Multiple students appear, and it goes smoothly, until Jin appears.

Arriving back at the table, he finds a boy standing idly near it with his hands in the pockets of ripped jeans.
Before sitting down, Namjoon catches the boy’s attention and waves for him to sit across from him.
The boy hesitates for a moment. “Did you post that message about talking to someone?”
Finally sitting across from Namjoon, the boy runs his hand through his hair and smiles, cheekbones prominent, “I thought it might’ve been spam.” A nervous giggle escapes. “So how does this work?”
“Ok…Well…” The boy glances around the room, up at the ceiling, then back to Namjoon.
Namjoon quietly bows his head.
“Really?" A raised brow. "You’re just being nice.”
Shaking his head, Namjoon takes a sip of his tea.
“That’s nice to know someone believes in my brains, at least. Thanks.”
Namjoon shakes his head as cue to check the message.
Namjoon tears a page from it and pushes it in front of Jimin, and watches him write his phone number and name on it. “Let me know how this goes, I’d love to return the favor sometime.”
/That was interesting./
He moves his pen to his notebook and writes next to /Subject 1/, “Jimin: Effects of popularity.”
"Excuse me. May I sit with you?"
The voice startles Namjoon. "Yes, please." He motions towards the chair in front of him, and glances around the half-empty cafe, confirming this may be his next subject. He quickly sifts to a new page.
After sipping the coffee, he smiles, "Sorry, this caffeine is needed. I'm still waking up, apparently."
Namjoon is surprised the guy is even wearing a mask. He doesn't seem sick, +
Namjoon only realizes the guy is fidgeting with the coffee cup when he hears him clear his throat.
"Talk to you, huh?"
A silence envelopes them as they sit facing each other. Occasionally, they look around the cafe, sip their drinks. Clearly, there is something on this guy's mind. He wouldn't have come if there wasn't.
/He's not comfy./
"My name is Namjoon."
/That helped a bit./
"So what brings you here, Hoseok?" Namjoon probes with smile.
"I'm not really sure, actually..." Hoseok glances out the window, watches people pass by.
"Well, I'm definitely no doctor, but I'll listen."
/He must brighten every room he enters with that smile./ Namjoon imagines.
But the smile disappears as quickly as it appeared when Hoseok looks down at the table, sighing, "I hate my smile."
There's pain in his eyes.
"Yeah. Too much sometimes."
"Don't forget to care for yourself, though. If your friends truly care for you the same way, they'd support you when you need a break."
Hoseok glances at his watch. "I should get going, though. I've talked enough."
Namjoon pulls out his phone as Hoseok stands up to leave. "Would you like to keep in touch?"
Pocketing his phone again after Hoseok put in his number, Namjoon offers another handshake. "It was great meeting you, Hoseok. You take care of yourself, okay?"
"Of course." Hoseok leaves with his mask off.
Putting his pen down, he leans back in his chair and waits.
Completely engrossed in his current poem, he doesn't notice someone silently join his table.
No response, except for a small nod. Their eyes are hidden under a bucket hat.
Finally, the person lifts their hat a bit, revealing eyes with deep bags under them.
/This guy needs some sleep, like yesterday./
"So do I get coffee out of this, or...?"
Completely taken back by the question, Namjoon scoffs a chuckle. "I'm a student, just like you. There's no way I'd afford everyone's coffee."
Namjoon shrugs, "Sorry."
"It's fine. I'm just running on fumes right now. I've been pulling all-nighters this week."
"I see."
"I don't really have anything to talk about. Is it okay if I just sit here for a moment? I could use a break."
"Umm...sure..." He's not sure.
Suddenly, he hears a soft snore. Looking up, all he sees is the guy hunched over on top of his crossed arms with the bucket hat covering his face.
/Poor thing./ Namjoon's surprised the guy even made it to the cafe in that state. He considers moving to another table, but doesn't want to wake the guy with any sudden movements or knocks on the table.
