“Where Bae Joohyun is a snob princess by day and the angelic Irene at night who volunteers at the orphanage where she meets Junmyeon when he adopts a child”

It is where she becomes herself without the worry of people following her every move.
“Sister Mary! I have finished cooking dinner for everyone we should go eat” she called out.
“We’ll be coming in a few” the nun replied, and gathered the children.
After dinner, she insisted that she help clean up, the other volunteers and staff didn’t bother stopping her-
“Irene!” Wendy called out.
Wendy is her best friend who she met there a few years ago.
“Come here! There’s another article about you!” Wendy said as she signalled for her to hurry.
“Look, they have another picture of you yawning while the prime minister speaks” Wendy said, laughing.
“Haha. They’re really trying hard to make me look rude, all the time just because I never accept interviews”-
Wendy was her only friend because no one bothered to talk to her at events when the first article about her was published. Wendy knew about her-
“I should really go now, I have some “princess duties” tomorrow” Irene said with matching air quotes.
“You take care, I’ll finish cleaning up here” Wendy replied
“Thank you!”
“See you tomorrow, princess” Wendy giggled-
She was on her way out of the compound when she ran into someone who looks confused.
She was about to ignore the man when he suddenly speaks
“Excuse me? How do I adopt a child?”
“You have a point, who adopts a child at 11:30pm” the man said laughing, but there was a hint of-
“You can always come back though” she can’t help but comfort the man
“I’m Junmyeon, by the way, do I know you? You seem familiar?”
“My name’s Irene and I don’t think we’ve met, I should really go now”-
The man was cut-off as she walked away, almost running to the back of the fence where she hides her car.
Her heart was racing and she prayed that the man hopefully didn’t recognize her.
She started the engine and drove off.
“Well, maybe I should just come back tomorrow” he said to himself as he left the orphanage.
“Jun! Hey, did you hear what I said?” Sehun said tapping his friend
“I’m sorry, what?”
“I said, why don’t you adopt as well? I mean, you are adopted and you turned out great”
“Now that you’ve said it. Should I do it? I mean, I wouldn’t mind bringing up a kid-
“Hell yeah, bro, I think you could!” Sehun said as he tapped his friend’s back.
It was an event that really needed her presence. But she never really liked going to these fancy parties-
Thank God she missed her family, or she wouldn’t be there at all.
“Yerim!” She called out to her little sister, as the child approached and hugged her.
“I’ve missed you!”
“I missed you too, Joohyun”
The sisters sneaked off and went to Joohyun’s mom’s garden
“I just don’t feel like I can be myself in front of those cameras you know. How was your trip tho? Did you have fun?” Joohyun said, avoiding further questions from her sister
“The beach was good, but you weren’t there-
She was touched by her sister’s words so she hugged and carried her sister to their favorite spot at the garden
“I have something for you” Joohyun said as they sat at their bench
“What is it? Did you get me a puppy?”
“I want you to have this!” She exclaimed as she presented her sister with a necklace that matches hers.
“Wooooow. Can you put it on for me?” Yerim said, all smiley
“We should go back now, your mom must be looking for you”
His feelings are all over the place as he approached Sister Mary’s office.
He’s excited to see her again, and anxious if she’ll recognize him after all these years.
“Sister Mary!” he exclaimed
“Junmyeon, it’s been a while” she said fondly, “you’ve grown into a fine young man, the orphanage is always grateful for all your donations these past years”
“So, what brings you here?” she asked as she led them to her office
“Well, I’ve been thinking about it for a while now,” he paused to take a deep breath “I want to adopt a child”
Sister Mary smiled and said-
“Yes, they are the best parents in the world” he said fondly
“I’m sorry for your loss, child, we heard” she comforts the man “and about the adoption, of course you are more than qualified”
Junmyeon can’t help but smile.
“But we have terms, dear”
“What are they Sister? I’d be happy to comply”
“I have no problems with that, when can I start?” He asked.
“Well, about that...” he trailed off “I don’t have anyone and, I’m planning to raise the child alone”
They talked for a while about everything that needs to be settled
“You can start bonding with the children maybe, next week?”
“Sister Mary!” Irene called as she arrived to start her daily activities in the orphanage. “Oh! You came back!” She said acknowledging Junmyeon and they bowed to each other.
“Welcome to the orphanage, I’ll be happy to assist you around” Irene said
“Thank you so much for everything, I’ll be back tomorrow” Junmyeon said-
Junmyeon felt something new? He can’t explain it but he feels lighter and happier already.
News Headline: 04/18/2019
“Bae Joohyun, spotted being rude to another reporter”
“Bae Joohyun, not fit to be the nation’s next leader?”
“Princess, the King requests your presence in the throne room”
“I’ll be there in 30” she replied and hurriedly prepared to meet-
She’s wondering what could be the reason why her dad wants to see her early in the morning.
After preparing for the day, she quickly went to the throne room.
“Father, you asked for me?”
“What is it father?”
“Have you seen the news? When will you warm up to the press?”
“You are the future of this nation, the headlines about you shouldn’t be like this”
“I tried clearing my name but I am always-
“How could you give up so easily?? Those are not traits of a great leader!”
“I never even wanted to be queen!” Joohyun said as she rushed out of the room.
She cancelled all her appointments for the day and turned off her phone as she drove away to clear her mind.
She went to the cemetery outside of town to visit her mother’s grave.
The queen is suffering from a serious disease and the physicians already told the royal family that she had little time left.
“Mom, don’t leave me please, I need you here”
“Joohyun, my dearest, you have grown to be a beautiful woman, take care of your father-
“No, mom don’t say that please”
“You have to be strong, promise me that you will be a queen this nation needs-
“Mom? MOM!! No, please, don’t let this happen!!!”
“Joohyun, say goodbye now,” her father said calming her as they shed their tears in the darkest days of the-
*Present Day*
She can’t help her tears as she remembered her mom, and everything she taught her.
She managed to pull herself together and decided to just head early to the orphanage.
“Irene, why do you look sad?” Kai said, as he touched her face.
Kai is one of the kids closest to her heart, she can’t remember when she started going there but she remembers the day Kai arrived.
“Sister Mary!! There’s a baby here!! He’s not breathing! Help!” Irene said, she panicking because the child was barely alive
“Call an ambulance” Sister Mary said to another nun
“Keep calm, Irene, he will make it”
She went to the hospital wearing her cap and mask-
“The baby is fine, if he was found a minute late, he wouldn’t have made it”-
Irene cannot explain the relief that washed over her, she cannot bear to see another life fleet away from her. From then on she took extra care of Kai whenever she’s in the orphanage.
“I’m fine Kai, thanks for asking” she said as she ruffled the boy’s hair “shall we play with the other children?” She said chasing Kai and playing with the kids.
“Hi!!” A familiar man appeared all of a sudden, their attention was caught and the children rushed to-
“Everyone, this is Uncle Junmyeon!” Irene introduced him, and Junmyeon cringed at the sound of him being called an uncle, but he smiled and greeted the children, “Hello, everyone”
The children were still hesitant to approach-
Junmyeon felt a tug at his heart as he shaked the little boy’s hand.
“Uncle Junmyeon, will spend some time here to play with you all-
“What’s in the bag?” A girl asked
“Joy! You shouldn’t pry, he just got here” Irene said as she smiled apologetically at Junmyeon.
“It’s fine! These treats are for you guys anyway” He said shyly.
The kids were very excited as they received their snacks, they all ran inside leaving the two alone.
“So, uhm, it seems like the kids liked you” Irene said
“Yeah, I hope so, I’m quite nervous tho, I’m still not sure if I can handle-
“Don’t worry! Spend more time here and you will learn to love all these adorable kids!” Irene said fondly
“You seem close to the kids, how long have you volunteered here?”
