VP: That was a regulatory request from Germany 🇩🇪
VP: Fair point. We worked really hard to recruit them but it was hard. Please note that the trial was global, and more than 15% of the participants from the US were African American
VP: Good point. Pts. in the trial were advised to consider stopping diuretics, Anti-HTN meds if required & we tried to maintain RAS blockade & the study drug
VP: K variation in previous trials likely due to chance, would expect K to be lower given the mechanism of the drug, and that was the case in CREDENCE
VP: I don’t think so
VP: I would recommend not over- interpreting individual sub-group outcomes. Also, previous trials strongly suggest renal benefit at eGFR >60 mls/min
VP: I did not - at least not in 2013
VP: It appears to be strong and ongoing
VP: No debate, it was a clear decision #NephJC
VP: Huge variability,some DM-CKD pts. were referred as soon as they developed albuminuria & some not till it was time to start dialysis -wide spectrum
VP: Imp. population to study. Will be imp. to learn the risk of infection w/ use of these drugs in the transplant pts. No data is currently available to the best of my knowledge
VP: Yes - Treat 22 Patients for 2.5 years to prevent 1 primary outcome, or among 1000 patients treated for 2.5 years, 47 cases were prevented
VP: Holding SGLT2 Inhibitors in pts. w/ foot lesions is sensible
VP: In CREDENCE, we brought the patients back in 3 weeks to check BP, volume status and adjust other medications if required
VP: Yes, such infections rarely lead to problems, most Rx w/ topical cream
w/o stopping SGLT2 Inh.
VP: Risk is small but need to be careful in uncircumcised men as some cases of phimosis have been reported
VP: True - The # of amputations in CREDENCE were 70% the # seen in CANVAS, but the placebo gp. had 4X the risk in CREDENCE. Note the p-value for heterogeneity for amputation b/w the 2 Trials was 0.02
VP: About 2% for the primary outcome
VP: Interesting question for the future...