A most arbitrary number. And inaccurate ..
So? What is your point?
Sorry. I think you are lost in strange set of contradictory ideas & beliefs that are cobbled together in some strange way that has you supporting what you otherwise say you oppose.
And when all is said & we agree there is some numinous experience outside the strict definitions of "Science" it is a serious
Somewhere in there is the problem, IMO. You (apparently) think YHWH is the source of "all this". When in fact most of it is derivative. Including all the "global" creation/flood stories
It might enlarge your perspective on some of these issues/ideas/points. If that happens to be something you care to do.
Our form of Gov is based essentially on enlightenment principles & the workings out of some of the Greek Platonic ideas. Deeply flawed & contorted by the economic & power divisions in play at the time. Most notably slavery.
It is strange to hear you advocate for its
But taking you at face value, what is the division of power you understand? Is god so bifurcated that he needs a balance of power to function?
Can you see how you map human systems onto your idea & ideal of the divine?