/He must not get out much./
Namjoon soon realizes he never caught his name, but quickly comes up with a nickname, writing "Workaholic" next to /Subject 3/.
/I'll ask for his name when he wakes up./
"I'm sorry," the boy whispers, "I didn't mean to scare you, but I didn't wanna wake him up either."
Namjoon nods his head in understanding.
"Y-yeah..." Namjoon tries to make more room on the table by moving some of his things out of the way.
"Can we talk over there?" He is pointing at an adjacent table.
"Of course." Namjoon leaves his sign and sleeping subject to join the boy.
"Nice to meet you. I'm Namjoon."
They don't shake hands, but bow their heads.
Taehyung adjusts himself in his chair a little more, sipping his iced coffee.
/He seems nervous./
This forces a chuckle out of Taehyung.
But suddenly, he worries that Taehyung might think he was what caused the guy to sleep.
"Poor thing."
Namjoon writes /Subject 4: Taehyung/ on a new page of his notebook. Focusing back at Taehyung, he anticipates for him to start, but finds him staring at the guy sleeping.
Taehyung straightens as he focuses on Namjoon again, taking one more sip of his coffee. "Well, intrigue, first of all. But I've been looking for a non-judgmental support group, but have yet to find one."
"No judgment here. Support for what exactly?"
"I see." Namjoon understands. He has trouble talking about sex himself. He still grows red in the cheeks thinking about it.
Taehyung scoffs while rolling his eyes. "Please. They're the worst. If you tell them you're having feelings for the same sex, all they say is that it's a phase, it'll pass, or they'll send you to 'special' therapy where they try to scare you straight."
"Don't be. It's all older generations stuck in that mindset of everyone belonging in one of only two boxes."
"I'll work hard to change that."
"No, I'd like to make the NEXT generation of doctors different. People should have more trustworthy support during their most confusing times in life.
Taehyung's eyes widen. "I didn't realize you were of that field."
"I'm sorry if I offended you."
"Oh no, not at all, Taehyung. Let me be that change for you. I'll be happy to listen to you more." Namjoon encourages him with a smile. "And I won't send you away with condoms. You can get those at 7-11."
Their laughter is cut short at the sound of a low growl coming from the other table. They both look over to see the guy waking up, drool connecting his mouth to his hand as he straightens.
/We woke him up./
"How long have I been out?" He whispers.
"Not long enough. You're like a living ghost." Taehyung giggles.
The guy darts his eyes at Taehyung. "Who are YOU?"
"Taehyung. What about YOU, kitten?"
"Okay, Yoongles." Taehyung winks at Yoongi, which causes a slight chuckle to escape Namjoon.
"We'll have to continue our talk another time." Taehyung stands to grab a pen from the stash that Namjoon left on Yoongi's table.
"Of course."
Yoongi's mouth is hanging, eyes fixated on Taehyung. Namjoon can't tell if it's shock or admiration in Yoongi's eyes. Possibly both.
Yoongi stands quickly, almost knocking the chair down, and follows Taehyung, shouting, "You get back here!"
Namjoon catches a smile on Yoongi's face as he catches up to Taehyung outside.
He writes "Yoongi" next to /Subject 3: Workaholic/, and then "Sexuality" next to Taehyung's name before noting their interaction.
Until now, Namjoon never thought that one's sex life could be a whole different persona.
/The internet is a powerful thing./
His stomach suddenly growls.
/He must be a freshman./
"Hey, do you go to the campus gym?"
The kid is surprised at the abrupt question, and hesitates. "Uh...yeah. Every day, if I have time. Otherwise, I workout in my dorm."
"Sure...I just started with," the kid lists with his fingers, "20 squats, 20 push ups, 20 jump squats, 20 shoulder weight exercises, 10 plank shoulder taps, 20 mountain climbers, 15 burpees, 20 crunches, 20 leg raises and 20 supermans. Then repeat."
Chuckling, the kid follows him back to his table and sits.
