, proclaiming capital, people & ideas as the bedrock of an innovative UK.
He also announced a new addition to the gov's #NewDigitalStrategy live at #LTW: Future of Compute Review w/ world-leading AI expert, Prof. @ZoubinGhahrama1 👏 /2
🚗@DCMS Sec @NadineDorries arrived at #LTW soon after in a @wayve_ai self-driving car!🤖 A startup I'm proud to have helped in a small way through @firstminutecap

DCMS Stats: 20,000 people here for #LTW & £12.4bn raised by UK startups so far this year, more than whole of 2020!/3
Read 14 tweets
Jan 4th 2022
Beispiel: #SchweizerWellen
Hier zeigt @SHomburg 2 Wellen die #fast_identisch aussehen und belegen sollen, das kein Lockdown benötigt werde, die Wellen verschwänden von selbst, meint er. Schauen wir nochmals auf diese fast gleichen Verläufe. Was könnte daran falsch sein?

1/n Image
Aus damaliger Sicht sah das ganze etwas anders aus. Die Frühjarskurve war viel flacher und niedriger. Das zeigt dieses Bild sehr schön. Es schaut aber ganz anders aus als bei @SHomburg. Wie gesagt links der rote Bereich mit #Lockdown, rechts ohne Lockdown.

2/n Image
Beispiel #MaskenFakeKrankheiten
Hier zeigte @SHomburg einige Bilder mit #Hautkrankheiten oder -irritationen. Das ganze war ziemlich zeitgleich mit der vom #Bhakdi-Verein #MWGFD initierten Maskenstudie, die wg. #gravierender_Fehler zurückgezogen werden musste.

3/n Image
Read 56 tweets
Dec 11th 2021
Opiniestuk van #deblok is in tegenspraak met de eigen inzet op #wooncrisis dossiers. Bij elk project gericht op #statushouders, #daklozen #zorgdoelgroepen wordt er moord en brand geschreeuwd over de belangen van de wijk. Hier verdient de bewoner van straks geen stem? #woningnood
Daarnaast heeft het aanpassen van de genoemde plannen door de raad alles te maken met de losgeslagen stedenbouw onder hun eigen coalitie ( van #demos) met de #VVD #revis.

Voor #revis kon het niet hoger of groter. En #demos vond het best.
Ook het niet halen van de 30% sociaal, of het laten verhuren van sociale woningen door de markt mocht allemaal in de door groep de mos samengestelde coalitie. #wooncrisis
Read 7 tweets
Dec 6th 2020
Heute also #Querdenken in #Düsseldorf #dus0612
Nachdem die #rechtsextreme Szene und auch #Hooligans mobilisiert haben, kommen nun die Geister die sie riefen. Die rechte Youtuberin Juni bestätigt den Aufmarsch größerer #Hools-Gruppen. ^^ #Quersenken #Coronanazis #Demokratiefeinde
Wieder Großaufgebot der #Polizei in #Düsseldorf #dus0612 - was das wieder kostet? Ca. 1000 #Querdenker und #Covidioten inzwischen versammelt, Zulauf noch nicht beendet. Hubschrauber kreist über der Kundgebungsfläche. Auch #Hools und #fcknzs mit dabei. ^^
Qu. YT - friendsrebellion
Dem Streamer fallen jetzt die #rechtsextremen Gruppen auf. Er filmt die #Hools und spricht davon, dass sie halt aus dem #patriotischen Lager stammen, und erstmal jeder auf den #Demos von #Querdenken willkommen ist! ^^
#Coronazis #Covidioten #Coronaleugner in #Düsseldorf #dus0612
Read 24 tweets
Aug 29th 2020
Tutta la cd. 2a Repubblica è stata all'insegna del rafforzamento dell'#Esecutivo a scapito del #Legislativo, sulla cui centralità si fonda la ns. #Costituzione.

Si è soffiato sul #populismo sin da quando si è con furbizia fatto credere che il #PdC fosse di elezione popolare ⤵️
laddove è scelto dal #PdR e deve avere la #fiducia delle 2 #Camere.

