Prov.10:6- Blessings are on the head of the righteous. Who is the righteous?
What then do you do when the wind "howls"? Or when
Do you believe God's Word or what your eyes see? You know, I've discovered that saying in church that
So much to say on this topic but I'll round off with this: remember when Jesus was told that Lazarus was sick? Do you recall his response? He said:
That's why walking by Faith is far more reliable than relying on what your physical eyes can see. If you rely on sight,
You'll find that to be true in verse 44. So you see, God cannot, I repeat: CANNOT lie!
If you walk by sight, that means you'll easily fall to the howls of the wind the enemy throws at you.
I hope this blessed and helps someone as it did for me 💞💝