Jul 20th 2019, 7 tweets, 2 min read Read on Twitter
The entire idea of a minimum wage is absurd. Full stop. I don't care what the "rate" is currently or what they want to increase it to. I don't care about how many jobs it will cost. The idea that the government can set the wage is absurd. The min wage by it's very presence
...causes poverty not because of its rate but because it artificially sets the wage outside of market forces. You want higher wages? Stop illegal immigration, put up tariffs, reduce legal immigration, reduce welfare. It's that simple....supply and demand.
...having the same government officials that pushed policies to intentionally lower/cap wages via trade and immigration say they will increase the wage is stupid. They caused the mess, blame greedy businessmen and then promise to fix it.
It's just like what is happening on the border. They caused the mess by failing to close loopholes, by pushing the caravans to come, by refusing to fund the border forces, then when the mess is at a crisis point, they blame someone else and promise to fix it.
This is how politicians operate on issue after issue. They cause a mess then promise to fix it. Obamacare /Medicare for all anyone?
There is an old tale on how to gain power. You tell a village about the dangers of lions, you then secretly release a 🦁 into a village, after it eats a couple villagers, you kill it or drive it away.

It's a very old strategy for gaining and keeping power and...
....the people continue to fall for it. The min wage debate is stupid and absurd. The politicians tell you the dangers of low wages, the min wage is introduced into the village. The politicians drive the low wages away. Rinse and repeat.
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