“I honestly can’t remember, my mom used to bring me here and I used to play with the kids-
“My time here was short, I came when I was 4 years old then I got adopted when I was 5”
“Ohh. I see and now you’re adopting, but where’s your wife? This something you should both agree on”
Junmyeon laughed,
“Why are you laughing?”
“I’m really sorry! I didn’t know” Irene was flustered,
“It’s fine” he said
“But why did you decide on adopting?”
Junmyeon was about to answer when-
“I’m coming to get you!!” Junmyeon said as he chased the kids around. Irene was just smiling watching them when Junmyeon himself tagged her.
“Oh no you didn’t” they ended up playing-
“Dinner is served!” Wendy called out to the children and the children-at-heart.
“On our way!” Irene said as she ushered the children to the dining room.
“I’ll see you off” said Irene
“No, I can manage” he replied
“I insist, it’s your first day!”
He agreed and led the way to the exit.
“So, how was your first day here?”
“I’m sure you’ll have more fun as you spend time with them”
“I should go now, thanks for all your help today, I’m really grateful”
“It was nothing, you take care, bye, Junmyeon”
“Good night, Jun” she said waving back
She was smiling as she was walking back to the grounds of the orphanage
“You look happy” Wendy said, wiggling her eyebrows
“Come on, he’s the same age as you, and if it wasn’t so obvious, he’s good-looking!!”
Irene ignored her, but in fact, she really thought he was cute, but there are still a lot of things she has to take care of back at home-
“I have to go now, I’ll see you tomorrow okay? You take care, good night Wendy!” Irene said as she bid goodbye to her friend.
“Bye!! Take care, drive safe!”
“The company is in your hands for a week, call me if something needs my urgent attention” Junmyeon said to Sehun
“Relax Jun, you can trust me, don’t worry about the company-
“Ok, ok, I will” Junmyeon said as he cleans his desk, ready to head out to the orphanage.
“I see you’re spending a LOT more time here, what’s the problem princess?” Wendy asked, earning a playful punch from Irene.
“I need to distance myself from home-
“Really? And not to spend time with Mr. Handsome??” Wendy said nudging her.
“What? I’m telling the truth!” Irene said, laughing
“Hi guys!” Jun said
“Hey, we were just talking about you, right Irene?”
“W-well, yeah, kinda-
“I should go, enjoy your time here, Junmyeon” Wendy said as she left the two alone
“That’s good to hear”
“Where are the kids tho?” Junmyeon said, his eyes wandering around the empty playground
“Wait, is it a saturday??”-
“Well, yeah, it is”
“And Wendy didn’t even tell me!” She said as she sat on the bench and Jun sat beside her.
“Why? What’s with saturday?”
“Sister Mary must have forgotten to tell you, but every saturday, the kids attend a bible study in the nearby
“But why are you here on a saturday?”
“It’s automatic that after work, and every free time, I help around here, I like being here” Irene said
“I like Kai, the first time he shook my hand, I liked him already”
“Ohh. I like him too, he’s the kid closest to me here, he’s been here since he was a baby”
“You talk about him so fondly, did you ever think of adopting him?”
“Well, I’d love to-
“Why are you thinking about adopting even if you’ll be a single parent?” Jun looked shocked “if you don’t mind me asking” Irene added as she sensed uneasiness in his aura
“It’s fine, it’s just that-
‘He looks cute’ Irene thought
“Because, I want to share what I have and I don’t have anyone,and my friend said I should considering adopting instead, do you get it” Jun tried to explain
“Haha, yeah I do, I really think-
“Uhm, thanks? Haha. By the way what else could I do to get closer to kids?”
“Hmm, try cooking for them or cooking with them, they love it when...” Irene continued on and Jun looked at how happy she looks-
“Do you get me?” Irene asked
“Y-yeah” Jun answered as he snapped out of his thoughts
“I should go now, I still have some work to do, thanks again for today” Jun said
“Oh ok, I should go too, no problem, you can ask for help anytime”
“You too, bye” she said with a smile on her face
“You look happy??” Wendy said appearing out of nowhere
“I said you look happy, TOO happy”
“We just talked”
“We jUst TaLkEd” Wendy said, mocking her-
“Ok ok, I get it, I was just teasing”
“I need to go home now, and face my reality. Good night!” Irene said hugging Wendy to say bye
“Drive safe and see you monday?”
“Yeah, I’ll be here, bye!”
“I knew I’d find you here” her father said
“I’m sorry, for earlier” she said
“Dad, help me, how do I change the way people think of me?”
“You don’t have to try hard-
Her father’s words somehow lightened what he’s feeling.
“You should rest now, we have a big event to attend to”
“Independence Day!! I almost forgot about tomorrow”
Future leader, those words bring so much pressure, but it’s her duty to her nation and promise to her mother.
“Yeah, future leader”
“Good night, dad”
“Good night, my princess, good luck on your speech tomorrow”
She forgot that she would deliver a speech tomorrow, she rushed to her room and quickly sat down to write.
She looked down and saw her mother’s necklace, which gave her inspiration to push through and hope that what inspires her would inspire-
She woke up early and decided to do her own make-up. As she was finishing her hair, her dress came and she finished preparing
“Princess, the car is ready for you”
“I’m almost ready, be there in a while” she said in a kind tone.
She greeted the press and she was all smile. It shocked everyone that the shutters stopped
“I’m doing great, just nervous about the speech” she said with a small laugh
She interacted with everyone who approached her and returned their kind gestures, until it was time for her speech.
“As the representative of the youth...”
Everyone was in awe after her heart-warming speech, she was smiling genuinely, something people have never seen before.
“My mother, she taught me everything I know”
She answered a few more questions as she went out to the venue and back to the palace. She never felt this happy being in her ‘princess persona’.
“Who?” Jun said without taking his eyes off his paperworks
“The princess! She’s pretty and all but she has a nasty personality”
“She can’t be THAT bad, as she’s to be the next leader”
“Can I see?? You seem so happy about it”
“Wait, you mean you don’t know how the princess looks like??” Sehun said throughly surprised
“See, all he does is work, he doesn’t even know the princess, tsk” Sehun mumbled to himself”
“Well, I’m to be the queen after all, it’s my duty, I guess” Irene said, looking around searching for someone
“He said he’ll be late today, he called earlier”
“What? Who?”
“You really think-
“I-I wasn’t looking for him” Her cheeks getting rosier by the second
“Irene!!” Kai called out to her “we need your help in the playground”
“I’m coming!” She replied to Kai “I’ll see you later” as she stood up and went to the playground.
“Need a help with that?” said approaching the swing, “I’ll do it”
“Here” Irene said
With a few nudges and some elbow grease, Junmyeon managed to fix the swing
“Thank you, Uncle Junmyeon!” Kai said as he ran back to play with the other kids
“You are quite a hero back there” Irene teased
“It was nothing” Jun said shyly “um, Irene, I think I’ll adopt Kai, do you think-
Irene was taken aback by the sudden revelation of Junmyeon.
“Well, if your heart says so, then why not?” She said, she was happy that Kai will get to have a dad but she can’t help but be sad at the thought of him leaving. “I guess you really are-
“Thanks. Thank you for all your help, would you mind going out on a dinner with me?” Jun said as he blushes “t-to thank y-you for everything, i-if you don’t mind” he said scratching his head
“Well, I’d love to!” Irene said smiling
“Yeah, it’s perfect”
“I’ll go to Sister Mary first to tell her I’ve made up my mind” Jun said as he stood up and went to the sister’s office.