He writes down what he can remember, asking the kid for the ones he can't.
"How many reps?"
"Thanks, man. I'll try it out. It seems to be working for you pretty well."
"No problem. It's tough at first, but you look like you can handle it."
They both laugh as they begin eating their food. Soon, an awkwardness settles in Namjoon's stomach because the kid is still hanging around. But with the last bite of food, the kid finally points to Namjoon's sign.
"Oh!" Namjoon laughs nervously. "What a coincidence." Slightly embarrassed, he decides to write "Subject 5" on the same page of his notebook as his new workout regimen.
"Namjoon. Nice to meet you."
"Likewise." Jungkook begins fixing his own bangs after he bows his head towards Namjoon. "I'm glad you seem older, because if you were younger than me, I wouldn't ask for advice on this at all."
"I've never told anyone this before, so it's hard to say."
Namjoon's curiousity is now piqued at what concern would cause this kid to blush so bashfully.
Namjoon has no idea where this kid is going with this.
Namjoon raises his eyebrows anticipating clarification to emerge from the kid's long pause.
"See? You can't. I'm wearing make-up. Of course, it's only a natural style."
"I just love make-up. I really want to be able to play around with it more."
"I don't wanna be looked at as less masculine. I think that's kinda why I try to stay in shape, honestly. But I'm happiest when I'm learning and practicing new tips and tricks from YouTube make-up tutorials."
Namjoon can tell Jungkook really enjoys make-up.
"I think you should just do what you love; whatever makes you happy. Who cares what others think? You have the right to love yourself the way you want. You're the one in the mirror."
Letting go, Jungkook finally says, "Thank you, Namjoon. I really needed to hear that. You're a cool guy. Can we be friends?"
"Awesome! Let's exchange numbers!" Jungkook pulls out his phone.
Namjoon follows suit, and they add each other to the contact list of their phones.
Jungkook's smile is so wide, his whole face scrunches. There's no way Namjoon can say no to a kid as excited as this.
"I dunno about next time, but some day...maybe." Namjoon smiles.
"Well, I'll call you."
Returning his focus to his notebook, Namjoon writes "Jungkook: Society's imposed gender roles" next to /Subject 5/, and as with all his other subjects, writes his thoughts of the kid's concern in relation to a persona.
'Can I text you, too? 😅'
It's Jungkook.
/He's adorable, but what have I done?/ For the first time in his life, Namjoon feels he's from an older generation.
'Of course you can. Just don't get upset if I don't answer immediately all the time. I have a lot of school work.'
A response chimes not even a minute later:
'Ok! 😆'
Namjoon's thoughts abruptly focus on his bubbling stomach.
/But not before coffee is./
He didn't plan for a restroom break during this project, unfortunately. He always forgets how coffee affects his stomach, and he hates public toilets.
However, in his hurry, he forgot to check for toilet paper.
Namjoon is officially trapped, in complete crisis mode. He has a few options: use his undershirt or underwear, call for help, or hope for someone to knock on the door.
Embarrassment is imminent.
Checking his pockets, he doesn't find his phone. He got up in such a hurry, he must have he left it on the table.
Namjoon's legs are starting to go numb when he hears a life-saving knock on the door. He's so relieved that he almost forgets to answer. "Someone's in here, but do you mind getting paper?"
A few minutes pass before he hears another knock followed by a voice, "hey, I got you some paper, but you have to unlock the door."
Namjoon sighs in relief while reaching to unlock the door.
Finally cleaned up and exiting the restroom, Namjoon is greeted by the man who saved him. "Sorry for the smell."
"It /is/ a shitroom." He shrugs.
The man enters the restroom before Namjoon could offer to purchase a drink as thanks for saving him.
Hesitating at the door, he thinks about waiting for the man to exit, but realizes how creepy that might be.
It's not long until the man exits the restroom.
"I-I wanted to..." He's having trouble remembering what he planned on saying. When they first spoke, he didn't dare look into the man's face out of sheer embarrassment, but he wasn't expecting such beauty.
