The Disney brothers start their company in 1923, and basically eat shit for 10 years.
Year after year of failed attempts, bad deals, and projects gone bad.
They get their first real hit ("The three pigs"). Mickey Mouse gets popular. They invent Donald Duck and people go crazy for him.
And now, a decade later, he's the toast of Hollywood. Everyone wants to meet him.
Suddenly, he doesn't need to bang on doors; they're just opening for him.
For years and years, the Disney brothers are gradually clawing their way forward. It's slow and painful.
And then, suddenly, all those years start to pay off. Everything seems to improve at once.
It took them 10 years to achieve even a baseline of success.
10 years!
Are we willing to put forward that kind of effort, in a single direction, for that long?
Are we willing to take our knocks, and keep going?
Warning: it's long! Took me until chapter 2 before I really got into it.…