Irene can’t believe what happened, she knows it was just a ‘thank you dinner’ but her heart is somehow fluttering.
“Who’s this girl anyway?? Why are you this anxious??”
“She’s the girl who’s been guiding me-
“It sounds like you’re just using the orphanage to ask her out”
Jun was startled and he stopped fixing his hair
“What are you talking about?? This is just a friendly dinner”
Jun can’t help but just roll his eyes at Sehun
“Just hold on a little more, I need your opinion baby” she said cooing at Yerim
“Ok ok but I want the chocolates you promised me” She put out her pinky-
“I promiiiise!” Joohyun said, “so now, the pink or this yellow dress??”
“I told you, yelloooow!! Where are you going anyway??”
“To have dinner with a friend”
“A friend?? I thought you’re going on a date? You’re extra pretty today”
“No! It’s just dinner”
“Keep this a secret and I will refill your stash again”
Yerim agreed and zipped her mouth
“Thanks my cutie pie, now go to your room and sleep, bye!” She said before going out
Jun got there earlier and chose the seat next to the window, with a view of the city
After a few moments, Irene arrived and Jun waved-
“Hi” they greeted at the same time.
“You look fine today” Jun said, both of them blushing at the compliment
“You too” Irene said “by the way, how is the process going? What did Sister Mary tell you?”
“Yeah, about that she-
“But why? I think he’ll be happy if he knew he’ll be adopted”
“That’s what I said too, but sister told me not to shock the kid”
“Yeah, that makes sense”
“Shall we order?” Jun asked
“And I’ll have beef, thank you” as the waiter left, silence fell upon them.
“By the way, what do you do?” Jun asked, Irene was caught off guard at the question, she can’t decide whether to tell him the truth or lie
“Uhh...” Irene paused, “I work for the-
“How about you?”
“I work for a toy company” Jun replied.
“Do you design toys or you just do paper works?”
“Well, both? I have passion in creating toys for-
Irene can’t help but stare at him and the way he talked about his passion, something about him is drawing her in.
“I think Kai, is in good-
“Wow, you really think so?” Jun said excitedly “I’m sorry, I’m just happy that this is really happening”
“Yes, I really think so” Irene said, smiling gently
“It wouldn’t be possible without you, I am really grateful”
Their dinner went on smoothly and they enjoyed each-
“Are you sure you don’t want me to drive you home?” Jun asked
“Yes, I’ll be fine, you can go now”
“I told you, it wasn’t a date. Our dinner went well”
“Then why are you in a hurry to go to the orphanage today??”
“None of your business!!” Jun said defensively and left Sehun who’s laughing out loud.
“Hi! I brought snacks!” He announced as he got closer to them
“Thank you, Uncle Junmyeoooon” said the kids
“Wow, thanks!” Irene said, the butterflies in his stomach running wild.
“Y-you’re welcome” Jun said as he gathered his courage to ask her a favor-
“What about him?”
“How do I tell him I’ll adopt him?” He said, scared to say the next words, “what if he doesn’t like me?” He sighed and dropped his shoulders
“Don’t be too hard on yourself, I’m sure he’ll like you”
“You really think so?-
“Well, you should talk to him about that, but yeah, everyone here will miss him, I will miss him” Irene said, “he reminds of a friend that I once had here, he didn’y spend a lot of time here-
“What happened?” Jun said, his curiosity piqued as the story seems familiar to him.
“He got adopted, his parents were so kind when they-
Jun tensed and replied “YES! I promise take good care of him. And about your story, can I ask you something?”
“Go on”
“-to get mango from that tree!”
“-to get mango from that tree!”
They said at the same time
“Are you Joohyun???”
“Are you THAT Junmyeon??”
“It’s just a nickname I got after volunteering here” she lied as it seems like he doesn’t really know her.
“I never thought I’d see you again!!” Irene said, hugging Jun, he was-
They shared more stories and laughed at their silliness as they reminisced.
“I really can’t believe what I found out today”
“No wonder I always thought I knew you” Jun said
The next working day was a breeze as he’s excited to get out of work and see everyone at the orphanage.
He kept telling himself that it’s nothing, that he just saw them in the market on his way here. But his giant smile cannot hide his happiness.
“Hi! I bought this on the way here, you guys can have it” Jun said, and as Wendy walks aways “wait, uhm, have you seen Irene?” He can’t help but ask.
“She’s not gonna be here-
“Oh” was all he could say as disappoinment took over his mood.
“Hi, yeah I’m fine Kai. Why aren’t you playing with your friends?”
“I just saw that you were sad and you’re my friend too, that’s why I’m here” Kai said as he flashed his toothy grin.
He ruffled the boy’s hair and said-
“Are you going to adopt me??” Kai asked his eyes almost popping out
“Are okay with that??”
“Yes!! Uncle Junmyeon is the best!!” The kid said jumping up and down. Jun’s heart is about to explode-
“You go play with your friends, I’ll talk to Sister Mary first”
He went to Sister Mary’s office to tell her the good news and finalize the paperworks.
“I’m so happy for you Junmyeon”
“I am too” Jun said with tears brimming on his eyes-
He’s really happy, but something is missing, he really wanted to tell Irene the good news as soon as possible bc she’s a great part in all of this. But he didn’t want to be a burden so he just let it go.
Irene had to be away on a 3 day trip to New York where she will have a talk in the UNICEF headquarters as the representative of Youth in Korea.
Her image has gone a long way and people are warming up to her as she is to them. This was her duty to her nation, but-
She settled on just calling Wendy and asked her news from the orphanage.
“Oh. Maybe he was just gonna ask about something” she said not trying to get her hopes up. “But how are things there? I already miss everyone”
“Everything’s fine and-
“What news?? But okay I’ll go now, take care as well”
She can’t help but think about what news Wendy can’t tell her. She reminded herself that she’s
“I’m done, I’m done, let’s go!” Sehun said avoiding Jun’s nagging
“We could’ve left yesterday so you aren’t this panicking but you decided to go to the orphanage first”
“I had to spend time there and besides, it’s official-
“What??? For real??”
“Yeah! And I’m just happy but I haven’t told Irene yet”
“Is she the girl you went on a date??”
“Dinner.” He corrected “but yeah she is, she helped me a lot during this process so-
“What??” Jun asked, confused
“Sounds like you’re just finding excuses to talk to her, why not just ask her out??”
“Well, I’m planning to, I just don’t know how, I’ll figure it out after this trip.
“What are you looking at?? Your eyes never left your phone the minute we arrived”
“I told you!! The princess is going to attend the event tonight!!”
“I told you she’s changed!! And she’s an angel who cares for children”
‘An angel who cares for children’ he can only think of one as he smiled at the thought of Irene
“Remind me again how we got invited here” Sehun asked and Jun just shrugged
They were invited because Junmyeon was one of the sponsors, he give toys and monetary-
“There she is! The primcess is here!!” Sehun said almost jumping on his seat.
“Why are you this..” Jun froze at what he saw, Irene/Joohyun walking down the red carpet in her
‘That’s why she’s so familiar, not just because I knew her, but she’s the freaking princess’
“Hey!” Sehun said
“What? Why?” Jun asked
“You were just standing there frozen, as the princess entered, I told you she’s an angel!” Sehun teased
He didn’t know what to do, he wants to approach her and ask her why she concealed her identity and another part of-
“Presenting, Princess Joohyun” one of the MCs announced as she’s about to talk.
His heart skipped a beat at how stunning she looks but can’t help but feel betrayed at how she never told him about her
“Hey, bro, uh, what’s wrong?? You’ve been acting weird the whole night?”
“What? Uh it’s nothing, don’t mind me. He said while frantically looking around
“Oh! I know!”
