We need to find a way to address gun violence so we don't have 49 people get shot up for enjoying their lives. And still preserve the Second Amendment. 1/
On New Year's Eve, 2011 my truck was broken into while I was working late, doing end-of-year banking stuff. When my boss and I heard the alarm, we bolted for the back door. 11/
Tomorrow I'll add some notes from growing up around guns and also not dying. 14/
Mass shootings are about consistent in frequency and # of victims. theconversation.com/mass-shootings… 16/
We have seen a lot since 1999. 19/
⏹"Mentalal health experts" (psychiatrists) say it's "not us!" Mental health is fine!
If you ask me? I say we're dealing with a Spiritual matter. I'm kinda with Oprah on this point. 🙏 breitbart.com/entertainment/…
This will be no blanket endorsement — Look back to my first statement. 28/

"We don't want guns in the hands of the wrong people." 33/
"doesn’t run roughshod over the rights of Americans, but rather that the executive branch has to make a proactive case before a court, and then a court would have to adjudicate..." 36/ netnebraska.org/article/news/1…
related to background checks, red flags of course, assault weapons, and domestic terrorism as federal crime. 37/ thehill.com/homenews/senat…
🔸Who decides who is 'crazy'? Who appoints the judges?
This can't be about blanket identifying people as crazy, based on posting a range selfie to social media. We're talking about people making threats to act... 38/
Correct. Who says there isn't (or can't be) due process? There are many places TO-DAY you can't go with a weapon. People convicted of certain crimes can't possess firearms and other restrictions... 39/
While I appreciate Rep. Massie's commitment, this could be amended to the law. Some kind of plan even @SenTedCruz could support?
Once again, red flag laws are NOT the #2a. They're also mainly designed to address Mental Health and threatening situations, not drug busts.
Rand Paul is open to meaningful discussion. apnews.com/5b1d65103fc04c… /42(b)
- 28 were related to domestic violence
- 45 to mental illness
- 37 contemplating suicide
Judges granted 3/4 of petitions. 1 concern is the cost of an attorney being out of reach for many. This has to be addressed or it's not a fair process. 46/