> Idiot. Na woman go kill and bury you lass lass. Today's Friday and we're out here waiting for a girl who's working. You don't see the irony?

> Calm down. That bomb you call head should not explode here oh.
> Na you Sabi...
> Abeg, your iPhone.
>I'm uche, short for uchenna. I do hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I've been noticing you for a while now. So meeting today isn't an accident.
>You mean to say you've been stalking me?
>No oh.. I'm not a stalker, I just have been looking for a chance to get an audience with you, that's all.
>Okay. So is it business or business?
>It depends on your definition of business, but I'm here for something serious. A friend of mine is holding a birthday party on Sunday , I'd like it if you can make it.
>That won't be possible, besides I don't even know you. Maybe we could do next time, I mean the granting you of my audience cause I really need to grab launch and get back to work.
>I didn't realize we had gotten here already. Okay, can I have your number then...
>Okay. 081-67-57-07-96
> So many sevens. Alright. Bye. I'll call you after working hours.
>Uche walks back to Alex who already found a nearby carpenter shop where he could hide himself from the sun.
>Hi sunshine, I hope the moon isn't jealous that you're still up.
>Moji already knew the caller but decided to have temporary amnesia and asked who was on the phone after blushing.
> It's Uche, remember?
>Bro... I think I'm in love oh. I can hardly go an hour without chatting her up. The thing is doing me somehow in my stomach.
>You work on your phone na so it'll be very easy to maintain that energy, but guy! You're in love 😍, finally!!
>nah, I know what I'm feeling.
> See this boy oh! You don turn Poet under two weeks! Mehn... I need this love dose too oh. Well, it's good bro, I hope you are sure about it.
>So what's up with the both of you now?
>Uche and Moji both fixed a date the previous day for the beach today.
>Hi, I enjoyed hanging out with you today.
> I did too. I actually didn't want to leave, I kind of enjoy you being around.
> Hi, welcome to my humble apartment.
> It's really humble, see your hunchback television.
(both laugh)
Moji (softly)
>Uche, I think I should leave.
> Uche continued with the tease as if he was deaf and Moji repeated herself again.
> (with her face on the other side) I'll give it a thought Uche.
>Please come in, I'm sorry.
> Been long I saw pictures of you and Moji, she traveled?
>nah. It's nothing, we've just been busy.
>You're following the latest trend on social media right?
>what trend? The one about internet fraudsters?
> I pity for my country oh.. See how young people are justifying this act. I read a true life story last night on massiveblacktrib3's blog about a 67 years old man from Kentucky whose wife suffered from a severe brain damage...
>His wife died and he also died few months later
Another intriguing story will be coming your way next week Friday, you don't want to miss this one.
Ant wai dai wait=Anticipate.
Thank you for reading. 🤗🤗🤗