The upshot is that very few families are coming forward to take any of their young relatives in their care. This is the biggest reason centers with kids are overcrowded.
First, let’s cover the easy one - money.
The numbers vary depending on how you calculate, and on who is calculating, but they’re all high.
Don’t trust GQ? No problem. How about the conservative Washington Times?
This is a lot of taxpayer money. And one of the objections you might get here is this: releasing these children is not going to make this money reappear. However...
In contrast, releasing a child to family members...
There’s the money argument. It’s one I’m bringing up in discussions with fiscal conservatives here in Texas.
Next up on why the 4/13/18 memo is a bad idea? Crime
However, if a goal of increased border security is safety from gangs...
The worst option? Keeping them in crowded, poorly provisioned centers where they will likely have to band together for safety and resources.
That one’s a no-brainer.
It should be really obvious that the longer a child stays in one of the centers, the more long-term psychological damage is possible. This is true for even the best-kept centers. Pediatricians have been sounding this alarm for some time.
But most of these centers are not in top shape. And no matter what you might hear from Chattanooga pastors making visits, the government itself freely admits that they’re running out of resources. DHS outlined this clearly…
(This report is specifically discussing the centers in which migrant children stay before they are taken into more permanent camps, but the reason these particular centers are overwhelmed...

Now, assume the absolute best about everyone working at these facilities for a moment – even with top-level caring staff and unlimited resources...
Arresting parents and relatives who step forward to take care of a child has made it far more likely that no one else will come forward. To state the obvious.
Call your representative. Ask them very specifically to push to take this rule back.
Make a commitment to call once a week. All we need to do is get this on their radar. Rescind the 4/13/18 memo.
Thank you.