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Moji(Quivering & Moaning)
>U..U..Uche, please promise me you'd never lea..eeeve me..(A loud pitched scream follows with a tight grip on Uche's head as he moves his tongue deeper whilst stretching his hands over his head to softly caress her hard nipples)

> This sun is killing me. Why in God's name will you ask me to come stand with you under this burning ball? See guy, I'm leaving.

> Chill small na, she'll soon pass. She walks through this route every day by this time to grab launch from work.
> Idiot. Na woman go kill and bury you lass lass. Today's Friday and we're out here waiting for a girl who's working. You don't see the irony?

> I don't understand you oh. What irony? Don't we have jobs? You think being a Twitter influencer is not a job? Take my phone for a day or two and you'd see how people are buzzing my mentions...
> These tweeps won't even let my head rest. Just see how this one called my shinning head solar panel. This is one of the toughest jobs in the world.
> I have a real business, so I'd advise you hurry up with this your love chase so I can get back to my clients. Oga influencer.

> Here she comes...
>Father lord! See someone's daughter, Alex. Even in an official clothing, this babe's merchandise is blowing up my head.

> Calm down. That bomb you call head should not explode here oh.

> Na you Sabi...

> Abeg, your iPhone.
> You wan dai snap at this time? You dai alright this guy?

> Why does your own head not work all the time? Is there a pamilerin in your name? Just imagine what would go through her head when I walk up to her, holding an iPhone Xmas. Think about it.
>Uche grabs the phone off Alex and rubs his face with his hand, then goes ahead to rub his already shinning head.

>(Approaches her as she walks by). The sun must really be sweating from the hotness you're serving ma'am. Now it can feel what we've been feeling down here.
>Moji turns to her side with a blush on her face to see who just dropped that dope line. What she couldn't get her eyes off was the egg shaped head that was shinning so bright under the hot sun.

>I think I'm responsible for your sweaty head too. (chuckles)
>They both laughed and Alex was watching from a distance.

> Just now now, this babe is already laughing with this guy, bloody chemistry.
>I'm uche, short for uchenna. I do hope you don't take this the wrong way, but I've been noticing you for a while now. So meeting today isn't an accident.

>You mean to say you've been stalking me?
Uche (Thoughts)
>What part of don't take this the wrong way does this human being not understand?
>No oh.. I'm not a stalker, I just have been looking for a chance to get an audience with you, that's all.

>Okay. So is it business or business?
>It depends on your definition of business, but I'm here for something serious. A friend of mine is holding a birthday party on Sunday , I'd like it if you can make it.
Moji (thoughts)
> Yahoo boy. This one is looking for pant to steal.

They both approach the eatery*

Uche (Thoughts)
>(Internal unrest) Hope this girl doesn't think I'd enter this eatery with her oh, me that can't afford my transport fare out of here.
>That won't be possible, besides I don't even know you. Maybe we could do next time, I mean the granting you of my audience cause I really need to grab launch and get back to work.

>I didn't realize we had gotten here already. Okay, can I have your number then...
... We can know each other better.

>Okay. 081-67-57-07-96

> So many sevens. Alright. Bye. I'll call you after working hours.

>Uche walks back to Alex who already found a nearby carpenter shop where he could hide himself from the sun.
>Bad guy! See quick chemistry you built there. Brother, I hail thee!

Uche (Feeling himself)
>Yea, I'm that smooth. You can call me chemical Brother.

> Both highlighted a bike man and Uche gave Alex the full gist of what had happened as they zoomed off.
[Phone call. Night]

>Hi sunshine, I hope the moon isn't jealous that you're still up.

>Moji already knew the caller but decided to have temporary amnesia and asked who was on the phone after blushing.

> It's Uche, remember?
> oh. How're you Uche?

> I'm doing good, how'd your day go?...

>both continued the conversation over the phone talking about each other's day and about themselves. All through the conversation, Moji couldn't stop herself from laughing as Uche kept bringing up jokes.
Two weeks later*

(Bar, Night)

Alex (Amebo Tone)
>Dude, hwpha with Moji? I noticed you've been having her pictures on your Whatsapp story lately. Una don dai?
Uche (Excited)
>Bro... I think I'm in love oh. I can hardly go an hour without chatting her up. The thing is doing me somehow in my stomach.


>You work on your phone na so it'll be very easy to maintain that energy, but guy! You're in love 😍, finally!!
>Wait, are you sure? Or you're just over your head.

>nah, I know what I'm feeling.
>Whenever we chat, every other thing and person on my phone doesn't exist anymore, it's like the cyber space was built for us two and every other person is a virus. When physically together, my problems leave me alone and peace is all I have.
Alex (Shocked)
> See this boy oh! You don turn Poet under two weeks! Mehn... I need this love dose too oh. Well, it's good bro, I hope you are sure about it.

