They have a perverse influence that their number don't reflect, they just rely on the most simple tool available to them. Repeat.
Big corporations play along. All C_A and [MOS] constructs.
And because now they have data, they can judge tipping points... cultural fascism at a laughable level. Literally an assembly line of slaves.
The argument is that the Left feels it's culturally superior. Even ask the older ones... how did Hitler, Mussolini, and Japan rise to power? THEY DON'T KNOW. Bingo.
How one is mired in the worst kinds of atrocities, and the other has led to incredible levels of prosperity?
It's built on a systematic implementation of ideas based on repetitions of lies.
Key words? Systematic. Planned. Designed.
This IS the banality of evil. Thousands of people invested: climate hoax, Russia hoax, racist hoax, black lives matter hoax; many more.
All hoaxes. Systematic. Banality of evil psychology... psyops. But look at them and they're average people.
Diversity, political correctness, privilege, reparation? In.
We're dealing w infants who can't handle loss, failure, or manual labor. All by design. [They] know that the banality of evil works, it's so simple.
We're letting the walled off affluent convince us that we're bad people for not wanting mass un-meritorious immigration...
This orthodoxy exists because good people can't question their behavior.
State universities are giving foreign students spaces because they pay very high tuition. Good students in your state are disenfranchised as a result.
Because we say the word "foreign" we can't question why our in state kids can't get in... you're racist.
The pacification is otherworldly. The banality of evil pacifies otherwise good people into ignoring the damage they are doing vs the potential good.
The amount of social damage being done to our unique country, day by day, is growing at an accelerating rate. I'm just not seeing how the value of this endless wait is outweighing the carnage being wrought.
The economic news is for the normies.
The truth is so sickening.
I want a DECLAS and to let the chips fall.