*Multi post thread*

Unfortunately @globeandmail @GlobeDebate created a clickbait title here which did not do us justice.
Risk factors:
-Heavy THC use
-Daily THC use
-Genetic Predisposition: may account for 69-84% of the link btw cannabis & psychosis
The majority of cannabis users do not experience psychosis/schizophrenia
Bottom line: With an increase in cannabis consumption we have not seen an increase incidence in psychosis at a population level
Read it here bit.ly/2xUgpgh
Is why you invited me to speak at your cannabis conference last year?
@AVoineskos @DrCharlEls @tibbop @sudschool @CPA_APC @csam_smca
Stay tuned...
@hakique @tomfolanmd @melrod42 @CommPharm @drsanaara @DrMFArboleda @drmikehart @zivacooper @jonathanstea @eksogenisk @AMC_Signpost