Russell Moore is the president of the Ethics & Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention (SBC).
Most SBC members are unaware that Moore was one of the earliest and most prominent members of the NeverTrump movement.
May 8, 2015 - The Philos Project is launched. Its stated mission -- to encourage “positive Christian engagement in the Middle East" by sponsoring an 11-day trip to Israel for evangelical youths.…
Aug 4, 2015 - The Washington Post publishes the first of several articles on or by Moore, "Who is Russell Moore and why is he interviewing Jeb Bush and Marco Rubio"…
Sept 17, 2015 - The New York Times publishes Moore's op/ed, "Have Evangelicals Who Support Trump Lost Their Values"…
Oct 30, 2015 - Billionaire investor Paul Singer endorses Marco Rubio for president.…
Nov 1, 2015 - Donald Trump once again tweets about Marco Rubio and Paul Singer.
Nov 9 - 16, 2015 - Russell Moore and a delegation from the ERLC tour Israel.
The trip is paid for by The Philos Project.…

Some digging by journalist Jim Lobe revealed that the registrant for the Project’s domain name is “Michelle Packman.”
Turns out there is a woman named “Michelle Packman” who is the Director of Operations at the Paul E Singer Foundation.
More on Paul Singer later
Dec 7, 2015 - The Washington Post publishes yet another op/ed by Russell Moore…
Dec 29, 2015 - Russell Moore and Marco Rubio co-author "This Christmas, We Must Remember Slaughtered Christians In The Middle East” in The Washington Post…
Feb 7, 2016 - During a key moment in the race for the GOP nomination, Chris Christie calls Marco Rubio “scripted.”
Feb 20, 2016 - Donald Trump wins the primary in the largely evangelical state of South Carolina. Marco Rubio finishes a distant second.
Feb 29, 2016 - Another Russell Moore penned op/ed is published by The Washington Post: "Why This Election Makes Me Hate the Word 'Evangelical'…
Mar 16, 2016 - Rubio withdraws from the presidential race after finishing second to Donald Trump in his home state of Florida.
Apr 2, 2016 - The Trump campaign accuses the Tennessee GOP of stealing delegates at the behest of the national GOP establishment.
Brent Leatherwood, executive director of the TNGOP, accuses Trump of “rabble rousing”…

May 6, 2016 - The New York Times publishes Moore’s "A White Church No More"…
May 9, 2016 - Donald Trump tweets the following:
July 19, 2016 - The Republican Party nominates Donald Trump as its candidate for president.
Oct 7, 2016 - Access Hollywood releases tape of GOP nominee Trump’s lewd conversation with reporter Billy Bush.
Oct 9, 2016 - Russell Moore’s article, “If Donald Trump has done anything, he has snuffed out the Religious Right,” appears in the Washington Post.…
The story of the Access Hollywood tape broke at 4pm on Oct 7th. It’s unclear the exact time Moore’s piece was published by TWP.
It was definitely less than 36 hours later.
Oct 11, 2016 - Jerry Falwell Jr appears on Fox News. He claims Republicans are behind the orchestrated release of the tape.
Oct 16, 2016 - An interview with Moore appears in the New York Times Magazine titled “Russell Moore Can’t Support Either Candidate for President”…
Jan 10, 2017 - Buzzfeed publishes the Trump/Russia dossier compiled by a former British Spy, Christopher Steele, for the opposition research firm Fusion GPS
Jan 25, 2017 - ERLC hires Former Tennessee GOP Executive Director and NeverTrumper, Brent Leatherwood, 3 days before Trump’s inauguration
Oct 28, 2017 - It is revealed that Fusion GPS was originally contracted by the Washington Free Beacon (Singer is a “major financial backer” of the WFB) as early as Nov 2015.…
Nov 11, 2017 - Former Trump campaign advisor Steve Bannon goes on a tirade, accusing Paul Singer of funding “politics of personal destruction” against President Trump and US Senate candidate Roy Moore.…
Nov 17, 2017 - Washington Post publishes Russell Moore’s op/ed, “The absurd arguments we make to defend Roy Moore and Al Franken”…
Some background on Paul Singer: he’s the billionaire founder of the investment management firm Elliott Management Corporation.
Like a predator who senses weakness, Elliott seeks out underperforming companies, makes large stock purchases and then pressures for changes.
Elliot makes a profit when the stock of the company rises.
Elliott Management also invests in weak or default debt known as distressed securities.
The company then uses all legal means necessary to collect that debt, including extensive use of the courts
I compared Elliott to a predator, but many find the comparison to a scavenger to be more apt.
Hence Singer is often referred to as a “vulture capitalist.”…
This article from Forbes is one of the best I’ve read on Elliot Management. The tactics the company are accused of using to get a better deal blew my mind.…