Finally snapping out of his daze, Namjoon nervously giggles. "No. I'm fine now. I just wanted to thank you for saving me from such an embarrassing situation. What do you drink? My treat."
"Oh..." The man laughs softly. "It's no big deal."
The man thinks for a bit before shrugging. "I guess I'll take a chocolate chip mocha."
"Great! You wait here."
From the line, he watches the man awkwardly look around where he's standing and eventually sit down at his table.
/Stupid, Namjoon. Stupid!/
He's just going from one embarrassment to another.
" /really/ didn't need to do this, though."
"It's fine. Please. Enjoy."
"Thanks." The man lifts up Namjoon's sign. "So what's this about?" He asks, one eyebrow raised and a straw in his mouth.
/Why isn't he leaving?/
It's not that he wants the man to leave, Namjoon's enjoying looking at him, but he's not someone who saw his post. There's really no reason to stay.
"A good handful have. It's been a productive day so far. I think I have enough to put something together for a good grade already."
"Mind if I'm your next customer?"
"Umm...I guess...You really wanna talk to me longer?"
"I'm not always as entertaining."
This forces a chuckle out of the man. "You don't always get trapped in public restrooms?"
He soon straightens and picks up his pen again, preparing to write in his notebook while looking up at the man. "So what's my next customer's name?"
"I see..." Namjoon doesn't hide his smile as he writes "Subject 6. Seokjin a.k.a. Seokjin" on a blank page.
"You already sound like a therapist. Is that what you're studying?"
"Psychology, actually."
"Of course. I haven't exactly decided what I wanna be specifically yet. All I know is I wanna help people."
/Wait a minute. Why am I the one talking here?/
"Enough about me, though. Is something on your mind?"
Seokjin's smile slowly fades away.
"I...My..." Seokjin begins, but finishes his coffee instead. There are tears forming in the corners of his eyes, fighting to run free down his face.
A short glance into Namjoon's eyes forces Seokjin's tears to finally break free and is followed by a low scoff. "Thanks. Now you're the one saving me with paper."
Seokjin laughs through the napkin before blowing his nose a bit. "I'm sorry. I'm a mess right now."
Seokjin's eyes lock with Namjoon's. "You're really smart. You know that?"
Namjoon's heart jumps at the sudden compliment.
"Nah...I still have lots to learn."
"Don't we all?..."
"Yeah. That's life. It's one huge lesson."
"Indeed..." Seokjin takes a deep breath. "Well, what I was trying to say before my breakdown was that my pet died. And he was my only friend, really. +
At a loss for words, Namjoon grabs Seokjin's hands on the table.
The two sit there in silence for a bit. Namjoon unconsciously rubs his thumbs along the backs of Seokjin's hands. He only realizes what he's doing when he feels Seokjin's thumbs do the same.
"It helped." Seokjin interrupts. "No need to apologize." He smiles. "You're we've known each other for a while. Only, I don't know your name."
Seokjin offers his right hand. "Nice to meet you, Namjoon."
Namjoon hesitates, but grasps Seokjin's hand. "Likewise." A smile spreads widely across his face, cheeks flushing at the sound of such a pretty voice saying his name.
"Mean what?" Namjoon forgot where he was for a moment.
"That you're here for me?"
Namjoon could get lost in those pleading eyes. "Of course!" He quickly covers his mouth after shouting louder than he intended.
Seokjin's laugh blares louder.
"Yeah, I've been here long enough, anyway. I could use some sunlight."
"Wanna go for a sidewalk hike?"
/This man is perfect./
"Sure. Just one sec." Namjoon moves to his notebook.
"I'm not too worried about the project or class anymore. I think I should actually get all those I met together sometime. They're all so different, but such good people. They'd probably help each other thrive."
This turned out longer than I expected, but thank you so much for reading and liking! <3
Let me know what you thought! :)