“You’re just nervous because they will present the sponsors later”
He almost forgot about that,
“Yeah, yeah, that’s why I’m nervous” he said with a fake laugh
“It’s has been a great evening, all thanks to our sponsors who never forgot about the-
“And last but not the least, our most valued sponsor who’s been supporting us for 9 years, Mr. Kim Junmyeon!”
“Please come here Mr. Kim, sit beside the princess for the photo”
They were both avoiding-
“Jun!” Joohyun called
He doesn’t know whether to face her or not, but people around them are already speculating.
He turned around and greeted the princess
“Nothing, I just want to thank you for your generosity, our kingdom also benefits from it. Thank you”
“My pleasure, if that is all, I’ll get going now princess”
He rush through the crowd and practically dragged Sehun out of there to go back to their hotel.
“Go ahead, buy me snacks. Hehe” Sehun said only to find him already gone “why you gotta be stingy” he said to himself
He settled on a bench and opened his beer.
“Care to share?” Someone said to him as he sipped his drink
“What are you doing here? People might see you”
“I have nothing to hide anyway” she said as she sat next to Junmyeon.
“I didn’t know you were a princess, even back then”
“I didn’t know that you never read the papers”
“You know I wouldn’t, you had a lot of chances to say so”
“I know, I’m sorry, I was meaning to tell you, I just didn’t think we’ll run into each other here”
She said as she finally let her tears fall
Jun scooted closer to offer his handkerchief.
“I’m really sorry”
“I have something to tell you,” Jun said with excitement as he faced Joohyun to her, “I’m adopting Kai, he already agreed, I’m gonna be a dad!!”
He hugged her back and they stayed like that until their emotions calmed down
Their misunderstanding was long gone as they the night deepened.
“I did too” She said shyly
“You looked pretty back there, and your speech touched me”
“Thanks, you looked good too,”
Their cheeks glowing at their exchange
“I’ll be fine, my hotel is that way and it’s only a 5 minute walk”
“What? I’m staying there too” he said with a hearty laugh, “maybe that’s where all the guests are staying, shall we?” he said as he led the way back
“I’ll go ahead now, good night, Jun”
“Good night, Joohyun”
The smile on their faces evident, as shutters clicked, not knowing they are being watched.
She saw Wendy’s name on the caller id so she decided to pick it up
“Hello” she said with a groggy voice
“Giiiirl!! You’re all over the news!!”
She thought Wendy’s-
“It’s nothing”
“Nothing??? You secret dating is nothing??” Wendy exclaimed
Sleep was knocked out of her system when she heard ‘dating’
“I saw pictures! Who was the guy??”
“I was with Jun but it wasn’t a date!!”
“Jun?? He’s there?? You’re not dating??”
“No we aren’t, I have to go he might see it and misunderstand”
“Ok, keep in touch! And-
She rested her head on her arms as she thought of how to damage control the news. First, he doesn’t want Jun to be bombarded by the press, and second, they aren’t even dating.
She can’t afford to lose him-
“Jun!! Look! The princess is dating!! She was seen with a guy last night! The face isn’t visible thought”
His head shot up and took the tablet from Sehun to look at the news
“That’s me!!”
Sehun was silent then he burst out laughing at how silly Jun sounded
“I am! Remember I was out on a walk last night??”
“Wait, are you serious right now?? How?? How did you end up on a date with THE princess??”
“It’s a long story but...”
He filled Sehun in about how he’s connected-
“Are you telling me you are close friends with the princess??”
Jun nodded
“And you were planning to ask her out right?”
“Well, I didn’t know who she was but yeah, I’m still thinking about it”
“I’m going to faint, Jun who’s been single all his life could actually date-
“If she says yes, then yeah”
“I can’t believe it!!”
“Don’t tell anyone that it’s me in the picture, the press might pressure her”
Jun’s phone rang as he was eating breakfast, he saw that it was Joohyun he felt cold sweat as he decided to take the call
“Hi, I hope you don’t misunderstand the news, it’s just t-that the uhm press is quick to assume things”
He felt his stomach drop, is she this uncomfortable towards dating?
“Don’t worry!! I-i didn’t think of it as anything”
“Oh” she said, sounding disappointed at Jun’s
“You must be busy, just call me if you need anything, bye” he said quickly
“B-“ she didn’t even have a chance to say bye.
Her shoulders dropped, she’s confused as to why she’s disappointed?
He’s so worried that the press would crowd her and pressure her to speak or just harass her.
‘Could he really date her and put her in such a place?’
“Hey, our flight back is at 10pm tonight, and I cleared your schedule for the week to accomodate your adopted son”
“Ok, thank you for that”
Now that he has Kai, he has to be more responsible. Dating would be put
“Princess, your flight back home was delayed, would you like to take the 10pm flight tonight or just resched for another tomorrow?” Her assistant asked
“I’ll take the 10pm”
After her assistant left, she decided to just do some of her work in her room
Her phone rang she saw that it was her dad,
“Is it true?? That you are dating?? Who is that person??”
“One at a time dad! He’s just a friend, we’re not dating”
“The press isn’t happy about those pics”
“You can but the situation you are in now cannot allow it”
“The people are just warming up to you, everyone believed you were abondoning your duties, a dating scandal would add fuel to that fire”
“B-but, it was nothing” she sighed
She finished her work and decided to just doze off the whole day so that when she goes home, her people won’t doubt her loyalty to them
Her slumber was disturbed when her assistant knocked on her door and told her they’ll leave in an hour.
‘Wow, I really slept the day away’ she checked her phone and replied-
She exited the hotel and numerous reporters are taking pictures of her and asking her questions.
She answered all except about THAT certain topic. It’s not that she doesn’t want to-
Up until to the airport, people are still following her and the sound of camera shutters never went away
Jun was so confused as to why there are a lot of people going their way, until,
“The princess!!”
She saw Joohyun with her bodyguards, uneasiness seen all over her face, he really woshed he could do something but, being in close proximity to the princess could harm her career
The reporters also spotted Junmyeon, people are already spreading that it was him with Joohyun that night. The photographers then swarmed towards Sehun and Jun’s location, confusing the both of them
‘She really is one strong, independent woman’ he smiled at the thought
She left airport in smiles and the press was quick to take pictures not only of her but also of Jun
She felt guilty that she was partially at fault that Jun is having a hard time because of her
Jun saw this, he was shocked but above all, he was worried about her.
He’s nervous as he dialled her number and patiently waited for her-
Joohyun was just reading some documents that needs to be approved when her phone rang. She didn’t look who it was but she answered anyway
“Hi” Jun said
Joohyun froze when she realized who she’s talking to
“Jun? Why did you call?”
“Well, um, I saw the news”
“It’s fine, but are you okay? I’m sorry we didn’t take extra care that night”
“Yeah, I’ll be fine, these kinds of news will die down eventually”
“I really hope so”
“Well, I need to go now, take care”
“You too”
He went to the orphanage to finalize some papers and to see Kai as well. He brought snacks as he always does, he never thought how much this-
He’s walking along the halls leading to the playground when he saw Joohyun and Wendy seated at the bench looking out for the kids.
“So, how are you taking everything?” Wendy asked
“It’s fine, I don’t mind the news, I’m just worried about Jun-
“Hush now, everyone is here for you, you don’t have to think about news that aren’t even true”
“I already think you are great, and those kinds of stuff could never define your leadership”
“You really think so?”
“Of course!!” Wendy said as she hugged her.
“Anytime” Wendy replied
Someone cleared their throat behind them,
“Here” Jun said as he gave them some snacks, he then called all the kids
“Guess what I have here??” He said smiling so brightly
“Yeeeyy!!” All the children said
“How are things with Kai?”