It’s not always easy to find sympathy for the executives Singer oust. It’s business. And the execs are well-compensated.
It’s when we start talking about his investment in the debt of poor nation that his practices become morally repugnant.
That might be a little tough. There’s a lot of corruption in the Congo that contributes to the nation’s poverty.
Nevertheless, a Christian shouldn’t profit ruthlessly off the suffering of the poor.
Singer is not a Christian. Nor does he claim to be.
Russell Moore, however, is.
The investigative journalist heard in the interview is Greg Palast. He has been a dogged critic of Paul Singer for over a decade.
Palast claims Singer has a dossier on him.…

Besides Singer’s merciless business practices, he also is an advocate of positions that are not consistent with the commands of the Bible.
Singer is a leading proponent for the acceptance of same-sex marriage within the Republican party.
In order to prune an already lengthy thread, I won’t detail Singer’s agenda. Here’s a pdf of a well-done presentation with solid sourcing. I would give the creator credit, if I knew whom to credit.…
How about illegal immigration? As then candidate Trump explained, Russell Moore, like Marco Rubio, will obey their puppetmaster.…
"No one can serve two masters. Either you will hate the one and love the other, or you will be devoted to the one and despise the other. You cannot serve both God and money.”
In the pages of the Washington Post, Moore sneered at Trump’s promise to appoint conservative judges…

President Trump has done exactly what he promised. No thanks NeverTrumpers like Russell Moore.
If they had succeeded, Hillary Clinton would have appointed 2 liberal judges to the Supreme Court.
Now, Southern Baptists who believe the denomination should be more progressive may see Russell Moore as their champion.
They would be naive to believe such a thing.
Moore no longer matters beyond the SBC world.
Despite all those published articles in the prestige media, Moore failed as a solely negative force; Southern Baptists voted overwhelmingly for Trump.
Of course many will blame Trump for being vindictive; however, by hiring NeverTrump staff members after Trump was elected, Moore proved he never had any intention of repairing his relationship with the administration.
While Moore struggles to get the proper White House email address, Singer visited the President in early 2017.
“In February of 2017, Trump rushed out to the podium in the East Room for a press briefing. ‘Paul Singer has just left,’ he announced.
“As you know, Paul was very much involved with the anti-Trump, or, as they say, “Never Trump.’ And Paul just left, and he’s given us his total support. And it’s all about unification.”
Now I don’t believe for a second that Singer is satisfied being a team player.
But Russell Moore has proven to be an ineffective weapon against the President.
Hopefully, Singer will move on.
He’s a practical man. He only cares about evangelicals because they are a political force within the Republican Party. Most Southern Baptists have long ago tuned out the leadership of the SBC.
NeverTrump is a dead end movement like all purely negative movements.
Prediction: Moore will preside over the downgrade of the SBC for the rest of his tenure and then settle into a nice cozy position waiting for him when his mission is finished.
Did I tell you that former ERLC president Richard Land is a board member of The Philos Project.
See how that works?
"Behold, I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves; so be shrewd as serpents and innocent as doves.”