OC just voted to stay with considering Overture 4.
@kawekiuokalani making heartfelt plea that the NS is not pastorally helpful & that it would harm congregants, need PCA to do study committee.
@fredgreco clarifies parliamentary procedure as someone moved to previous question.
@SeanMLucas is still doing great with procedure.
Lots of laughter. Good spirit here.
We need a study committee. He’s been dealing with this for 20yrs. Ppl who think NS is clear haven’t been listening.
This issue needs extra care.
No substantive difference apparent on the doctrine itself.
Must now approve a partial report on today’s work and then on to O37.
So now I know what happened: 2 procedural motions have passed to skip discussion on O37 & O28.
So ruled.
On to O39
@fredgreco asks to start at 8am tomorrow b/c he has a lunch at 11:30am. Chair agrees.
On to main to answer in the affirmative.
Reason: the study committee won’t provide anything we don’t already have and it does nothing more than reflect one assembly if adopted. Plus it is costly.
Back to the main motion to answer O42 in the affirmative.
Recess declared until 7:30pm
Amendment passes.
He says lower courts are supposed to deal with these questions. The work is being done grassroots, not top down.
Plus study committees don’t answer the main ?s b/c it’s the lower common denominator.
How do we walk w/ ppl who were told they must choose their child’s gender?
pleads 4 help frm a study committee.
Chair agrees.
Pipa apologizes and continues that we must give an answer.
@fredgreco point of privilege, “It’s hot.” Chair agrees.
It’s getting late and been a long day.
Forming a subcommittee to explain grounds for work up unto this point headed up by @fredgreco
@MeltonDuncan will lead another subcommittee.
@kevinjtwit another.
Recess called. O37 first thing tomorrow.
Opening now in prayer.
We will be very pressed for time, so he hopes ppl won’t say things already said.
Amendment seems aimed at identity markers.
Next commissioner offers a substitute to the whole to answer this in reference to O42.
Substitute for the whole motion fails.
We have a main to answer in the affirmative & a substitute to answer in reference to O4.
Commissioner urges everyone to recognize time and to urge everyone not to debate this motion and to recover the same ground as O37.
Things seem to be moving a bit faster now.
The chair reminds him we've covered this ground and asks him to consider our time.
The commissioner continues.
We're on O7.
O10 looks to be the one ppl want to pass.
We need expert counsel from those who know trauma and abuse.
Jerid Krulish gives great speech in defense of the term b/c abuse extends beyond physical harm to other forms of manipulation, shaming, & controlling.
Commentary: Might be missing the forest for the trees here...
Amendment fails.
@SeanMLucas reminds committee where we are with various motions.
Commissioner moves to previous question to go to substitute to answer in the negative.
Commentary: This speech is absolutely ridiculous.
@SeanMLucas appears pleased with this to move business along.
And there was much rejoicing.
First up, O8.
A long line is forming.
The chair is doing such a great job with process. I am in awe.
Says committees make recommendations & do not rule. They r subject to the GA court, so women should b able 2 serve there.
Long line behind him, and it seems like many ppl want to speak against this.
Point of personal privilege made to demonstrate how to speak into the non-multidirectional mic.
Next commissioner says this isn't abt men & women but about ordination. We should only have ordained ppl serving on these committees.
Round of applause for Chair @SeanMLucas 's handling of the committee.
Procedural motion regarding when O11 is considered on the GA floor because changes that were made would resolve issues with another committees recommendation.
On to O2.
Chair says, please, let's deal with these last 4 overtures and grounds.
Framing this O as a blessing without talking to the seminary is unhealthy/dysfunctional. Why leave the seminary in the dark?
Motion passes. Dr. Dalbey about to speak.
Dr. Dalbey makes it clear that the seminary does not want what this overture calls for, reads board statement.
Now we are on to O46 or O48 regarding abortion.
I was wrong. This looks like it will wrap up before lunch.
Personal Commentary: I'm hungry.
Assembly business begins at 3pm. I will try to live tweet the business of the GA the next few days. Will depend on how business goes.
Great work. Even better moderation by Chair @SeanMLucas who receives a round of applause.
I'll try to be back tweeting later.
Personal Commentary: If you aren't already, find a PCA church and become a presbyterian.