1/ "Two of Mr. Epstein’s longtime attorneys, Darren Indyke and Jeffrey Schantz, were involved w/some of his trusts and other entities in New York and in the Virgin Islands, according to incorporation documents."
Aug 11, 2019:
So Indyke got involved after Prosperi died.
"Broker 👉Lawrence Moens👈 of Lawrence A Moens Associates acted on [buyer] Ward’s behalf in the sale opposite listing agent Kerry Levenson Warwick of 👉Douglas Elliman👈. (more...)
Jun 24 2008:
So DJT has THREE brokers for Maison de L’Amitie in 3-month span. Makes perfect sense, right?
*⃣100% speculation, but could it have been...Ghislaine?
So, who was behind the 3-brokers-in-3-months-for-sale-to-Rybolovev just before the 2008 financial meltdown?

Aug 13, 1985:
John B. Gosman DOB: 10/14/1928 - 1/30/1999
Abe D. Gosman, born 1929 (?) - 10/21/2013