What will it take for the U.S. to follow in its footsteps? bloom.bg/2FrXkXS
- 67 new gun-safety bills were signed into law
- A universal background check bill was passed in February
- Multiple inquiries into the NRA are under way in Congress bloom.bg/2Fr19g6

- Millions of supporters
- 350,000 donors
- Networked activists in every state bloom.bg/2Fr19g6

❎ Teachers aren't allowed to carry guns in schools
❎ Authorities can deny gun purchases
❎ Gun buyers who don’t pass an instant background check have an extended waiting period bloom.bg/2Fr19g6

All it takes to turn back a robust gun-safety movement of millions is five willing justices. Or maybe just one: John Roberts bloom.bg/2Fr19g6

It’s possible the court will use that opportunity to declare a sweeping constitutional right to carry a firearm outside the home bloom.bg/2Fr19g6

2008: The individual right to firearms
2010: States must recognize that right via the 14th Amendment
2019: ❓bloom.bg/2Fr19g6

The main question concerns John Roberts, which makes him the key swing vote on this all-important issue bloom.bg/2Fr19g6

“Disenfranchising the American people on this life & death subject would be the gravest and most serious of steps. It is their community...their safety...their lives” bloom.bg/2Fr19g6

Will Roberts use a 5-4 decision of a bitterly divided court to stop it? bloom.bg/2Fr19g6