since the notice went out on march 11,
6 students have been counseled regarding confederate symbols.
this agenda item is set to last an hour and a half 😭

the slide shows the adopted definition by the district.

he says systems not built with equity in mind may not have been built with inequity in mind, which is perhaps something this board should meditate on for a moment.
it is not enough to be not racist. be antiracist.
they’re looking at the policy checklist now.

we’re scheduled for a ten minute break, but all that’s left is public comment. forging right ahead!
during the breakout, she used their own equity checklist and run the dress code policy against it.
“the news is national, if not international.” not acknowledging it doesn’t show us to be equitable.
she says the school system owes an apology to the students and parents in charlottesville - the threat that closed those schools was made from a ACPS classroom.
she has met several times with the parent of the child traumatized by a racist classroom exercise on martin luther king day. she’s crying.
the speaker calls on the district to be explicitly antiracist.
two county students threatened violence. cville schools closed for two days. ACPS was also threatened.
“if somebody is threatening to kill my children, my black indigenous children, i have a right to know.”
not. one. word. about the threats. the trauma. the still-audibly-crying mother who fears for her children’s safety in these schools.