I bent my fingers a tiny bit and she landed straight on my finger, forcing it bent unnaturally.
My coaches and I thought it was a sprain but I could no longer straighten my finger and it hurt SO BAD.
I took a painkiller but it wasn’t enough. I could not sleep. So the next day I went to the pharmacy to ask for a balm to soothe sprains.
My pharmacist:
I tried to argue against it I was like no it’s not blue I’m just super pale it’s just a minor thing I promise.
My pharmacist was having none of it so I listened to her
I arrived there and obviously there were so many people. The lady at reception was literally so rude but the nurse I saw afterwards was super nice
I went to the orthopedic ER waiting room and waited there for five whole hours. Starving, in pain; so I did some people watching to pass the time.
Finally I saw a doctor
I can’t
That’s kind of why I’m here son
Then I saw the x ray. And I knew.
After waiting one more hour a doctor came to explain to me that I had a broken born as well as a torn tendon and ligament. It’s called a Mallet finger.
My cheerleading season was cut short. I was trying not to cry.
Keep in mind I had no pain killers in my system.
She straightened my finger and I almost fainted. She asked if I was ok.
Let’s just say I slept well that night.
On my follow up visit the intern told me the situation was degrading and I would probably need surgery
me @ my finger:
Like? I have a job couldn’t you have given me a heads up????
I also got 0 explanation from the surgeon besides “don’t eat or drink after 11pm sunday “
She also gave me the correct time and place bc the surgeon had not...
I was there early and the nurse checked me in. She said I’d probably have to wait a bit.
I mentally congratulated myself on shaving my legs because oh my god. I had to wear surgery underwear but OF COURSE I was on my period.
So I was sat there half naked and bleeding 😂😂
I was told I was in the emergency surgery department but my thing was not super urgent so everyone was basically prioritized over me.
I had no clothes to sleep in???
I had not scheduled to stay the night???
What even was happening???
Then finally around 6.30 pm after waiting 10 hours someone came to wheel me down to the OR. I thought I was close to being done but BOI WAS I A FOOL
I was supposed to get an IV and it took the intern 5 tries to be able to put it on me. I’m lucky I don’t mind needles
I watched as he made my arm fall asleep but I was weirded out bc I could still feel my arm
I tried and OF COURSE I punched myself in the face bc my arm was asleep. It was hilarious and the nurse couldn’t stop laughing
So I was laying there stressed af and half delirious and pretty convinced I had bled everywhere on the bed
Sis I’m half naked????
I have to carry my IV and my dead arm???
And walk to where I’m supposed to have surgery??? What the fuck??
The surgeon extends a hand to say hi so of course I made a joke like « I’d shake your hand but I’m in the middle of carrying something »
He looks at me like
Mainly the surgeon and the intern think my fingers are too tiny and they’re annoyed bc they have to use extra small rods to stabilize my bone
I got mild pain killers and asked for water and food and they said "It's better to wait"
A very kind lady gets me situated in a shared room and tells me she's gonna bring me food.
I ask if I can have my bag with my stuff so that I can tell my parents I'm ok.
At this point, ladies and gentlemen, I'm literally looking around for the cameras because this can only be a prank.
Not a prank.
They've lost my bag that had all my stuff in it.
I burst into tears and beg to be allowed to use a phone.
I explain and ask him to call my mom and he's like "i don't wanna" (divorced parents lol) like DUDE CAN YOU COOPERATE??? I hang up hoping he does
The painkillers all kick in while I am alone in the corridor and I know I'm going to faint.
She laughs because like who the heck WARNS YOU before fainting and next thing I know I'm on the floor with her looking at me half concerned half laughing
She sends someone to get me pyjamas while I'm getting half delirious because all the pain killers all kicked in at the same time and she walks me to my bed
But yeah that's it, I'll tell you about the day they remove the rods some other time