A six week old bride holds close her warrior husband who gave up his life for the sake of his brothers at sea.
Lt Cdr Chauhan, deployed aboard INS Vikramaditya, had taken a mere two day leave of absence for his marriage)
(Photo from TL of @sonali_singh)

More than half a century and the loved ones still ensure that his memories stay alive.
God bless these folks ..
I don't think that if given a choice, any parent in this world would want to outlive his children..
God Bless the ones that send theirs to the battlefields in the service of the Motherland..
Little Jigyasa with her Dad, Cpl Jyoti Prakash Nirala's Ashok Chakra.
Her father was martyred in Nov 2017, taking out two hardcore terrorists in the process and injuring two more.
She was four when she lost her father for the sake of our Nation, for you and me.

A little angel bids a teary farewell to her hero.
Photo: The six year old daughter of Nk Deepak Kumar Nainwal with her father's mortal remains.
Deepak succumbed to injuries sustained in an operation, this day in 2018.
Today is his first martyrdom anniversary.

This is Mohammad Haneef, father of Rifleman Aurangzeb, who was kidnapped and murdered when on leave.
Grieving, no doubt, yet determined that the war on foreign sponsored terror in his land must go on regardless.
God bless him and his martyr son.