Like Alyssa Milano in my earlier thread, Bette is a CAA mouth piece. (CAA threw the public party depicting a child having sex w/a beast while onlookers wearing sex toys snorted cocaine)…
Along with this bizarre child sex ritual party, CAA was repeatedly accused of supplying Harvey Weinstein w/actresses and covering for him. Bette didn't seem to mind AT ALL as is seen in the smiling photos of Bette, her daughter and Weinstein. Eww...…
Sophie attended the $40k/yr Nightengale Bamford school for girls in NY, same as the #Vanderbilts, Weinsteins, #Bronfmans...…
China, huh?
She was also in House of Cards w/Spacey. More pedos for Bette's kiddo……
"Haselberg is a German performance artist,commodities trader and actor. He was born January 20, 1949; in Buenos Aires, Argentina to German parents."…
And I find this interesting:
Turns out Martin Von Haselberg is hard to research b/c he goes by HARRY KIPPER... and he is (or was?) a Scientologist. Aren't they being investigated for human slavery? How many sexual predators can one family take?…
After 3 days of not finding a THING on Bette Midler & Martin and Sophie von Haselberg that didn't appear to simply be scrubbed pr fluff, I find a couple random articles with tiny bits and BAM!
I just found the following bizarre interview of Harry Kipper from 1986...
"My grandfather was the Emperor’s chief of staff. He got the highest military honors that you can get. And personally knew the Emperor and everything."
"[My friend's] father was a real suave black market forger...Just like me."(cont..)…
"Well, my family has been in metal trading and banking for about 300 years and I got into it through them before I went to drama school."
So his family is in banking, huh? Where? Germany?
BM's dad worked as a painter for the Navy in Hawaii. Might be a thing. Might not
Well divers, those are the crumbs. I hope they lead you further than they lead me. I think there's more to her husband's banking/military history &maybe something to Sophie's being groomed at that school and then sent to China to work in advert. Post finds below!
I TOTALLY FORGOT to add that @BetteMidler being loud about anything is weird when she's never been loud about CAA representing NXVIM's child trafficking daycares! protecting Weinstein &throwing a child sex ritual party
see alyssa thread for more info👇
Midler Family Foundation "matches inner city kids with professional theater artists to create original theatre."
seems like no biggie till you see her Jeckyl Foundation "has provided aid to health organizations working in Haiti." Laura Silsby?…
Here's a video compilation of WHAT the Kipper Kidds are about. (@BetteMidler /Ms. Mildew's husband). Pay attention to children and little people. What kind of people do people in this line of work associate with?
This is the trailer for Martin Vonhaselberg/ HarryKipper/ @BetteMidler 's hubby's movie. Remember children and little people. Cannibalism. "Tell yourself this isn't real."
And, in case you think @BetteMidler / BM married him later and wasn't' into perversion, here's a clip of her Ms. Mildew act. Every utterance shows she has very low standards of morality.
Bette got her start in sexually explicit drag shows.
Married husband who's act involved naked men painted like death smearing feces on themselves, cannibalism, &children.
Daughter went to same school as Weinsteins, Vanderbilts, BRONFMANS&...
@POTUS @99freemind @IPOT1776
...after attending the school for pedos, BMs kid moved to China before returning to do a Woody Allen film(Sophie VonHaselberg is surrounded by pedos)
&Bette Midler's husband is not only into demonic, cannibalistic,child abuse art, but...
& look into Danny Elfman
Follow this to the end and make note of any places you might want to dig further. This is quite a tangled web of sick people.…
Ms.Mildew a.k.a. Bette Midler, now forever known simply as BM, involved herself in the Haiti scene via her Jeckyl Foundation which is heavily focused on children.
Can any of you archive the videos of Kipper in this thread as well as the article from '86 with the only findable interview of his showinging his background? I'm not techy.
Ghislaine Maxwell(a.k.a. Epstine's child grabber) attends a gala for BMs project to pair actors(drag queens?) w/children for BMs Jeckyl Foundation (also known for their work in Haiti) Thanks @Christi_Amator for pointing me toward @la_nimboni's find!