>So what's up with the both of you now?
>Well, I asked her out few days ago and she was surprised. She said she's just cool with me as a friend and didn't know I had such intention.

>Eh? Did you tell her you're lacking friends?

Uche (Laughing)
>I didnt oh.
[Night, Phone call]

>Uche and Moji both fixed a date the previous day for the beach today.

>Hi, I enjoyed hanging out with you today.

> I did too. I actually didn't want to leave, I kind of enjoy you being around.
>awww. Tomorrow's Sunday, how about we meet at my place after service?

>Alright, send me your address.
[Sunday, day]

> Moji rushes home after service to change from her native dress into a short skirt and a top. The distance between her house and his was a little bit long, so she ordered a car ride from one of the reputable companies operating in that sphere.
> Moji was excited that she'd be seeing Uche again today, but she tried holding herself together, forming hard girl so that Uche wouldn't notice a thing.

>About an hour later, Uche's phone rings and on the other side of the phone was Moji asking him to come open his house gate
> Hi, welcome to my humble apartment.

> It's really humble, see your hunchback television.

(both laugh)
> Uche rushes to his fridge where he already stored the soft drink he got at the new church he attended in the morning. He pulls out the sweaty plastic bottle and takes it to her side with a place filled with fried meat.
Uche (thoughts)
> See how the meat for the egusi soup I want to prepare is going down someone's throat. Well, it's all for love, I'll buy panla.
>After about 30 minutes, Nepa eventually restores power. Uche stands up and heads to the room to get his laptop which he plugs directly into the socket behind his 3 seater cushion. He powers up the laptop and after 2 minutes of booting, he plays an Indian movie titled "lion"
>There was no popcorn, so Moji had to manage her fried meat and mineral, the only problem was that Uche wasn't having toothpick at home, so she had to struggle removing pieces of meat stuck between her teeth with her long fingernails.
>30 minutes into the movie, Uche notices Moji was leaning on him and her hands wrapped around his with her head on his shoulder. Uche turns to look at her but what he saw melted his heart; Moji was in tears as she was feeling the pain from the movie they both were watching
>Immediately, Uche stops the movie and pushes the table gently away with his leg forward. By then, Uche's hand was already on her face, gently caressing her soft skin. Slowly, Moji raises her head upwards from his shoulder and gently places her lips on his.
> Then Uche seperates his lips from hers and begins a big tease on her neck with his lips, by now she is already letting out soft moans

Moji (softly)
>Uche, I think I should leave.

> Uche continued with the tease as if he was deaf and Moji repeated herself again.
> (Withdraws his lips) But you haven't spent so much time here, just stay with me a little longer. Maybe we could a different movie?

>I really need to leave right now Uche.
>Moji stands up and heads for the door with Uche still trying to adjust his shorts so that the bulge won't be obvious when he eventually stand up. He walks to door to get it open and as he was unlocking the door, Moji leans towards him and plants a deep kiss on his lips
>Both stood there, staring at each other and Moji breaks the stare as she hugs him.

>I love you Moji, and I know I've said this before but I'll say it again. I want you to be mine, all mine so let's both take the path that'll make me your husband and you my wife.
> (with her face on the other side) I'll give it a thought Uche.
>Moji couldn't get the kisses and the feel of his hands off her head, even at work she would sometimes get lost in the euphoria of Uche. She spoke with him more frequently, during work3 hours, launch breaks and after work
>She literally couldn't go an hour without talking to him, via phone calls or text. After two weeks of not seeing each other due to their busy schedules, both agreed to meet again at Uche's place.
(Uche's House, Day)

>Uche couldn't sleep the previous night, the coming of Moji in the morning kept him awake up till 3am in the morning. By 7am he gets up from his bed and starts arranging his entire house, even though he already did that yesterday.
> The time is 11am and Uche was had made breakfast for two and was in his shorts sitting in his parlor waiting for Moji when he hears a knock on the door.Knowing who was at the door,he didn't bother asking,he just walked down to the door and opened it. What he saw dropped his jaw
>Moji was in a denim short and a crop top, with a brightly-colored scarf that just held the side of her natural together. Her eyes were shinning like that of a cute new born child.

>Are you going to let me in or just stare at me till I'm ready to leave?
>Please come in, I'm sorry.
>Uche walks slowly behind her as he admires her big backside with a devilish grin. Uche offers her breakfast immediately but she declined, stating that she already had breakfast at home so Uche only brought a chilled bottle of soft drink for her which he opens with his teeth.
>Both talked about themselves and how their days apart had been and in the middle of their random talks, Moji created a more intense mood with her next words.

>I'll date you.


>Uche leans forward towards Moji who was already biting her upper lip and had the sexiest and most seductive eyes Uche had ever seen. He tries kissing her but she made him too weak that he just placed his lips on hers and hugged her tight. The atmosphere started getting more...
intense with Moji hands rubbing Uche's back passionately and Uche's hand on her upper thigh.