“It’s going great, I’ve prepared everything for him, just finalizing some paperworks then he can move with me”
“I’m really really happy for you” she said
“Ok, ok? Yeah, haha, I’m fine now”
“That’s nice to hear, don’t mind people who doesn’t know your story”
“I’m really trying”
“For what it’s worth, I really think you’ll be a great queen”
“Sorry, I’m messing your shirt” Joohyun said as she fixed herself
“Thank you again, I really appreciate it” she said
Kai walked up to them and he said
“Dad! Let’s go eat dinner inside, come on Joohyun”
“Coming” Jun said
“Thanks again”
Jun was taken aback but held her hand as well and just smiled at her
“I’m always here, now let’s go get dinner” Jun said ruffling Joohyun’s hair
She just smiled as color creeped up her cheeks
Right after dinner, Joohyun helped a bit as Jun helped in settling the kids for bed
The peace this place brings end whenever it’s time to go
“Irene, don’t cryyy! Daddy said I can visit and play anytime!!” He said it with enthusiasm that all the children cheered
“I know, it’s just that I will really miss-
Jun can’t help but admire their exchange
“Take good care of him” Joohyun said looking at him so fondly that he stuttered
“Y-yes, of course I will” he said
She hugged the kid and said goodbye
“We will, say good bye now Kai” he said encouraging the kid
Everyone watched as their car left, they are happy and sad at the same time.
“Wake up now, we’re here” Jun said as he wakes a sleepy Kai
“5 more minutes” the kid cutely said, and Jun laughing softly adoring his son.
“Come on now, I’ll show you your room”
The child perked up and asked “will there be toys”
Jun smirked and said “It’s a secret!!”
“Wooow” he said with his eyes twinkling “this is a beautiful house!”
Jun just looked at him and felt his life become lighter with every laugh his child makes
“I’ll show you your room, come!” He said leading them upstairs
“Did you like it??” Jun asked, hoping the child liked what he did with the room
“I love it!! Thank you daddy!” He said and hugged him
Jun was shocked but hugged the kid back, almost tearing at the-
“There’s more!! Cover your eyes!”
Kai quickly covered his eyes with his hands and Jun carried him to the basement
“You can open them now” he said as he set the child down
“Woooow!! Is this for me??” Kai said as he jumped up and down at the sight of-
“Yes! Dad works in a toy company and this is all of my work”
“Can I really play with this?” Kai said shyly
“Of course you can! Just take care of them” Jun said “now let’s get your stuff and have dinner”
“Hey Sehun, are you free for dinner tonight?” He said, phone tucked between his shoulder and ear as he checks the pantry
“Yeah, I’m free-
“What? No! Haha. Kai just moved in and I want him to meet Uncle Sehun”
“That was today?? Ok ok be there after work”
“See you” he said and dropped the call
He started cooking when he-
He called her as he’s waiting for the food to cook
“Hello?” Joohyun said, sounding surprised “this was unexpected”
“Well, hi. I’m preparing dinner to-
“Really? I’m touched”
“See you tonight?” Jun said
Before he can say bye,
“Jun?? What’s happening??”
“I almost burned the house” Jun said as he turned off the stove
“Do you need help?”
He heard her laugh
“Text me your address, I’ll help you prepare dinner”
“I will, see you”
“This is a lot, we’ll only have a small gathering”
“It’s fine” She said smiling at him, his heart skipped a beat
“Here, I’ll show you to the kitchen”
“Thanks” Jun said as he starts arranging the ingredients for their dinner
“By the way, where’s Kai?”
“He’s sleeping, I think he got tired after we arranged his things” he explained “can you tell me some of his favorites?”
“Any dish?? As long as it’s chicken?”
“Yeah, as long as it’s chicken he’ll love it”
“Such a cute kid” Jun said
Jun also prepared some of the side dishes. They were immersed in preparing that they didn’t notice Kai come in
“What’s that smell?” A sleepy Kai said walking into the kitchen
Kai recognized the voice and he wiped his eyes and he saw her smiling at him
“Irene!! You’re here!!” He said excitedly
“Yes, your dad invited me over for dinner!” She said
“Will you go here everyday??” Kai asked
Kai turned to his dad with the cutest pout and said “Daddy, please?”
Jun just nodded and smiled at the two
“Yey! Thanks dad!”
They heard the doorbell ring
“Who’s he?”
“A friend. Is it okay? For him to see you here?”
“If he’s your friend, I think it’ll be fine” Joohyun said as she and Kai proceeded to set the table
“What’s in the bag?” Jun asked as they enter the house
“It’s for Kai, and who’s car is outside??” Sehun asked wiggling his eyebrows
“Shut up. It’s Joohyun”
“The princess?!” Sehun got excited
They walked towards the dining room and saw the two arranging the table. He noticed how loving she is around kids, especially Kai, he can’t help but like her more. And his son is just so adorable that he’ll actually cry
“Hi everyone!”
Kai hid behind Joohyun as he tends to get shy around new people
“Kai, this is Uncle Sehun, say hello”
The child peaked but eventually came out and said “Hi” shyly
“Hi Kai, here I got you some presents!” Sehun said giving him the bag
Sehun nodded
“Thank you Uncle Sehun!!” He said smiling brightly
“By the way, this is Joohyun”
“Hi” she said simply, smiling at the man
“No no no, there’s no need for that, you can talk to me comfortably” she offered her hand for a handshake that Sehun took excitedly.
Jun is trying his best not to laugh at his bestfriend
This is what Jun always wanted, he will never forget this moment.
“This is so good!!” Kai exclaimed
“I know!! You made this Jun??”
“No, Joohyun made it! I almost burned the house-
“Wow, I didn’t know the princess would cook this well”
“Thank you, I learned it from the orphanage”
“Princess?? Joohyun? Princess Joohyun?” Kai suddenly asked looking confused
She looked at Jun who gave her an encouraging look
“Well, my real name is Joohyun, and I’m the princess”
Kai looked more confused at what he heard.
“The princess?? But why are you always with us??” He asked
“What do I call you now?”
“You can call me with anything you’re comfartable with” she said with all smiles
“Ok, I’ll still call you Irene!”
They all laughed and continued their dinner.
“Thank you for tonight” Jun said “and I’m sorry that you had to tell Kai the truth”
“No, no, I’m more thankful nexause you invited me, and I think it was inevitable-“
“So would you tell everyone about it?”
“I know the kids wouldn’t my mind but I think I would inconveniece the people who work there with me”
“I’m sure they’ll be as supportive” Jun said as he pat her hand
Joohyun was shocked but smiled-
“Thank you, really, for everything, I’m right here if you ever need anything” Jun said, with his hand still on hers
“Ehem!” Sehun said loudly with Kai in his arms
They immediately retrieved their hands
“Daddy! Ice cream! Please”
“Do you promise to brush after??”
“Yes! I promise!”
“Ok, I’ll get some for you”
Joohyun can’t help but melt at what she witnessed
“Come back soon!” Kai said almost latching on to her
“I will!” She said smiling at the boy
“Thanks for having me”
“I’ll see you off” Jun said
“I’m fine”
“I insist, can you look out for him for a while?”
“I can really manage”
“It’s really fine, I’m just thankful for everything you’ve done for us”
“Anytime” Joohyun smiling fondly at Jun
Jun still can’t believe how beautiful she looked under the moonlight. It’s been a week and he’s still frustrated he didn’t kiss her
“Something bothering you?” Sehun said as he entered with documents in his hands
“The company is doing fine, but I’m not sure if you are”
“I know Kai is making you happy, but you gotta tend to that heart of yours”
“I still don’t get it”
“Come on! Date already!!”
