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Jul 20th 2019, 30 tweets, 13 min read Read on Twitter
Much criticism is made by MSM & opposition parties about LPC maintenance of water quality in FN communities. A little research reveals the truth about safe drinking water.

It’s a problem, and there are no easy or inexpensive solutions.
The conservatives had an abysmal record of addressing water crises in FN communities. Including Attawapiskat. Here’s a report from the Harper era. 10 years of ignoring the issue by Harper.…
Liberals addressed 85 clean water advisories since 2015. Therefore Trudeau isn’t doing enough.

Seems a little hypocritical damning the government that has addressed more than half of clean water advisories in less than 4 years.

How many did Harper complete in 10 years?
Harper government also had water quality issues across Canada, not just FN reserves. Here’s a report from May 2008. And a corresponding report for FN communities from 2007.……
CPC implemented Building Canada plan in 2011 to build infrastructure, which included OFF reserve water quality. The ulterior objective: meet the Asia Pacific Gateway & Corridor Initiative (APGCI) priorities. Not water quality.……
Notice the Building Canada plan is directly linked to APGCI. Many think infrastructure priority was an economic recovery mechanism. But Harper signed an agreement with China in 2005, long before the recession in 2007/2008.…
Harper initiated the Asia-Pacific Gateway & Corridor Initiative (APGCI) in 2006. Before the economic downturn in 2007/2008 began. Eerily similar in name and intent to China’s more recently announced Belt and Road Initiative.…

Here are the priorities for China, discussed and agreed upon by Harper & Chinese President, as listed on the Chinese embassy website from 2005:
1. Investment
2. Energy & Resources
3. Service Trade
4. Dialogue on Trade Policy
5. Personnel Exchange
To service trade appropriately, reliable infrastructure is required. Harper knew water quality was an issue nationally. Ageing infrastructure and out of date technology were an issue throughout rural Canada. Not just for FN on reserve.
How common are RURAL water quality issues in developed nations? Very. Here’s a report from CMAJ stating it’s a significant issue due to the changing nature of water supply. It’s not just FN reserves.…
Harper used Building Canada funds to improve rural water safety across Canada. Feds worked with Provincial & Municipal partners. Separate funds were allocated for FN communities. FN were provided less funding & no control of projects. Decisions were made centrally vs locally.
The 2007 report on FN Water Quality & Waste Water Management identified Drinking Water Advisories (DWA) on reserve were mainly due to unacceptable microbiological quality, inadequate disinfection, & equipment malfunction. But Harper made training operators the priority?
Funding focussed on FN capacity building vs addressing poor equipment, failing infrastructure & chronic underfunding which the 2007 report suggests is the problem.

CPC solution: blame water quality on FN capacity.
In 2013, Harper enacted the Safe Drinking Water for First Nations Act, enabling the Federal government to impose regulations in FN communities. A paternalistic policy maintaining centralized control of water quality for FN on reserve.…
A report on the outcomes of the Harper FN water quality strategy reveals increased capacity to detect and address water safety, but ongoing operational & infrastructure problems.

Increased detection, no funding to address the problems.…
What did Liberals do in response to this report?
Human Rights Watch notes the level of funding. $4.6B LIBERAL govt funding over 5 yrs. Water quality is included, however, the funding is meant to address multiple infrastructure issues, not just water.
They also held consultations with FN to discern what we’re water needs in 2017-18.…
Now, AFN is leading consultations in 2019 with FN to address issues with the Safe Drinking Water for FN Act.…
Self governance & self determination.
A recent article relates that action taken by installing real time monitoring systems in FN communities and improving training as well as offering it to more than one person on reserve, could significantly reduce precautionary boil water advisories.…
The water quality on FN is abysmal. Caused undoubtedly by federal government neglect, underfunding, centralized planning, ideological adherence and a host of other contributing factors. Solutions will require new infrastructure and increased funding.
It’s disingenuous at best to blame Trudeau for water crisis. There are valid criticisms. The allotted funding is not enough to eradicate the problem. Facilities and technology are outdated, or unable to meet the rigorous standards required to maintain water safety.
But rather than taking a paternalistic approach, LPC government is working with FN to address the problem, even taking a supportive rather than leadership role, in the AFN led initiative to develop FN water regulations. A long overdue move towards self determination by FN.
Will it lead to increased funding for infrastructure, or a FN led enforceable water standards regulation strategy, safer water for FN communities? Time will tell.

But Liberals are changing the way government interacts with FN. Taking a supportive role vs centralized governance.
Interesting the Post Millennial circulates a FN crisis, then MSM picks up the story a few days later.

Are some FN working with Conservative partisans to embarrass the LPC government regarding their clean water agenda? Is MSM amplifying FN crises independently or by Con request?
The fact that water quality in rural areas is a problem in many developed nations escapes the attention of MS news articles reporting continued problems with FN water quality, all of which are rural, some remote locations. Is it nefarious intent, or just sloppy investigation?
Are FN paying the price for centralized control & chronic underfunding? Yes.

Is the Liberal government choosing to work in partnership with FN to address a problem 40 years in the making? Definitely YES!

Are problems going to be solved immediately? No
Cherry picking facts, suppressing relevant information regarding FN consultation & efforts to address the failing new & old infrastructure, minimizing temporary improvements while a long term solution is developed by FN themselves: All MSM are guilty of these actions.
If I were a conspiracy theorist, I might suspect MSM is shaping the narrative in CPC’s favour, under the guidance of Con operatives & complicit CPC FN actors trying to paint LPC as ineffective.

Completely undermining the efforts of FN leaders to create a long term solution.
For emphasis. This stuff isn’t hard to find. It’s all public access.…
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