Così legittimi Governi formati in #Parlamento sono stati considerati usurpatori perché "mai votati" e un Partito-azienda costruito sul suo proprietario-padrone ha osannato il suo leader a "furor di popolo". ⤵️
E mentre questo partito inglobava la destra moderata senza esserlo, a sx si è iniziata a carezzare l'idea di convertirsi al nuovo credo, salvo impallinare più volte il leader di coalizione perché autonomo dai #partiti.

E veniamo alla distorsione e abuso del termine #popolo
Read 7 tweets
Apr 11th 2019
Here is a nugget for you.
D-1133 [1 YEAR Delta] April 11, 2018
#17 ties to D-529 which was the 17th drop on the private board back in January of 2018.
Completely relevant in this very moment.
"Hello George" Soros? P. Bush?
What is ole Chucky up to? I think a game plan is being laid.
Read 15 tweets
Mar 23rd 2019
Q-Thread 3/23
So much is coming together at once. It is hard to imagine that we are on the precipice of seeing what we have worked long and hard for, come to LIGHT. There is STILL a LOT of work to do, so don't plan your victory laps quite yet- But we're about to pick up the pace.
Q-Proof ALERT 🚨🚨
#QAnon had told us in D-2681 what the #Demos plan would be- here we are. Adam Schiff is threatening subpoena against Mueller and his talking penis Swallowell is parroting that threat. Be careful what you wish for SchiffSwallow. #WWG1WGA
As far as the "Blockade being removed"- The Mueller investigation has been used by the good guys in order to control the timing of when the avalanche would begin. We did not want to end Mueller until all the other components were in place. Things will move much more quickly now.
Read 25 tweets
Mar 21st 2019
Q-Thread 3/21
Why are migrants important?
What are assets?
Define assets?
Why are migrants so important?
What are assets?
Why are migrants so important?
What are assets?
Why are migrants so important?
#QAnon #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening
Clown Black Ops
Private funds
Raised how?
Troops @ Border does what?
D's involved
Sex traffic
China/Russia pass-through-intel-pull road block.
The WALL means more than you know.
The FIGHT for the WALL is for so much more.
The #Demos have been getting kickbacks from the cartels and protection from the deep state/clowns. The DS/Clowns run their black ops with the help of the cartels/MS-13 and these operations fund the DS goals. One would think the border wall is all about the $$- Not so much.#QAnon
Read 13 tweets
Mar 16th 2019
The ART OF WAR- Sun Tzu
The ART OF THE DEAL- Donald J. Trump
Strategy Applied to @realDonaldTrump + US Patriots vs. The Deep State… - Principles of Sun Tzu in list format.
#QAnon #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening #TheMoreYouKnow #NinjaNews
The art of war, is governed by five constant factors, to be taken into account in one's deliberations, when seeking to determine the conditions obtaining in the field. These are: (1) The Moral Law; (2) Heaven; (3) Earth; (4) The Commander; (5) Method and discipline. #QAnon
The Moral Law causes the people to be in complete accord with their ruler, so that they will follow him regardless of their lives, undismayed by any danger.

