@dolan_russell & I explore this common #ICU pimp question via #tweetorial.
We're taught that ↓O2 revs up anaerobic metabolism causing ↑ lactate. But wait, there's more...
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Which of the following organs is responsible for the majority lactate consumption and metabolism?
Patients with hepatic dysfunction can have ↑ lactate 2/2 ↓ clearance or ↑ production. Also, cirrhotics are more prone to hyperlactatemia in setting of sepsis.
Diving deeper, how does the liver metabolize lactate?
Outside of the liver, mitochondria-rich skeletal & cardiac myocytes & proximal tubule cells remove the rest of the lactate by converting it to pyruvate.
Ref: sciencedirect.com/science/articl…

↑ lactate may be 2/2 accelerated glycolysis in the splanchnic region: tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.310…
Also, cirrhotics are more prone to hyperlactatemia in setting of sepsis.

+ Lactated Ringers
+ Albuterol or other β2 adrenergic stimulation (seen in asthmatics or pt on epi drip; h/t @ASundaralingam)
+ Metformin, especially in setting of renal impairment; rare
We are taught that lactate rises as a result of ↓O2 delivery, hypoperfusion, tissue hypoxia, and anaerobic glycolysis: uptodate.com/contents/sepsi…
Unfortunately, this may be an oversimplification.
What are other causes of ↑ lactate in sepsis?
Also, despite high CO and low SVR, peripheral O2 extraction is low. These factors shunt pyruvate into lactate.

This also explains the ↑ lactate in patients given albuterol or epi drip!

B1 can be deficient in sepsis: sciencedirect.com/science/articl…
Giving B1 *may* improve lactate clearance: journals.lww.com/ccmjournal/Cit…
...but this RCT suggests it does not help: journals.lww.com/ccmjournal/Abs…

+ ↓ O2 extraction 2/2 inflammation, microcirculatory & mitochondrial dysfx
+ β2 adrenergic stim. & hypermetabolic state, shunting pyruvate → lactate
+ Thiamine deficiency (maybe)
Thanks @tony_breu for inspiring!
Check out @SummitCritCare, hopefully talks will be uploaded to YouTube.