Jun laughed before replying “You know I can’t”
“It’s because you never ask her out”
That got Jun thinking
It’s been a week since she last visited the orphanage, she got swamped by work and just finished everything today
“Do you have any more documents I need to read and approve?” She asked her asisstant
“No princess, everything is settled for now”
“Oh ok thank you!”
“Irene!!” Wendy called to her
“Hi! It’s been a while! How is everyone?”
“Everything is fine and we just missed you!!” She said as she hugged Joohyun
“I have something to ask”
“What is it??” Wendy asked, looking confused
“What? Why all of a sudden?”
“I just think there’s no point in hiding that anymore, they will find out about it anyway, it’s best if they knew it from me”
“Well, if that puts your heart at ease, then go for it”
It’s afternoon and Jun picked up Kai from school
“Hi Dad!!”
“How was school? Did you make friends?”
“It was fun!! And all the kids are kind to me!!”
“That’s nice! What do you want to do today?”
“Come on, you can tell me”
“Of course! Your friends probably miss you”
“Yey! Thanks Dad!!” Kai said cheerfully before they drive off to the orphanage
“Are you sure, dear?” Sister Mary asked her
“Yes, that would make me feel a lot better when I have nothing to hide”
“Very well then, do it” Sister Mary said with an encouraging tone
“I’ll tell everyone at dinner”
She went out to play with the kids before having their dinner
“Kai!!” All the kids said
“Hi everyone! Come on let’s play!”
Behind Kai was Jun, who followed his son to the playground
“You can sit here” Joohyun said
“Hi! How have you been?”
“The usual, “princess-
“Same old, but now I have Kai in my routine”
“How is it? Finally having a child?”
“Kai is an angel, but still a child, I can still manage” Jun said as he touched his nape
“I think you’re doing great” Joohyun smiled at her
“I have something to ask” Jun said
“What is it?”
He cannot let this moment go, them sittting under the mango tree where they played ages ago. He cannot miss this chance
Joohyun was taken aback, she cannot answer, and Jun got flustered
“Y-you d-don’t have to answer now, forget what I said” he said shuffling in his seat
How can he say no if he’s this cute?
She laughed before answering him
“Yes, of course”
“Are you sure?? Did you really say yes??”
“I did”
He can’t help it, that he pulled her in a hug. She was shocked but hugged him as well
“Yiiiieeee!!” All the children said
They were surprised to see the-
“Come on now, it’s time for dinner” Joohyun said as they walked towards the hall
“I’m planning to tell everyone who I am” She said to Jun
“Are you sure? I’m here if you need me”
“Everyone, I have something to say...”
All the children and the staff suddenly looked at her. All eyes on her is nothing new, but it feels different if it’s from people you actually care about.
“There is something about me, that I haven’t been honest about, why I’m almost only here after office hours” she paused and took a breath “I don’t work in an actual office, I’m-
There were audible gasps heard which made her worried
“But you can still call me whatever you want I’m telling everyone this because you all mean so much to me that I can’t keep this secret”
Everyone fell silent
Until Jun started to clap for her followed by Wendy, Sister Mary, and the kids, soon everyone were cheering for her
She can’t help her tears that it’s just falling. Jun offered his hanky.
After dinner, everyone surrounded her and asked her questions, she’s always smiling and he can’t help but smile as well, just admiring her and everything about her
“I heard, you take-
“You scared me!” Jun said as the laughed it off “Of course I will, I cannot put into words how special she is to me”
“I knew you looked great together!!” Wendy said making Jun fluster
They didn’t notice Joohyun approach
They had a good laugh before Wendy said good night and went in.
“What did she say?” Jun asked, out of curiosity
“It was nothing” she said, still smiling
“Thank you for everything, especially back there”
Jun said nothing and just held her hand
Joohyun fetched Kai, and she haven’t thought about how Kai would react about her entering their life
She pushed the thought aside as she saw Kai sleeping next to the children. She can’t help but adore him
“Kai, let’s go home now”
The sleepy boy just clung to her, so she decided to just carry him
As soon as Jun saw them, he ran to them and immediately got Kai
“I hope you didn’t have a hard time”
“No it’s fine, he’s not that heavy”
“He’s such a sleepy kid”
“Thank you for today, take care” Joohyun said as she tiptoed and kissed his cheek then suddenly rushed into her car
Jun was frozen for a second but suddenly-
The drive home was quiet, but the smile on his face never left as he replays that day
“This is probably the best day of my life” he said to himself
“What daddy?” Kai said, still half asleep
“It’s nothing, go back to sleep”
He wondered what he would think about him dating Joohyun, he really hoped he would approve.
After tucking him in, he decided to give her a call.
“Why did you call?” Joohyun asked
Jun was flustered “Um, I just want to know if you’re home already”
He heard a faint laugh at the other line
“Yes, I am already home”
“Will you be busy tomorrow?”
“I’m still not sure, why?”
“Let’s have dinner? Here?”
“Should we tell Kai as well?”
“I’ve been thinking about that, I guess we should”
“I bet he would be thrilled” Jun said “because he already likes you”
“I hope so! You rest now, good night”
“Good night, princess”
Joohyun worked quickly and enthusiastically the next day. She was happy she has a boyfriend and excited for their first dinner.
“You look happy” her sister said as she plopped down on the sofa in her study
“I do? How about you? You seem down” Joohyun replied
She realized that she was spending less time with her sister and she felt guilty.
“Let me just make a call”
She cancelled her appointment for the day and decided get off work early
“Are you free to play now??” Yerim perked up and hoping that her sister would say yes
“Of course I am!” She said as she had an idea where they could play “change into your casual clothes”
“I missed her” she said to herself as she realize how busy she has been with everything
The younger princess only took 10 minutes to change as she’s bery excited to go out
“I’m done!! Let’s go now!!”
“Where are we going??” She asked
“It’s a secret!” Joohyun said jokingly
“Is it a park?? Or the zoo?? The beach???”
“Somewhere better!” She exclaimed
Yerim is bouncing on her seat because she missed the days with her sister
“Are we there yet?”
“Almost! Don’t sleep now”
“I’m tryingg”
She stopped herself from pinching her sister’s cheeks because she is so cute when she’s sleepy
They arrived at the orphanage after 15 mins
“Are there yet?”
“This place is special to me, and I’d like you to meet some people from here”
They walked the hallway to Sister Mary’s office, and Yerim just kept hiding behind her bacause the place is new to her
She knocked on the door and said-
“Hello dear”
Yerim just peeked at first but Joohyun smiled at her encouragingly and she stepped forward and offered her hand
“Hello Sister Mary, My name is Bae Yerim, nice to meet you” she said smiling shyly
“What an adorable child!” She said as Yerim went back behind Joohyun
“If you’ll excuse us, I’d like to introduce her to everyone”
“Go ahead dear, they’ll be happy to meet her”
She watched over them and played with them. Her heart felt alive doing what she always wanted.
“Yerim! Please be careful!” She said as she’s watching her sister play
“Of course, you go ahead”
The store is 5 minutes away from the orphanage so she decided to take a walk instead. She never wore any disguise when she’s in the vicinity because not everyone-
She thought everything was clear, until she heard a click.
And another, and another, and another, that she lost count
She ran because she’s so scared at the amount of paparazzi that could’ve followed them there
“You look, exhausted? Everything fine?” Wendy asked
“Yes, yes, but we have to go now”
“I don’t know how or why, but we are being followed by people and I don’t want people I care about be-
“I understand, but we’ll be fine and be here for you” Wendy assured her.
“Thank you so much, we have to go back now” she said “Yerim! It’s time to go, say goodbye now”
“You’re going too fast, I’m scared” Yerim said
She only realized then how fast she was driving
“I’m sorry dear, how was it today? Did you have fun?”
