😷 11,144 year2date (+735 cf last week)
🤧 FluA: +641 (86% of Flu detected this week; +296 cf last week)
▶️ 5 H1N1
▶️ 14 H3N2
▶️ 515 not subtyped
🤧 FluB: +107 (14%; +41)
▶️ 2 VICT lineage
▶️ 0 YAMA

🤧10.5% of samples tested at public labs are positive for #Flu
Source: Epi and Research Unit, CDB, Dept Heath, #Queensland Healthhttps://www.health.qld.gov.au/clinical-practice/guidelines-procedures/diseases-infection/surveillance/reports/flu

😷 highest case numbers around Brisbane/Gold Coast followed by Cairns and Townsville

😷 highest medical impact among the elderly (70-80+) who are most often admitted to hospital. Highest rate among 80+