👉🏽 Govt-issued phones with holes drilled in them
👉🏽 40 lbs of rice down the drain
👉🏽 Wasted and pocketed public $
Apparently, it’s a tradition. propub.li/2XfuLXk
Only *one* reported a smooth transition.
The other 9 described actions that could sound like hazing, or worse.
Let’s run through the big ones 👇🏽 propub.li/2FbvEpM
When he entered the office on his first day, he found a box w/ five government-issued smartphones, each with holes drilled clear through them. propub.li/2XfuLXk

After Walls lost reelection, he bought those + 24,000 rolls of toilet paper ($20,000) + 450 trash bags ($9000).
Context: the office has $15,000 budgeted for janitorial supplies.

Sims says his first crisis as sheriff was finding food to feed jail inmates. The pantry was empty.
Two people told us that 40 pounds of rice had been poured down the drain the weekend before he took office. Roto-Rooter had to be hired to unclog the drain.
(That was legal at the time. Alabama’s legislature since changed the law)
Records show he took home $269,184 more in checks — $ initially allocated to feed federal immigration detainees and state and municipal inmates housed in the county jail.
He & his lawyer didn’t respond when we asked about it. al.com/news/2019/06/a…
After losing reelection, Meeks spent more than $6,200 on coloring books, Frisbees, pencils & promo items.
Explanation? He says he buys every year for county fair “but I had something come up so I couldn’t make it this year." propub.li/2XfuLXk

When Smith started, he says the office had lost $1000s / month in revenue.
Upshaw didn’t respond to requests for comment.
After he lost reelection, discretionary spending skyrocketed.
$9,000 on gloves found online for $1,300
$13,000 on a washing machine found online for $3,000
Plus he purchased four cars. Here’s how he explained it: propub.li/2XfuLXk

“The one that gets defeated, he doesn’t want to be defeated, he doesn’t want to lose,” he said. propub.li/2XfuLXk

w/ @aldotcom/@reckonalabama, we’ll be looking into this for the rest of the year.
Keep up: propub.li/31yeoVd