A centrist, sandwiched between both extremes on the left and right, is frequently the rational voice assuaging the disparate far fetched ideals of diehard demagogues.
By appealing to visceral, and thus irrational, emotions, the demagogue throws caution to the wind to garner support.
This is also known as populism.
The difference being, my parents’ and grandparents’ generations worked their asses off to make a world where I had the opportunity to move into the middle class.
They didn’t blame those who had already attained middle class status, nor denigrate those with education. They worked with them as allies.
My grandparents had a most difficult time. Forced to provide a 25% down payment to purchase a home, they lived at subsistence levels while saving for years.
Dig deeper, to see the real truth.
Alberta is the home of the Social Credit movement in Canada. And the far right ideology it became known for.
Basic income won votes but was dropped quickly & the real attraction for Evangelical Christians emerged.
Elected to provide aid to the poor & indigent in the Dirty Thirties using false promises.

Names of parties are irrelevant. Relying on party branding is foolish. It’s the policy that matters, not the colour of the political sign.
That’s right, Notley was born here. Liberals are a dead brand in Alberta, thanks to Fraser Institute indoctrination efforts & propaganda.
In Alberta the Liberal party is dead. And has been for a while, since they let a PC cross the floor & take over leadership.
After the Socreds infiltrated Lougheeds centrist party, centrists had to lay low and influence from the inside.
Every Canadian needs to study Alberta politics. It will open your eyes to the 84 yr old fascist regime that is now trying to claim & control Canada.
There are no PC’s left. They were all expelled for their progressive beliefs & values. Joined other parties like GPC, LPC & provincial equivalents.