Sir, I have a VAGINA!
This is the rose ceremony, right?
Aight, let him talk about kids laying in snot. (Huh?)
Did I mention those people are black?
But first, let me not answer the question.
But I’d write my own shit with the help of the people around me
Those people are black
You should vote for me. I’m basically Wonder Woman
I DO NOT wanna hear Savannah Guthrie pee
You want me to solve the gun problem in 1 minute?
What they said.
Beto: No one said they wanted to do that
Stupid Chuck: Ok, Amy, how do you confiscate guns.
Amy: (Sigh) We’re NOT GONNA DO THAT!
Seriously! He has an afro and everything!
Respect my authoritiiiii!
If the Democrats wanna win, we gotta relate to white people!
Everyone: I’mma keep talking
Stupid Chuck Todd: Aight... 30 seconds
I fought with them when I was with the X-Men in Iraq
Gabbard: He’s wrong
Stupid Chuck Todd: I’mma give him 30 more seconds to say absolutely nothing.
He really thought that was gonna slay.
What the fuck does that even mean?
I run NY
It’s about not being forgotten...
Like you’re gonna forget me.
I was an alternate for the Avengers.
I speak Spanish
Three things you should know about me..
1. I love America
2. I can win
3. I know you’re bored now so I’ll shut up
My parents fought with other whites to live around white people.
As soon as I got the chance, I moved back to a black neighborhood.
I have a daughter. She’s cute like me.
We have accumulated the exact same amount of knowledge.
Bitch, I know things!
This is a single elimination tournament, right?
Day Fiancé