@realDonaldTrump has EARNED the TRUST of Patriots b/c he keeps his promises. One of the simplest principles of Moral Law.
Read 31 tweets
Mar 15th 2019
* Q-Thread 3/14 *
Wow. I picked a bad day to be REALLY busy. #QAnon has really been going at it today. Panic in DC is becoming unbearable, and we are on the verge of major events. Buckle up and let's dive in. #WAKEUPAMERICA #FACTSMATTER #SAVEAMERICA #UNITEDNOTDIVIDED #WWG1WGA
@RepDougCollins put up the transcripts from Peter Strzok today, and Q asks us to dig in- Happy hunting.
We have a @SaraCarterDC tweet. Andrew Weissman is leaving the DOJ SC, so this is just another signal that the Mueller report is imminent and the end of the 'witch hunt' is near. Sting of all stings. SOON.#WAKEUPAMERICA #FACTSMATTER #SAVEAMERICA #UNITEDNOTDIVIDED #WWG1WGA
Read 34 tweets
Mar 14th 2019
* Q-Thread 4/13 *
Sorry this is late. I was out of town all day without access.
Lots to unpack here so lets jump in.
Page makes it clear in her testimony that orders not to charge [HRC] came from above. Immediately- [LL] , beyond that??? BHO?
The tarmac meeting between [LL] & Bill Clinton took place June 2016, days before James Comey notoriously announced that "No charges are appropriate ....." against [HRC], BEFORE SHE WAS EVEN INTERVIEWED.
Hillary had SAP programs on here computer because they were either allowed to be taken by someone up the food chain or she stole them. SAP's are of the HIGHEST security- some are not even allowed to 'see' them, but can only be 'read in' on them by someone else with clearance.
Read 24 tweets
Mar 11th 2019
** Q-Thread 3/10 - 3/11 **
Snowden returning to the US? It would seem that we were allowed to see somewhat of a 'negotiation' take place between #QAnon and @Snowden last night. There is a LOT to digest here so let's dig in. #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening
#QAnon starts us off with a link to the NSA site, where a 'puzzle game' is played based on the tic-tac-toe game from the movie 'War Games'. Not sure what the relevance of that is in this context, only that Q has used the 'Shall we play a game' numerous times.
As of the time of D-3019, @realDonaldTrump had 'forwarded' (RT'd) 11 Tweets. The primary topic (theme) seems to be #Demo corruption/ethics problem. @TomFitton and @paulsperry_ seem to be the portals of choice. #QAnon #WWG1WGA #GreatAwakening #StormIsUponUs
Read 82 tweets
Mar 10th 2019
** Q-Thread 3/9 **
WoW! What a day! 15 new drops so far & it seems that the day that we all have been waiting for is upon us. #QAnon has given us a LOT of signals that the #GreatAwakening is here. So buckle up guys & gals- we are going for a ride. ARE YOU READY??? #StormIsUponUs
So it has come out that [#2] McCabe not only targeted @realDonaldTrump with a partisan investigation, he also targeted HIS BOSS, Jeff Sessions. WOW. According to the RCI article, he was asked by Senate #Demos to open the investigation into Sessions. Political motivation?
Sessions did not have Bi-Partisan support in the Senate (52-47), whereas Rosenstein did (94-6). This is important because it shows who the #Demos / #DeepState viewed as the enemy. Who do you target your allies or enemy? This is why Sessions was targeted. #QAnon #WWG1WGA #Justice
Read 61 tweets
Mar 6th 2019
** Q-Thread 4/6 **
Starting off with a bang today. We were sent a signal last night. Did you catch it?

D-2980…📁- This is the important line: “If they go down the presidential harassment track, if they want go and harass the president ....
.... and the administration, I think that would be the best thing that would happen to me. I’m a counter-puncher and I will hit them so hard they’d never been hit like that,”
Read carefully knowing what you know now.- What we know now is that @realDonaldTrump tweeted the video from D-2971 (nadler) with the caption "Presidential Harassment". Then deleted that tweet. I have attached it for you to see.
Read 103 tweets
Mar 4th 2019
**** Q-Thread 3/3 ****
#QAnon got busy today and we are definitely ramping up. Be vigilant & keep your head on a swivel- as the heat gets turned up we all know what the #Demo game plan will be. See something- Say something. Watch @DevinNunes here 1st:

When the original 'insurance' policy expires [MUELLER] and you must attempt to 'protect' those in harms way by re_applying BLOCKADE + maintain leftist hatred & FAKE NEWS narrative you………..
*Create new narrative out of thin air- NO evidence.
At what stage in the game do you play the TRUMP card?
* I think you hold the Trump card until you have the #DeepState FULLY committed. Once they are 'ALL-In' there is no ability to defend and there is no way to walk away without losing everything. We are VERY near.
Read 78 tweets
Mar 3rd 2019
**** Q-Thread 3/2 ****
Well it would seem that we are FULLY engaged in the battle now.
"We are far beyond statistical analysis at this stage"
Are YOU ready?
I put out my decode on this earlier today, so I am just going to re-post it here- Then move on to the other drops.
Read 31 tweets
Mar 1st 2019
**** Q-Thread 3/1 ****
Fresh off the Hanoi summit with North Korea and testimony from Michael Cohen, Q starts a new month with a couple of tweets from our FEARLESS LEADER @realDonaldTrump. Let's see where #QAnon takes us today.

"Oh’ I see! Now that the 2 year Russian Collusion case has fallen apart, there was no Collusion except [bye] Crooked Hillary & the Democrats, they say, “gee, I have an idea, let’s look at Trump’s finances & every deal he has ever done. Let’s follow discredited Michael Cohen….."
There are multiple capitalizations to look at- CCCD= 13
[bye] 2,25,5 = 32
Add them together and you get 45. Just sayin
Now lets also acknowledge that [bye] was used in place of BY.
[bye] Felicia [Hillary]
Read 13 tweets
Feb 28th 2019
No deal with NK. Trump got played. Kim was legitimized by the POTUS flying around the world to meet with him. Muh photo ops. Trump is an idiot. Blah Blah Blah

Remember these words: You must not get emotionally committed to 'making a deal' for sake of the deal.
Lead up to the 1st meeting with Kim, there was nuclear war rhetoric, missile tests, and my button is bigger than yours. Upon 1st first meeting, an ultimatum was delivered: 'Cut the crap or we will make you a big hole in the ground', ...."to the likes this world has never seen."
Between the 1/2 meetings, there was still a very strong stance taken by @POTUS with clear expectations being set. Then in Singapore, within hours, there was a clear picture painted for Kim on his choices.
Read 26 tweets
Feb 25th 2019
***** Q-Thread 2/24-2/25 *****

Drop 2885
They NEVER thought Crooked Hillary would lose.- How do you lose a rigged election?
RETURNING POWER TO THE PEOPLE!- I can feel it. Keep it coming.
Those who are the loudest…..

Q revisits one of my faves- Bill Maher. He is such a weasel. I bet he dresses in baby clothes. Kid Love Productions?
Re: Trump tweet about not letting Hoda Muthana- the terrorist bride- into the US.
Ask yourself a simple question, should a woman who travels to Syria to support and encourage 'JIHAD' against the 'West' deserve to live……………….?- Traitor/Sedition
Read 29 tweets
Feb 22nd 2019
****** Q-Thread 2/22 ****** 2862-
#FakeNews media has been discredited
#QAnon is dropping headlines lately
#WWG1WGA has been building memes, writing articles, & RT truth on SM
#JohnQPublic is waking up to our movement
#WorldWide there are MILLIONS Tuned in to Q.
Got popcorn?

@POTUS points the WORLD toward a tweet with Tons of Q-Messaging. Not direct- YET- but this is a sign that it's coming.

Q linked us to this tweet last night. Bunch of Q people went there and did a bunch of stuff that Q people do- Comments loaded w/ memes etc
Read 34 tweets
Feb 21st 2019
******* Q-Thread 2/21 ******* 2844-

Drop 2844
📁- Tweet tying together the @paulsperry_ tweet about McCabe claiming [RR] Tried to boot @DevinNunes from the Capitol SCIF during a Gang of 8 briefing, Re: Trump Investigation to D-643
What is the process to enter a SCIF?- Extreme Security measures, no electronic devices allowed entry.
What security level must exist in order to gain entry? Top Secret
Can non-security-level person(s) be invited to participate?- Not supposed to.
Do logs exist for each designated meeting?- YES
Do logs record time in/time out/who in/who out?- Supposed to.
Ability to enter (arrange) w/o paper trail?- Not without breaking the rules and corruption of the process.
Read 62 tweets

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