“Really?? Who did you like??”
“I like Joy unnie, she’s funny”
“I’m glad you liked it there, do want to go back some other time?”
“Yes! Yes! I’d love toooo!!”
They got home safely that afternoon and she felt relieved. She was about to relax when her phone rang
“Haven’t heard from you all day. How’s your day?”
“Jun!” She said
“Yeah? It’s me. I’m here”
“It’s nothing”
“Are you coming over for dinner? I learned a new recipe”
“Yeah, I’ll just freshen up and be on my way”
“I’ll see you soon, take care, please”
She didn’t mention that she was followed so that he wouldn’t worry, she figured she can mention it at dinner
“Father” she said with a bow
“Where are you going?”
“Meeting friends?” She said
“Well, don’t stay out too late and be careful”
“I will, bye dad” she said and kissed her father bye
She glanced on her rearview and side mirrors because she was going to change lanes when she noticed four other cars changed with her.
‘Why of all days, they decide to stalk me’ she thought
She swerved from lane to lane to hopefully lose them but they kept up with her and now she’s getting nervous
The media could reveal their relationship and invade the privacy of Jun and his son that could put them in-
Her heart began beating faster, and her eyes brimming with tears, she’s driving faster and her brain becomes foggy.
She can never forgive herself if something ever happens to people she loves
“A crash was reported along the freeway, passenger still unidentified”
“Kai lower the volume of the tv, Joohyun could be here any moment”
“Dad there’s been an accident”
Audible “tsk tsk” was heard from Jun
It was past their set time so he tried calling her
He went and prepared their dessert, mangoes, her favorite
“The car has been identified to be one of the royal family’s, the passenger is identified to be Princess Joohyun”
“Dad..” Kai ran to his dad
“Why was she speeding? And where was she headed?” The tv still on, and they’re just there shocked as everyone in the country
Jun was enraged
“Will Irene be okay?”
His tears started to fall “I really hope she is” he hugged his son
“I’ll go there now, behave for now ok?” Jun said
When he arrived a lot of people are already clamoring outside, and media was also there and cameras are everywhere.
He decided to just go for it and see Joohyun, he had to or he’s gonna lose his mind
“That’s Mr. Kim Junmyeon!!”
They crowded him
“Why are you here?”
“What is your relationship to the princess?”
“Are you a friend or her lover?”
He answered none of the questions and quickly got in the building
“I’m sorry sir, that information is classified”
“I’m a friend and I need to see her!” He pleaded tears streaming down his face
“We are under orders from the king, only family is allowed to visit”
But that’s not what hurts the most. He cannot hold the love of his life in this time of need. He wanted to be there and make sure she’s ok
After a few minutes of just sitting there, she tried to ask again
“Can you atleast tell me how she’s doing?”
“Classified information, sir”
“Please tell the family that I’m Kim Junmyeon and I really have to see her”
“Kim Junmyeon?” the king said as the name rings a bell
“Yes, your highness, he’s been trying to reach the princess for the last hour
“I have questions, get him here”
“Sir?” An employee walk up to him
“Yes?” He said with his head still down
“Are you Mr. Kim Junmyeon?” His head shot up and a glimmer of hope surfaced
“The king wants to see you”
“T-the k-k-king??” he was suddenly nervous at the thought of meeting the king, his girlfriend’s father
“Yes, now, if you please follow me”
“The king is waiting inside”
‘Operating Room Waiting Area’
His world almost shattered knowing she’s in the OR
He didn’t see him as a king, he saw him as a father, waiting and hoping his daughter would be fine.
“I don’t mean to disrespect, but how is she doing?”
“The doctor informed me that the operation-
His legs weakened and he just slumped there on the seat, feeling his own life fleeting away
They remained silent for a few minutes. Neither knowing what to say
“Y-your highness, we just started d-d-da..ting..”
“So the rumors are true”
“They were all taken out of context, we just started dating, your highness”
“I can’t deny how happy she looked these past few days”
“She was headed to my place, sir”
“To have dinner and formally introduce to my son”
“A son?”
“Yes, my son”
“How did you two meet?”
“We met at the orpha-“ he held himself back. Her father might not know about that part of her life
“You know?”
“I’ve always known her heart belonged there, she did her duties so well as the princess, but she shined more when she’s in the orphanage”
He can’t help his tears as he remembered how she smiled brightly everytime she’s in the orphanage
“You never knew she was the princess?”
“I didn’t know about the royal family, except you, sir. It was never mentioned that the queen and her daughter are always there when I was a kid”
“She looks breathtaking doing what she loves the most, but please know that being a princess is just as meaningful to her” Jun said
The king straightened himself and suddenly looked so serious
“I-I’m a C-C-CEO of a t-toy company, your highness”
“What happened to the mother of your son? Were you previously married?”
“What?!” He said out of shock
“Excuse me?” The king said
“I see” the king said “and how serious are you with my daughter?”
“Very” he said with confidence “and I intend to marry her when the time comes and I’d like to have your approval”
“I didn’t mean that we will get married right away, I am just sayong that we will when it’s time”
“Very well, I trust that you would keep my daughter safe” the king said and offered his hand for a handshake
Jun shook the king’s hand and bowed
They both stood up and thanked the doctor
“You can see her in the ICU, no visitors for now”
“Thank you” they said at the same time
“My mind won’t be at ease every second I’m away from her. Please let me stay until she wakes up”
“Well, if that’s what you want, you’re welcome to stay”
“Thank you, your highness!” Jun said with a 90 degree bow
“How is he? Is he asleep?”
“He asked a lot of questions and I told him she’s fine, that’s when he decided to sleep”
“Thank you Sehun, I really owe you one”
“Don’t worry about it”
“Of course, I understand. Take care of her” Sehun said
“Thank you, I’ll come home in the morning”
“Princess is still in critical condition, according to the Palace’s official statement”
“Mr. Kim Junmyeon arrived at the hospital after the news broke, still hasn’t left the building”
“Are the rumors true? Will they confirm their status?”
He’s been up all night waiting and waiting for Joohyun to regain consciousness.
He didn’t want to leave but he has a son waiting for him. He talked to the king to inform him that he has to go.
“I understand, take care”
He bid goodbye and as he started to walk away...
He stopped in his tracks
He turned around and saw everyone in the ICU rushing to the princess
He fell on his knees as he saw people trying to revive her
‘Please don’t take her away from this world, I need her just as this country does’ he repeated over and over again with tears streaming down his face
After 10 minutes of trying to revive her, the doctors managed to maintain her pulse.
He cannot explain the relief he felt at that moment
The attending doctor went-
“The princess had an anaphylactic reaction to one of the drugs we were administering, which caused her heart attack, but we already established a steady heartbeat and she’s expected to wake up within the next 12 hours”
“Go” the king suddenly said
“What?” Jun replied
“You need to rest if you’re going to take care of her”
The king made sense, so he decided to go home for now
“I’ll be back as soon as I can”
“I’m on my way home, is Kai awake?”
“No, he’s still asleep. Are you on your way back?”
“Yes, I’m driving right now”
“How is she?”
“She’s doing fine, I really hope she wakes up soon”
“I’m sure she will”
His friend assured him
“Thank you, really”
“It’s nothing. I have to go”
“Don’t run! You might slip” Jun said, reminding Kai to be careful
“Daddy!” Kai said and rushed to his father
“How are you? Are you alright?”
“I’m sorry I wasn’t here last night”
“It’s okay daddy, but how is Irene? Can we go visit her today?”
“I’m sorry but you can’t go there as of right now, when she’s better I’ll take you to see her ok?”
