You know about the non-restitution of artwork? We're gonna talk about that, euro-centrism & cowardice.
Our adventure begins in a country called 고려, which roughly became Korea. It is set in 1377. But I digress, let's look in 1234.
So, the year is 1234. Korea just invented movable type. Yup, 2 centuries before Gutenberg. Yet all the records are in conditional tense.
Full title: 백운화상초록불조직지심체요절 (Baegun hwasang chorok buljo jikji simche yojeol). It means "Anthology of Great Buddhist Priests' Zen Teachings".
You might ask yourself where this is going. Well, the Jikji arrived in France in 1950. (Circumstances don't matter here)
Now with only a few dozens of pages left, it is kept at the National Library of France. It's the only one of two volumes extant.
In 1993, French President François Mitterand swore, during KTX negotiations to give the Jikji back to Korea.
The Jikji, and other books. Books sent in four separate installments from April to June 2011, and subsequently kept at the National Museum of Korea.
However Jikji was not included, following opposition in France, including a protest lodged by the librarians of the National Library.
It's the oldest book we have. Before Gutenberg and his B42. And yet we're unable to honor a promise we made.
This story is yet again another example of euro-centrism. How many Western people know about the Jikji? How many of them know Gutenberg?
"En tant qu’artéfact historique important de l’humanité tout entière, le Jikji devrait rester en France car il représente un patrimoine mondial commun et n’appartient à aucun pays."
"As an important historical artifact of all mankind, the Jikji should remain in France as it represents a common, worldwide heritage, and does not belong to any one country."
Je pense que ça se passe de commentaire...
Merci d'être resté•e•s jusqu'au bout de ce thread !
I think (know) I have my mind made up already.
Thank you for reading till the end!
Further reading/sources:
@threadreaderapp unroll this please