Hearing to commence at 10. 30 AM.
#SupremeCourt #CJIRanjanGogoi

ASG Pinky Anand is also seated in the front row.
Utsav Bains reaches court right in the nick of time, hands over sealed cover to the Bench.
Bench going through the contents of sealed cover.
#UtsavBains #SupremeCourt
#SupremeCourt #CJIRanjanGogoi
So Ajay is not his client.
#SupremeCourt #UtsavBains
#SupremeCourt #UtsavBains #CJIRanjanGogoi
#SupremeCourt #CJIRanjanGogoi
#SupremeCourt #CJIRanjanGogoi
#SupremeCourt #CJIRanjanGogoi
In which case, both the proceedings should be clubbed and heard together
We will clearly say that we wont go into allegations of sexual harassment, remarks Arun Mishra J.
And it cannot be done without knowledge of Registry.
So credentials of Utsav Bains must be gone into. Court should make sure he has come with clean hands, Indira Jaising.
People lf this country should know the truth.
Do the powerful of this country think they can run this country?
Agitated Justice Arun Mishra says.
This institution belongs to you (Bar). This institution has been built by Nani Palkhivala, Attorney General Fali Nariman etc.
We (judges) come and go, Justice Arun Mishra.
I am also saying exactly what Your Lordships are saying, institution should be protected, says SG Tushar Mehta.
Govt should be kept out of this matter, Indira Jaising.
Order to be pronounced at 2 pm today.
#SupremeCourt #CJIRanjanGogoi
Justice (Retd.) AK Patnaik appointed to inquire into allegations raised by Utsav Bains.
AK Patnaik to submit his report in sealed cover to Supreme Court.