Kai just nodded
“Thank you dad”
There is no denying that the atmosphere is gloomy, both of them are worrying about her.
Jun was just trying to get through the day because of Kai, he cannot break when he has a child.
“Would it be fine if you had a sitter?”
“What’s that daddy?”
“Someone will come over and watch over you while dad’s gone”
“How long will you be gone?” Kai asked with his head down
“Is she okay?”
“Not at the moment sweetie”
Kai jumped into Jun’s arms and cried, mumbling about how he wants to go with him to the hospital
“I’m sorry but you can’t come, it’s a very dangerous place, I dn’t want you cathong colds from there”
“The sitter will arrive anytime now, I want you on your best behavior, ok?”
“Yes daddy, I promise”
The doorbell rang
“That must be her”
“Wendyyyy!!” Kai said and jumped down from his dad’s arm and to Wendy
“Hi, I heard what happened so I figured out your address, I thought you’d want someone to watch over him”
“Well, I actually already hired one”
“What? No! Cancel it. We’ll take care of him”
He can’t believe what’s happening, he’s beyond touched right now.
“I-I can’t thank you enough”
“It’s fine, we’ll just get Kai’s stuff and head back”
“Yes daddy, go now, she needs you and I miss her”
He kissed the top of his son’s head
“Be a good boy ok? I’ll go there everyday”
He looked at Wendy and said
“Really thankful to all of you”
“It’s nothing. We’re also worried about her”
He just wants to go to her immediately. His mind won’t let him sleep thinking about how she’s hurting right now
He learned a lesson so he went to the hospital wearing a cap and a mask. But the reporters are quick to recognize him and he heard a hundred clicks by the time he’s inside the building
He went straight to the ICU
“Her vital signs have stabilized, the operation is successful, she is out of harm now”
He cannot explain the relief that washed over him. He sat on the bench and tears just started to fall
“The princess would be transferred to a private room tomorrow”
He just has to wait for one more day and he can see her up close. His thoughts were halted when the door to the waiting area opened
“Y-your Highness”
“I’m deeply worried about her, sir”
“I see that, thank you for your concern”
“She means a lot to me”
The air grew silent, the King couldn’t believe what he heard
“Do you love her?”
“Yes! I do sir!” He said immediately, “b-but she doesn’t know that yet”
“Relax, I’m just trying to lighten the mood”
“S-sir, there’s something I would like to ask”
“Go on”
“Will you give me your blessing when the time comes that I propose to her?”
“P-propose?? To my daughter??”
“Yes. Is it allowed for the royal family to marry a commoner? Especially the heir to the throne?”
“Well, the law is not thorough when it comes to marriages”
“Is that a yes, sir?”
Jun felt like he was about to cry. When the Kin offered his hand for a shake, Jun cannot help it but he hugged him
The king laughed
“Good luck” he said as he patted Jun’s back
It was 2am, he’s alone at the waiting room when his eye caught the sight of Joohyun just laying there.
He can’t help his tears as he longed for her.
He said, touching the glass wall separating them.
He was awakened when a nurse informed him that the princess would be transferred to her private room.
“Follow me, sir”
Jun immediately stood up and hurriedly followed the nurse
“Where is she?”
“The princess is being settled by the doctors, and is still being monitored”
“When can I see her?”
He couldn’t say a word as security blocked the entrance to the princess’ room
He decided to freshen up, as he’s expecting a lot will visit the princess
He pulled his cap lower and proceeded to where he parked his car, only to find out a couple of reporters-
He heard a dozen clicks as he drove off of the parking lot
The happenings these past few days got him to realize what situation they are in, and it got him thinking...
“I need a new car, tinted, asap”
“Wait, what?? It’s only 9am?”
“What? I need it today”
“For what??”
“The media knows my car’s plate and I feel uncomfortable about that”
“I want an SUV, preferrably bulletproof”
“I’ll arrange it for you”
“Use the company name and I want you to drive it here, you’re the only one I can trust”
“I got you”
As soon as their call ended, he dialled Kai
“Daddy!” the boy said on the other line.
“Yes daddy, how is Irene?”
“She’s gonna be okay”
“Can we go see her?”
He cannot expose his child to the media. He cannot imagine what harm it could cause his son
“I’m sorry but I can’t take you there, they don’t allow children”
“Yes, yes, I will tell her that. You behave there okay? I’ll visit as soon as I can. Love you”
“Yes daddy, love you too”
His son is everything to him right now, and he can’t put him into danger...
“Is this what you wanted?” Sehun said showing Jun the new car he got
“It’s perfect! Thank you bud! Here take this” he said handing Sehun his keys
“Why are you in such a hurry?”
“I need to be there or I will lose my mind”
“No, not yet”
“She’ll be fine, now go she’s waiting for you”
“Just send me the documents I have to sign and attend the board meeting for me, I’ll send you my statements later”
Sehun grabbed Jun and hugged him
“She will be fine, take it easy bro”
He practically ran to the suite where Joohyun is.
“Is she awake?” He asked the attending nurse. She simply shook her head
“Can I see her?”
“Just give the guards your name, they have the list of who can visit the princess”
He approached the guards by her door, and he never felt this much distance between them
“Kim Junmyeon”
He sighed in relief and collected himself to see the princess. He stopped his tears from falling as he saw her upclose.
She was as beautiful as ever, he thought to himself, he almost rushed to her bedside to hold her
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you at that time. I’m sorry, I love you, wake up now, please”
He was shocked when the hand he’s holding tightened it’s grip
“Joohyun?” His head shot up and found the love of his life looking at him
“Are you really awake? Am I dreaming?” He said caressing her hand
She smiled and nodded weakly
He moved out of their way and silently prayed that she’s fine, and recovering well
As the doctors are examining her, her family came, her father, step-mother and her sister, Yerim
“Hello, mister, what’s your name?” Yerim approached him
“Um, I-I’m Kim Junmyeon, your highness”
The kid laughed, “You don’t have to call me that!”
“I’m sorry” Jun said, his face blushing from embarassment
“Are you Joohyun’s friend?”
“Yes, I am”
“Yes, dad?”
“Your sister’s awake, greet her now”
Her eyes sparkled as she ran to her sister
“Careful!” Joohyun suddenly said, which made her clutch her side
“You be careful, princess, you are still quite injured in some places”
“Yerim, don’t be too playful, your sister’s still healing” her mom told her
“It’s okay, how have you been?” Joohyun asked Yerim
“I’ve missed you!!” The kid said as she started to bawl her eyes out
“When are you going home? I mossed playing with you”
“Soon. Wait a little longer, okay?”
He’s still mesmerized by how she interacts with children. He can’t help but smile at their interaction
“This is not the right time for this, but-“
He glanced at the princess and got out of the room to give the family their privacy
He’s still pacing back and fourth outside the room, there’s so much he has to say to her.
“I will fulfill my duties as soon as I can”
Her father approached her
“That’s not what I meant, take this time to heal, not only physically, but emotionally as well”
“I-I don’t understand”
“I can explain father”
“Hush now princess, I want you to take this time to think about what you really want, if you want the throne or anything else, more than anything, your happiness is the most important-
“Father, I don’t know what to say, but thank you”
She tried to sit and bow to her father
“Thank you father” she said “but what about the work I left?”
“Don’t worry about it, I will take care of everything, focus on yourself this time”
She nodded and said bye to her family
As the royal family left, the king was left behind and he approached Jun
“Mr. Kim?”
Junmyeon turned and bowed when he saw the king
“I’m always here for her”
“Thank you, for everything”
The royal family left as the nurse called to her
“The princess is looking for you”
He rushed to her room and their eyes locked as he entered, a smile forming on their faces