>Both smooched for some minutes and gradually unclothed themselves until they were naked on the couch . Uche separates his lips from hers and take his mouth down, between her thighs.
Moji (Moaning)
>  (Quivering) U.. U.. Uche, please promise me you'd never lea...eeeeeve me.. (A loud pitched scream follows with a tight grip on Uche's head as he moves his tongue deeper whilst stretching his hands over his head to softly caress her hard nipples).
>They both had intense sex that gave Moji an orgasm for the first time in her life. After the sex, both clothed went into the bathroom and had shower and slept off.
[The next morning]
>Moji had left last night as she'd be going to work in the morning. Uche was feeling all fulfilled and lovedup when he heard a truck pull into the compound. He hurriedly stepped outside to find a hefty man with a young lady directing the truck to park well.
>He took a look at the man's black shirt very well and saw that he was working for a very reputable luggage relocation company that helps people move their luggages and other belongings in their trucks to their destinations.
The young lady wasn't wearing the same black shirt as others, so he figured she was the person moving in to the vacant three bedroom flat upstairs
>He approaches her and both exchanged pleasantries. He immediately confirmed if she the person in and was correct. Her voice was sweet and she carried a nice body so he offered to help and did so in his little capacity.
>After about few days of moving in, she had Uche as her only friend who was always at home. She also works as a freelance. So both were always in each other's company and gradually, Uche started reducing his contact with Moji.
She'd call over and over again and he won't answer, send text messages and he won't even open it.
>She got worried and decided to visit him but didn't meet at home, tried his number over and over again but he didn't answer so she left. Unknowingly, Uche was upstairs with his new neighbor who he thought he already in love with.
[Bar, Night]

> Been long I saw pictures of you and Moji, she traveled?

>nah. It's nothing, we've just been busy.


>You're following the latest trend on social media right?

>what trend? The one about internet fraudsters?

> I pity for my country oh.. See how young people are justifying this act. I read a true life story last night on massiveblacktrib3's blog about a 67 years old man from Kentucky whose wife suffered from a severe brain damage...
and had to go through a very expensive surgery that their insurance didn't cover. The man sought for loans everywhere but nothing, then he decided to sell off everything he had.
> Sold his beach house, residential house, sold their car and truck and everything in the house. He even sold everything in his workshop and was able to raise $40k but he still needed about $20k to meet up for the amount needed for his wife to undergo surgery...
>In the middle of his desperate search, that was when he fell into the hands of online scammers and after investigations, it was discovered that the scam was from Nigeria. The guys took all the man's 40k, wiping his account dry.

>His wife died and he also died few months later
>That's painful. I hope these yahoo Boys will see this story and have a rethink. Crime na crime
>It's been two weeks since Uche stopped answering Moji calls and returning her texts, eventually he broke up with her over the phone.. on Whatsapp
>Moji cried her eyes out, her heart bleeding and her peace troubled. Her mind wouldn't stop wondering what she had done wrong and whenever she convinces herself she didn't anything wrong, her tears rolled down even more.
>She lost appetite for food and makeup, she carried a melancholic face everywhere she went. Even when she tries to smile, the sadness from her heart overwhelms her little happiness.
Her friends consoled her and encouraged her to move on and after about two months, she had recovered to a good degree.
Day, Uche's House]
> Since his new neighbor moved in, Uche hardly stepped out of the compound, both parties were always visiting each other in their respective apartments.The atmosphere got intense one time that she kissed Uche and since then, Uche had become a mumu for her.
New Neighbor(Phone call)
> Uche, are you home? I'd like to introduce you to someone.

>Introduction already? Surely, I've found the soul of my soul and the heart of my heart. (Uche rushes upstairs only to find her in the arms of a soldier.
New neighbor
>Uche, meet my husband, he just got back from a peacekeeping mission yesterday.

Uche (Ancestral Confusion)
>Welcome sir.

>I need to get back to my apartment, I have something cooking. (a lie, baba was in deep pain)
[Back in his apartment]
>His shaky hands could not pick up his phone or any other thing in the apartment. For the first time in his entire life, he felt real pain like never before, felt used and betrayed and then he remembered that both of them never defined their relationship.
Immediately he realized how stupid he had been for even breaking up with Moji for someone he didn't really know.

>He quickly picked up his phone to reach Moji and when she answered, he began to beg to have her back but rather, she rained curses on him passionately
>Uche is heartbroken, in pain and now can't get Moji off his head with guilt eating him from deep within. He then realizes that he had made a very big mistake, so he became a poet in remorse and anguish.

Please don't forget to FOLLOW ME. I FOLLOW BACK TOO.

Another intriguing story will be coming your way next week Friday, you don't want to miss this one.

Ant wai dai wait=Anticipate.

Thank you for reading. 🤗🤗🤗
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@DONJAZZY please read my humorous and interesting story. Kindly retweet sir.
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